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Berry's Question Bushel


Global Moderator
Those are some really difficult and good questions! I'm both impressed and intimidated trying to answer. xD

In regards to books/movies I'd want to be in...Probably Pokemon world? I'd probably like to be myself though. I'm sure there are other places I'd enjoy, but...It's hard to say. All places, fictional or not, have their pros and cons.

I love cookies. And all junk food basically.

There are plenty of things I'd like to get done these next five years- escape this country before the impending doom, finish/publish a novel...What I'm certain I'll actually get done? Probably nothing. xD


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Sometimes coming up with questions is a rough business and I'm somewhat glad that I'm impressing you and intimidating you with these.

What internet browser are you currently using and what is your favorite?

If you could choose a writer to review whatever you have and give you heavy critique and suggestions on what to improve and do then who would you choose?


Global Moderator
Currently using Chrome, and it's probably my favorite. Each browser has something it's good for though.
Hrm...I've never thought of what writer I'd ask for insight from. I have a lot of friends that are writers and such. Maybe the guy who started NaNoWriMo, Chris Baty? *snuggles up next to her copy of No Plot? No Problem!*


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
How often do you check your phone every day?

If you could skip one chore for the rest of your life then what would it be? By this I mean this chore would be done on its own or by a robot of some sort.

What would you do if you were to hit a dog when driving? If you drive.


Global Moderator
1. I barely look at my phone (it's a dumb phone not a smart one). Maybe once a day at most? I hate phones. My tablet, on the other hand...*shifty eyes*

2. Cleaning my room.

3. I don't drive, but I'd probably have a panic attack and feel better not driving.


I can't drive me and dr both agree because of my dyslexia it so bad. i don't have a phone just the normal land line in house. when i go somewhere i don't like my phone calls to fallow me and normally it is just someone trying to sell me something anyway. So i would leave it home anyway so why get one. rofl


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Do you have a nickname that you hate?

If someone were to vandalize something of your property and you knew who did it. What would you do?

What's on your wall besides the... ehh... wallpaper?


Global Moderator
Do you have a nickname that you hate?

If someone were to vandalize something of your property and you knew who did it. What would you do?

What's on your wall besides the... ehh... wallpaper?
I don't really 'hate' any nicknames anymore, but one I prefer not to be called overall is Little. It was my online handle for 99% of my life, but my therapist when I was in high school thought it was a bad one because I have a height complex and bad self-esteem, so it wasn't helping things. Thus my new name. But honestly, there are some people who will never stop calling me Little and I gave up so...xD

I'd yell at them for vandalizing my property. It's rude and probably illegal. But I don't know how they'd vandalize something I own anyway.

There's nothing on my bedroom walls besides a clock (also no wallpaper, we have icky paint covering up the lead stuff). But in the living room (where I am now) we have a cork-board/whiteboard hybrid, a giant digital clock for me that includes the temperature kinda, an actual proper thermometer (digital but whatever), a doorbell extending thing (because ours is too quiet EVEN FOR ME)...etc. xD


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
What would your weapon of choice be when zombie apocalypse happens. (Forewarning; any weapon is available. From movie verses, book verses, anime verses, etc)

What's your favorite text font?

What's your most visited website this week?



Global Moderator
I have no background with zombie apocalypse stuff because I avoid those stories. But...Probably a bat. Because I have a thing about using bats and calling them hammers. I dunno.

My favorite text font? Well, the one I use most in comics and such (for fun ones, anyway) is called ChinaCat. I don't know why, but I find it cute. I like a lot of the less common fonts. Like in Google Docs, I have a ton of favorites. I use different fonts regularly for different things- because the font can really set the mood! (Do I sound like a nerd yet?)

I think the site I've been visiting the most this week is the one I'm answering this question on. That or deviantart. I spend a lot of time there...Going through notifications. *dies*


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
How many projects do you actually have currently and why do you have so many?

