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Search results

  1. Juneberry

    Amy's Pixel Art

    Your art is adorable! That character image of the Earth is amazing and beautiful and I want to hug it.
  2. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    I'm too lazy to look back at the questions that were already asked. Do you mind repeats? xD How do you like XP over MV? Or vice versa? :O
  3. Juneberry

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    So you like to write, I see! Well, actually, I was aware already. I mean, it says that's your RM skill. But what kind of writing do you like to do? And as a secondary question...What do you find the easiest thing to write? We all have parts that are easier than others. Why do you do push ups...
  4. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    I procrastinate on all sorts of things, writing included. But if you ever finish that short story and feel like publishing it....*shifty eyes* I know a guy. And by that I mean send it to my literary mag so I can be the editor. *shot and buried in a corner* Ahem. Back to answering questions...
  5. Juneberry

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    1) Well done on getting further ahead than me! Not that it's hard, but still...well done. I don't feel like learning how to fix cars either. That said, I haven't gotten my GED yet either. Oops. That said...What was it you wanted to take there that you didn't get to? 2) I only wanna learn to...
  6. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    1) Procrastination is both my mortal enemy and my bff. Basically refuses to leave, but doesn't eat all my food. xD So that's not so bad...sorta. I am working on being less of a procrastinator, but ironically procrastinating on that. That letter I need to send out WILL GET SENT TOMORROW. Or maybe...
  7. Juneberry

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    Did you finish high school and/or go to college? (If not, don't feel bad- I was kicked out of high school myself for absenteeism. xD) I can't do a two-step so you're ahead of me. Can you swim? You used the term 'insanity' in your title, so I'm curious: Have you ever been to a mental hospital...
  8. Juneberry

    Why are you that surprised? :P

    Why are you that surprised? :P
  9. Juneberry


    Hi there Destiny! An artist, are you? I'm curious what got you interested in drawing for games. And, for that matter, what you enjoy drawing in general! I hope to see lots of your pretty pictures soon. <3 Yes, I've already decided they're probably wonderful. You won't likely change my mind.
  10. Juneberry

    Alanshor my Name

    Hey, Alan! What inspired your name of Alanshor? I'm curious, since I'm not sure I'm even saying it right. That, and I'm just always fascinated with names. Habit, I suppose. As someone who has a very...acute sense of sound (I hear 10x louder than normal) I tend to be very picky with sounds and...
  11. Juneberry


    Well hey there Ricky! You chose a great place to try to learn- and that you hope to help others makes me like you ten times more already! Let's get along well. :D
  12. Juneberry

    New here but not to rpg maker

    Nice to meet you, stranger! Whether you're new to RPG maker or not, new here is why you introduce yourself usually, isn't it? So I'm glad you did! I look forward to seeing what you end up doing! :D
  13. Juneberry

    Hello from Germany!

    Hi there, Gudetama! Interesting name you chose, though the background kind of went over my head. I don't understand programming and such much, but I do understand that your plan to use games for your thesis is quite intriguing! What is it you're trying to Master? Because the mix of religion and...
  14. Juneberry

    Hello World

    Hi there Alex! I like your method for your username. I'm glad you don't mind us calling you Alex though- I'm too lazy to type a name with numbers. You seem like a very nice young fellow. I look forward to taking a listen to some of your compositions, and seeing what kind of pokemonesque work...
  15. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    1) I have a ton of games I love. First to come to mind right now is Harvest Moon. I probably would/will. 2) I like a lot of TV shows, but I'm especially fond of crime dramas. for example, I watched 3 hours or so worth of NCIS today. xD 3) Better question would be when have I not done something...
  16. Juneberry

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    You mentioned work. What kind of work does the Lord do? :D And yes, I was thinking of the can-can dance. Don't feel bad, I can't either. Why can't you dance? And...I can see a psychologist asking that, but good question, what DOES it have to do with skipping lessons? Also what lessons were you...
  17. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    Oooh, fun questions again! Well, my favorite animal is the cow. Don't ask why because I'm not sure, but I've always loved them. As for the animal that suits me best...That could vary. Some have told me I'm like a deer- generally gentle, easily startled, etc. Others would say i'm a sloth...