Damn! Your images are actually hard broken Myst. Like usually I can weave to the image by using copy image url and pasting it in a new tab but it gives me a gmail image.
How are you embedding these?? Like, I'm not making fun of you, I just have no idea how you are managing what you are!
Alright, onto the topic at hand!
Those look fantastic Garcia, the only thing that irks me a little is the wood textures are so clearly cut where they meet the entry way.
Alright, so I've done a lot.
Let's begin with the windowskin update.
Secondly, a large overhaul to some of the skills in Intelligence, some things were functionally useless, such as remedic focus, global purge, and several of limbo's abilities. This has been corrected. A lot of abilities were also renamed to be less generic.
Not shown here, but animations have been largely improved across the board, also.
My composer composed six damn tracks today. O.O
Also, he really did a superb job so I can't resist showing it for this one.
Boss theme for Noir.
"Look at you, weak little insects. Four fading lights in the ever growing abyss... cherish the coruscant light you grant yourselves, for soon--- nothing will remain, but the tranquil silence of the void." ~Noir: The Shadowlord