@Ruby: heights are a bit off in the first map, and it's easy to tell since everything's so close to each other. I'd spread it out a little more, and change up some of the stuff like the towers, which appear to be the same height as the houses.
@Monkey: I withdrew from a course. Best decision ever made - the impact was minimal, I was hired elsewhere anyway and most companies don't even ask to see your degree - it's just used as a screening thing (the content is practically irrelevant to whatever job you do as well) and there are other ways to get past the screening without having to go through job apps that hundreds of others also apply though.
Just do something that isn't mainstream and you'll stand out better than someone with a Masters or something.
Well ultimately I would rather stay unemployed so I can keep making games, the twist I found out late tonight is that I'd have to do community service or search for a job despite having no qualifications. I aim to be my own job, so I'd rather courses than community work.
In Australia jobs are virtually a rare resource, the Abbott Government scapegoats immigration and "boat people" as the cause, but really it's because our industry has become so set on making mining our golden pig of avarice that it seems giving handouts and subsidies to these mega-companies who just want to badly to bring our climate to ruin has had to effect some people. These are Health firms, educational institutes and such, they don't have the funds to keep as many employees paid as they would if our government wasn't so deluded in the notion of coal being our economic savior, finding a job here is like a needle in a haystack search.
The worst part is that liberal voters don't seem to be keen on donkey voting in 2016 so we'll have at least another four years of this madness, and likely more since Rupert Murdoch and Gina Rinehart, both greedy insane people, are the dictators of our mainstream media.
Grrr... Liberal Party is basically your republican party, except not a huge joke. They've more or less become corporately-sided dictators and driven our country into the dirt over the past 3 years. The Great Barrier Reef?
It's almost entirely GONE.
Rights of people? Also almost gone.
Sorry. I'm angry about all of this, I'll swing us back on topic.
Here's a little more of Boned.