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Cloud Knight's Pixel Art Extravaganza

Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer
hi there! my name is cloud knight, but you probably already know that by now from reading the title!
here il be updating consistently my pixel art creations. even thought they are not good. but i hope you enjoy it and lets have some fun shall we
there will be two sections!

Baby Versions
they are so cute no need to spoiler tag them because their cuteness over rules it ALSO!!! they are small and don't take up much.
some zelda fan pixel art fairly easy to design.
so cute these little ones
too bad it doesn't hold a pikachu also fairly easy to design.
master chief fan pixel art i know i know not really but i sorta think so.
a holy knight, by your's truly!

PUPPY BOXER DOG WITH GLASSES !!! cuteness over 90,000
3d cube attempt not sure how i feel about this
hey!!! that looks like that block from mario !
is it frosty in here ?
a sun and a tree (nothing special).
penguin attempt.
NOOO its a creeper, kill it before it pops !!!
oh click this, my fav web browser!

Giant Versions
beware spoiler !!! i will have them hidden so they don't take up the screen to badly... clickers beware!! uglyness adwaits.

that's all for now, at the date of October 16th of 2015! will update every so often, so if you like what ya see!!! come on back every so often, to check out my newest pixel art!!!!
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
How long have you been doing pixel art? . To me this is way better than I can do, though I have never oficially tried.You got the shapes down good, but no shading it makes the art look flat, which is fine because it is a style. Keep practicing though I am sure they will just keep getting better and better. I hope to see your progress as you post them here.

Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer

also appreciate the compliment @LTN Games !!! truly do i updated the post with more new ones so i guess i hit the max images in the first post so i will just update them as i go with more and more in new message posts. as for how long i have been doing pixel art. not too long maybe a couple of months. it started with recolor's then edits to excising sprites. then to transforming sprites to my own likening!! then the cut and copy merge sprites together then recolor for a cool effect (like making fakemon aka fake'a'mon) or you can say fake pokemon) to trying out pixel arting myself and well now i just mess around every now and then just designing whatever i feel at the moment. thanks for checking my thread out and leaving feedback!! i hope you stick around. also i like that shark keep it up !!!!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I like these quite a bit, the minecraft creeper is really great :) You seem to have your lines looking really straight and clean, your circles are pro and the prespective is looking good as well. Keep on working at it though I like what I am seeing, though I am no pixel artist.