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Critiquing Guidelines?

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I may have missed this and I apologize, but is there a post near the feedback/playtesting realm discussing how to be a good critic? I think a huge downfall for a number of communities is that they end up with a bad mix of new people who don't know how to honestly critique and experienced people who don't know how to constructively critique. I feel like it'd be useful to have a document or post outlining how to be a helpful tester so that anyone new (or not new) to the community can have a reference and feel relatively safe from destructive commentary.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
This is a great idea. Basically so far we have a great friendly community with generally good feedback and critic, but it never hurts to have a nice guideline for it. Would you be willing to write such a guideline?, I am sure there would be a shiny badge for doing such a thing.
This is a great idea. Basically so far we have a great friendly community with generally good feedback and critic, but it never hurts to have a nice guideline for it. Would you be willing to write such a guideline?, I am sure there would be a shiny badge for doing such a thing.
I'll preface this by saying I'm relatively fresh to the concept of online forums (I used to, it turned sour, I left); however, I'm also keenly aware of the critiquing process as a seasoned writer and general creator.

If you would like me to, I'd be more than willing to write a post on "critiquing guidelines" (badge or no badge :3). I'd send you a copy of it before posting, as well as I would ask where the best place to post it would be. I don't imagine it'll take more than 24hrs to develop - the weekend is upon us, after all!

This is something that did not exist in previous forums I was a part of, and it resulted in many regulars inexplicably tearing apart people's work. Lots of creativity shot down, lots of nasty comments and hate left behind, many beginners giving up before they got very far. I don't want that to take over here, ever. If you would like me to compose a draft, let me know. ^u^

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I would be happy to see something like this, anything to help the community to stay friendly is greatly appreciated. So yes please do create this and then PM me or any staff member and we will review it and make sure it is put into the proper places.


Local Hero
I have had experienced trouble on both sides with critique. There a a huge gap how people interpret cirtique of their work. The same text about the work of someone who is new can be misunderstud as destructiv although it's in fact constructive and the advanced see it that way. Someone who only want to help and wrote large comments with a lots of critique will be shortcut by the beginner with "Why don't you write you hate it in the first place?!" and then the critic feels attaked. I see that a lot in the communitys.
Sadly it's leeding to "if you don't have to say something nice, say nothing at all and ignore it" and I personaly don't think that this is the best way to help.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
The critique guidelines and template is now available, you can view it here . Thank you very much @Storytailor for taking the time to create this and help out the community.

I am now locking and moving this thread, if for some reason you believe this should be re-opened please contact a staff member or report the post.
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