@MinisterJay No problemo!
Hope to see it when it's complete :)
Got a new screenshot to show. Been adding to the town I've been working on recently. Quite happy with how my art skills are coming along lately.
Still more to add to the area, my plan is to have a town square... something like Back to the future.
[doublepost=1449006370,1448935386][/doublepost]Been waiting for someone to post....heck, Can't wait any longer. I wanna show off what I've been working on.
The first screenshot, is of the town I've been working on , in all it's glory (so far...there's still a bunch to add).
At the moment i'm thinking of adding a little park and a hotdog/ice cream stand to the right hand side of the screen. Going off to the right would lead to more of the town such as a town hall, police station ect.
The second screenshot, is a sequence ive been toying with. Basically in this scene, the player is running down spiraling and twisting stairs made out of piano keys. The keys will fall into oblivion behind the player (also in front), which in turn; the player partakes in a QTE. The scene will be fully animated, i'm really trying to push myself in terms of animation and what i'm and the engine is capable of.
Love to hear back from you guys. Really appreciate any sorta feedback, ideas...anything really. Even the negative, sometimes you can get so wrapped up in your own thing, that you don't see the whole picture. So if you think i'm on the wrong path or something, let me know :)