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  1. PandaMaru

    It should help your voice getting better soon. :)

    It should help your voice getting better soon. :)
  2. PandaMaru

    Ohhh, I know that. =__= So well... PS wants every user to be paranoid and save every 30 sec, or...

    Ohhh, I know that. =__= So well... PS wants every user to be paranoid and save every 30 sec, or it will swallow your hours of work.
  3. PandaMaru


    some basic snowflake-shapes with a little effect
  4. PandaMaru

    Reeeeed Pandaaaa Powaaaa MAKE UP! *glittering* *change to MV-Version-Maru* | New Avatar X3

    Reeeeed Pandaaaa Powaaaa MAKE UP! *glittering* *change to MV-Version-Maru* | New Avatar X3
  5. PandaMaru

    How to make screenshots for steamupload

    Hm, found these option and tested it with some other programs on steam. It works - but not with the MV and testgames of it. Does it work for you? I can't activate that InGame-steamfunction in the Maker or its games, it seems.
  6. PandaMaru

    How to make screenshots for steamupload

    I know how to take normal screenshots and upload them. ^^ I want to upload the screens to the steam screenshot section of the RM MV. But I can't find an option to uplaod them manually to steam. And the steam screenshot manager doesn't seems to work.
  7. PandaMaru

    How to make screenshots for steamupload

    Maybe a silly question... But how can I take and upload screenshots of MV games if I want to upload them on steam? F12 should start the screenshot manager but nothing happen at all on my laptop.
  8. PandaMaru

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Kaimen | ;D It is possible that trees grows at the edge of a cliff... But you are right. Some pixels higher would look better (but the grid don't allow that without losing a complete tile). Thank you all. :) @LTN Games | Sorry, I don't like the entire DLC, so I can't say anything about it.
  9. PandaMaru

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Samplemap for my new MV-Tileset. I try to use as much as possible on a single screen.
  10. PandaMaru

    o/ *waves* Hoi!

    o/ *waves* Hoi!
  11. PandaMaru

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    Thank you all o///o<3 A matching door:
  12. PandaMaru

    Advent Calendar

    That could be a good opportunity for all who think about joining the Resource Team as a test run. ;) But for everyone else too. I can offer graphical help, if someone like to share his Christmas recipes in this event. (Like here) I hope a lots of differnet things will come together. X3 Then...
  13. PandaMaru

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    First finished set! /o/ Nature I will upload it to the db when I have a nice sample screen for it. Next things will be beach stuff due to a request, I think.
  14. PandaMaru

    Working on my nature tileset. Hope to finish it soon.

    Working on my nature tileset. Hope to finish it soon.
  15. PandaMaru

    Get well soon. *sage tea brew*

    Get well soon. *sage tea brew*
  16. PandaMaru

    Resource staff?

    Yes, that's true. I have good experience with a suggested theme + open for everything. The users don't really need a theme and are happy with all free resource they can receive.
  17. PandaMaru

    Banner Revote

    @Bizzare Monkey This way we don't have a single logo that could be used for more things, like the christmas contest-banner. A logo that represent the community. I don't know why the people should be pissed about a logo. They all can follow the development of the community and the situation.
  18. PandaMaru

    Resource staff?

    @Pine Not all. ;) A lot of communitys have this idea without copy VXNet. Bi-monthly is a good interval.
  19. PandaMaru


  20. PandaMaru

    CLOSED! [Workshop] LTN’s Mapping Madness

    A little hint for you @LTN Games c: Use shift-mapping for the carpets and let the frame vanish into the walls so that it's look like the wall cover some part of the square carpets. (Nobody would weave carpets in so unregular forms. )