Indie Dev

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  1. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    Strong hearing and weak smell...Are we secretly related?! (Silly question is silly, don't feel obligated to answer). I hear 10x louder than average and have no sense of smell. Thank you for teaching me through your similarities :D What kind of material is your desk made out of? Or whatever...
  2. Juneberry

    New member!

    If everyone that wrote liked editing, I wouldn't have a job right now (I'm actually an editor for a literary magazine outside this xD). I understand you not enjoying it. Sometimes I hate it myself! Especially editing my own work...There's a reason editors exist is my point. :P I only like...
  3. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    Sensory overload- I know that well! That gives me more questions actually. 1) What is your strongest sense, and what's your weakest? (I know it sounds like a weird question) 2) What's your favorite of each sense- IE, your favorite sound to hear in general (or favorite song), favorite...
  4. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    I'm jealous because I'm STILL terrified of thunderstorms. Mostly the thunder part. I hate loud noises. But I see...You have lots hobbies! Do you consider yourself an extrovert? Since you really enjoy people in general. What do you like doing when you're hanging out with others? Do you accept...
  5. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    He just accidentally touches weird spots when he hugs me and such so I get uncomfortable. I'm already half androphobic from other issues. Did I mention I have a lot of phobias yet? *waits for more questions about that too xD*
  6. Juneberry

    Hello, it's me :v

    Ah I see! Sebastian isn't that uncommon a name to me, and I'm not a Spanish speaker. Though...I watch a lot of anime, and anime varies a lot with name backgrounds. But...I honestly always thought Sebastian was an English name. Glad you like my nickname I gave you. I thought it sounded cute. :P...
  7. Juneberry


    @Machijubar, your icon is adorable and makes me want to give you a cutesy nickname like Macchan. Is that bad? Seriously, you're adorable to me already. I use the steam version too. What do you like most about MV in general so far?
  8. Juneberry

    New member!

    Nice to meetcha, Dunlap! What's your favorite part of writing? I'm a writer and editor myself. If you ever need editing help, let me know (though I'm picky on what I'll work on). :D I like a mix of Sci-Fi and Fantasy myself. I like your studio name! You should make a game with time travel to...
  9. Juneberry

    Hopefully here for the long haul. :D

    Hi there Noctis (is it okay if I call you that?). I can definitely see lots of passion in your work, and I'm super impressed with the maps (especially the grassier areas- the desert/mountainous places are kind of...bland. But that might also just be me.) How did you change the colorscheme of...
  10. Juneberry

    Hello, it's me :v

    Hiya, Lordy! What's S3B stand for? I'm curious. I look forward to improving our skills together, too!
  11. Juneberry


    Nice to meet you @-YS-! You have a very interesting name. How'd you choose it? I rarely see names with dashes on either side. I look forward to being good friends, too! I'd love some mapping tips sometime. :D
  12. Juneberry


    I noticed the term Odin and flailed excitedly due to the Norse mythology implication myself. Like Mysiath, I like mythology. I'm very curious now. :D I wanna know more about you, too, though. Tell us more! And I don't know FF 8 or 12, but I've played a wee bit of FF 7. Pretty good. What makes...
  13. Juneberry


    Nice to meet you, Indsh! How do you say your name, anyway? It's an interesting one! Your spelling isn't bad- I don't know why you think it's 'the worst'. I see no real major issues at all with it. Some grammar issues, maybe, but your spelling is actually really good! I work as an editor, so I...
  14. Juneberry


    Nice to meet you, stranger! I'd love to hear more about you sometime soon. :) Enjoy your stay here.
  15. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    Cacti is the correct word! I liked seeing you checking out the right wording. Do you have an interest in language overall? How many languages do you speak? What kinds of things are you afraid of? What other hobbies do you have? :D
  16. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Do you have an iron stomach or do you find you get nauseated a lot? Can you speak any other languages? Do you still play Pokemon games? If so, are you excited for Sun and Moon?
  17. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    There's no question to answer but in reaction: My dad was attacked by a drunk neighbor right in front of me once, but that's not why I don't drink. I don't drink because I'm a lightweight that gets instant migraines. I don't like being around drunk people at all though because of it, and I'm...
  18. Juneberry

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    What timezone are you in? Have you ever thought of participating in NaNoWriMo since you like writing stories?
  19. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    1) I'd like to visit the UK, because my boyfriend lives there. Simple question, simple answer. There's lots of other places I want to go though. Just...Not exactly right now xD 2) If we're talking cigarettes and such, nope. Never smoked. Yes, it's shocking. But...I've hated them since I was a...
  20. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    *high fives for fellow brain won't shut uppery* What kind of mind games do you play? Do you like cats also? Do you has allergies? (Yes I purposely made that error)