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  1. Juneberry

    Newbie at RPGMaker

    While others have noted all the help you'll likely find here, I bet you'll be able to give support and help to others here too! Like you, we're passionate about the art of game making- and together, we'll all grow well! I look forward to watching your growth, and how it affects my own. :)
  2. Juneberry

    Who am i?

    So just to be clear, that title is a rhetoric, right? Anywho...Nice to meet you, Kajika. What part of designing is it you enjoy most? I always get curious what 'designing' refers to from one person to the next, as it often feels like an elusive field to me. I'm also just easily curious and...
  3. Juneberry

    Zeb's AMA thread

    I'm too lazy to look back at answers you've already given. Are you lazy too? And how do you feel about repeat questions? If you could have any animal as a pet (real or fantastical) what would you have? Do you play the saxophone? Your image makes me curious. What instruments /do/ you play?
  4. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    What's your favorite snack? Is it hard having five brothers (in general and as the only girl)? Are you more of a tomboy or a girly girl? (is that a dumb question xD)
  5. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Do you like puzzles? (If yes, additional: What's your favorite kind of puzzle?) Do you prefer to read/write script or print fonts? Do you remember your first video game console?
  6. Juneberry

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    If it helps at all, you're still an inch taller than me. Giant. >:P What do you do when you wake up in the morning? When DO you tend to wake up? What's your favorite thing to drink?
  7. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    Those are some really difficult and good questions! I'm both impressed and intimidated trying to answer. xD In regards to books/movies I'd want to be in...Probably Pokemon world? I'd probably like to be myself though. I'm sure there are other places I'd enjoy, but...It's hard to say. All...
  8. Juneberry

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    What's this magical illness you get every few years? It sounds less magical and more curse-worthy. I worry now. What is your eye color, since your hair was already mentioned? Do you play any instruments?
  9. Juneberry


    Similarly, I hope to make games out of stories I've been planning forever- so I definitely know that feeling. I hope you'll make lots of neat things with it!
  10. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Do you prefer watching foreign things dubbed or subbed (for example, anime, assuming you watch it xD). Have you ever been arrested for something? Do you have any phobias?
  11. Juneberry

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    We know what color your hair is...Now, what color are your eyes? Do you consider yourself tall, short or average height? Why were you up until 3AM? (not that I wasn't...xD)
  12. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    I see, so you have younger siblings! Do you get along well with them? How many siblings do you have in general?
  13. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    1. I vary a lot. When I was young, I could go without sleep for a couple days without a nap, or just 3 hours a night. Now I can barely handle being awake ten hours. I'm just always tired. 2. My mouse is a mousepad on my laptop? 3. I love the tilde key. That's the one right next to the number 1...
  14. Juneberry

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    Do you ever feel fully awake? How is your health overall? When you write, do you prefer to write in the first or the third person?
  15. Juneberry

    Another thing that can often help is hugs :D

    Another thing that can often help is hugs :D
  16. Juneberry

    Colors Don't Match Well in Generator...Help Me Fix It?

    So to be clear, the bottom set they showed in the picture is the skintones? And is it possible to change gradients for the other things (IE facial markings)? I can't tell outside the hair section :/ Though I also can't seem to find the file because I need to find it through steam. xD
  17. Juneberry

    An Intro.

    Nothing wrong with being mysterious, but I hope to learn more about you anyway! :) Don't worry about taking your time and asking any 'silly' question you think of. I ask tons all the time and I've been at it for at least a month now.
  18. Juneberry

    New member arrived: THE GAMER!!

    Welcome to the forum! You can probably find artists that can help you with the characters, but I don't see what's wrong with manga characters for a project for school even if it's English-speaking. I mean, I did a manga-ish project once for school as well. I'm from New Jersey.
  19. Juneberry


    Nice to meetcha, stranger! What got you interested in game making? And where'd you get the adorable icon?
  20. Juneberry

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    I still don't understand what Wattpad is. Can you describe it to me like you would a five year old? How old would you say you are mentally? I have no idea what UTC +2:00 is. Please tell me what time it is to you when you respond. I'll try to do math. Speaking of, do you like math?