I procrastinate on all sorts of things, writing included. But if you ever finish that short story and feel like publishing it....*shifty eyes* I know a guy. And by that I mean send it to my literary mag so I can be the editor. *shot and buried in a corner*
Ahem. Back to answering questions. Also Gibbs Slaps are so awesome. My dad actually asks me to give him a Gibbs Slap if he takes more of his meds than he's allowing himself since he's trying to get off his pain meds. Fun fact. Also I have a tank top that has all his rules on it.
1) I have two favorite books that tie. Because I'm bad at choosing favorites sometimes. They're Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See and Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier.
2) I use a LOT of art software in general. A bit of a lot of things basically. For writing....I used to use LibreOffice ALL THE TIME. But it recently began eating my work so now I don't. Other programs I've used include yWriter and a few online sources, such as Hiveword (currently in use at times) and google docs. For art...Depends on the type of art. I've used Photoshop (badly), Sai, MSPaint, trying to learn Paint.net....I also do draw offline better actually, at times. Just...No scanner right now. I mostly use ComiPo though, which isn't really for drawing. But like, that's what I used for my icon? xD
3) I'm mixed with lightning. See, I find it super pretty....But I'm never quite 'happy' to see it, because it always comes with thunder 99% of the time. And I HATE thunder. With a passion.