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  1. PandaMaru

    Banner Voting Part 1.

    1. 22 2. 20 3. 9
  2. PandaMaru

    I have my problems with the language, so I need someone for the texts. I have no specific plan...

    I have my problems with the language, so I need someone for the texts. I have no specific plan for a game yet. I can do mapping, graphics, eventing and have ideas. ^^ I'm searching for someone doing my first babysteps with the MV.
  3. PandaMaru

    In search for a partner for a short first MV Game.

    In search for a partner for a short first MV Game.
  4. PandaMaru

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @LTN Games Mh, the mix don't work so well because Germania is pixelart and my tiles are drawn and have another contrast. My suggestion would be to implicate my tiles and do something to match the contrast. I could help you with that. Just send me a pm with your set-mix. :)
  5. PandaMaru

    Color Acuity Test

    27... OTL damn, didn't expect that... the blue hues are my weakness it seems.
  6. PandaMaru

    :( Woah, that's some bad luck out of the book... Soory for your loss too. @[51:@dcsant]: thax *hug*

    :( Woah, that's some bad luck out of the book... Soory for your loss too. @[51:@dcsant]: thax *hug*
  7. PandaMaru

    Game Makers Mega Bundle

    *whispers* You get the licence for all the Ace-stuff to future use in MV. :D *be a bad influence*
  8. PandaMaru

    Critiquing Guidelines?

    I have had experienced trouble on both sides with critique. There a a huge gap how people interpret cirtique of their work. The same text about the work of someone who is new can be misunderstud as destructiv although it's in fact constructive and the advanced see it that way. Someone who only...
  9. PandaMaru

    Cloud Knight's Pixel Art Extravaganza

    Maybe this could help you:
  10. PandaMaru

    Game Makers Mega Bundle

    xD I'm just send a pm to you with the same suggestion for the staff.
  11. PandaMaru

    Game Makers Mega Bundle
  12. PandaMaru

    My grandparents died this year. I went to the funeral of my gandfather today. Last year I lost...

    My grandparents died this year. I went to the funeral of my gandfather today. Last year I lost my cousin and my pets.
  13. PandaMaru

    Mascot Contest!

    @Amysaurus I really like your style <3 I have it more with mages. So here are a short sketch of my idea. I don't feel so well. Maybe I' ll finish it another day.
  14. PandaMaru

    I'm feeling so blue... can't focus on positiv things. This year was terrible in so many ways and...

    I'm feeling so blue... can't focus on positiv things. This year was terrible in so many ways and it's not over jet...
  15. PandaMaru

    Opinions on the Halloween Update

    Looks good, but it's not my pumpkin. :pumpkin: Icons found here: @Rise Evil Hm, Light and Halloween? Dark matches more the theme I...
  16. PandaMaru

    Opinions on the Halloween Update

    I make a very simple mockup of my suggestion. (I personal like it far more fancy than that xD)
  17. PandaMaru

    Opinions on the Halloween Update

    With an own skin, you don't have to redo all your work after Halloween and could put it on every year.
  18. PandaMaru

    Opinions on the Halloween Update

    I must say that that are to much pumpkins vor me. :( Sry! I think some other little changes like a own halloween-skin with orange instead of red maybe, or a single pumpkin in the header. Maybe a little banner we users could put in our signature if we want.
  19. PandaMaru

    *pet the orange ball* *pat pat*

    *pet the orange ball* *pat pat*
  20. PandaMaru

    Add me on Steam

    PandaMaru from Germany