@Bizarre Monkey yours are just very awesome o.o
Wait... my dungeons?
Well, I don't really make 'dungeons', I just sort of make world areas... I dunno, how does one define a dungeon? It probably has something to do with celery... or carrots.
I know SOME kind of vegetable is the answer.
But not which.
Dunno y I'm getting the undertale vibes from your posts here...
All of them or just some?
I do reference it occasionally when it would still be understood as a joke from someone who hadn't played the game. But I actually go to an absurd effort to avoid doing that in my games UNLESS it can fit and make sense for someone who hadn't played it.
Boned being the exception, but since it was just an assessment project I wasn't worried about being heavily inspired.
It also meant I could get the stupid out of my system in time for something that could actually matter.
This weekend I'll be devoting almost every waking hour to Intelligence dev. I have to have a pre-release version ready before sunday's end, huhuhu~
Thankfully I'm SUPER AHEAD OF SCHEDULE for school stuff, so I don't have ANY HOMEWORK at all for this weekend.
Now, this isn't exactly a screenshot, but I'm rebranding Intelligence's Logos, and this was the design concept I went with.
My artist Xiie, who's behind most of the good looking portraits and logos in my games, will be tasked with it's rendering, which means I can focus on the heavy game testing and polish and all that stuff!