Suddenly a big red glowing button appeared in your room... floating. Do you press it and see the magic happen?

I shall make a situation here; The hospital and whatever else emergency rooms are unavailable for whatever reason. Now... you have an infection in your foot. This infection is deadly, but you don't know it, but you know it is spreading further up your foot to your leg and whatever. Would you chop off your foot yourself or ask someone else to do it or just wait for the hospital to become available again.

Would yo kill a dog if it meant saving the world?


Global Moderator
I'd give you a number but it'd make me seem more insane than I am (okay maybe not) and would require math and knowing whether we're talking just RPG projects or other kinds of stories and stuff. If RPG, around 4-5. Non-RPG? God knows. As for why...My brain won't shut up. Ever. That's why.

Glowy red buttons are usually a bad sign. I'd probably run and get someone and ask where it came from first. Then after enough coaxing, the desire to touch wins.

It depends on how painful it is. If it's painful enough (honestly not that hard for it to be painful enough- my migraines often make me beg someone for a chainsaw to the head to explain the pain)...I'd make someone cut my foot off. I mean make. Threaten. Etc. If not painful, though, I'd probably just say eff it and wait for a hospital.

I can barely kill a fly or a spider how would I kill a dog? *cries thinking about it*


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Do you currently have anyone assisting with your personal RPG projects? /stories and other stuff or they are personal and people will die before you let them help you.

Yogurt. Do you drink it and what's your favorite one?

How long have you spent on your most advanced project and is it still successful and are you progressing it?


Global Moderator
Hrm...I don't think they're completely private. I have friends to ask for help when I get stuck on something, and LTNGames makes tons of awesome plugins which I end up using. I'm learning different skills from different people...So it's not like they aren't helping me! Plus I like sharing details to get input on stuff. So that means people help me a lot.

Yogurt I drink if it's actual drinkable yogurt (I eat regular yogurt too, though). I prefer mixed berry flavors usually.

Um... I don't know how long I've spent on my projects. Planning and such is major and I spend forever on it during and prior to starting the project file. But...I'm doing my best?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
You have two options and one choice. In one year you will publish a book and this book will become worldwide and known all around and will be bought by hundreds of thousands. In one year you will publish a RPG Game that will become known in the gaming industry(I think) and to the players too of course and will be bought. (Derpherp I could've put this entire text so much better.)

What did you do for your 18th birthday?

Have you been in a life-threatening situation/s?


Global Moderator
Hrm...That choice is really hard! My dream from childhood was to be known for my books, but...I feel like I'd choose based on the story, whether I went with an RPG or a book. Because some stories are just meant for one medium over another sometimes.

Hrm, hard to recall since my 18th birthday was 6 years ago, but...Pretty sure I went to school and had a normal day. Actually, I recall bits and pieces of my classes that day.

Do really bad car accidents and stuff count? I have bad nerve damage from being in a few car accidents (including one when I was a toddler). I've probably been in others to some degree (lots of ER visits, after all) but that's what came to mind.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Yesyes. Car accidents and the like count but I was hoping for explosives and guns. Don't ask why but you probably know why.

What is the first thing that you do when you arrive home from wherever? (Anything counts from wherever but longer vacation or the like would be preferable :O)

Have you ever been lost?

Would you give a stranger 5$ if the stranger asked or would you say piss off / or more politely denied. (Randomly out of nowhere asks 5$)

What is your hair color?


Global Moderator
Yes I know why but no I haven't. I've mostly been in gas leak and car accident situations.
Too many for my age, if you ask me. xD

I'm weird and mutter/call out "Tadaima" (you know, what they say in anime when they come home?) for some reason. Whether anyone else is home or not. It confuses the shit out of my dad and it's funny that way. xD I haven't been on vacation in a million years.

I get lost easily, actually. I once got lost walking home from school and went the total opposite direction...And one time, I had directions to go to the Apple store to get repairs on my iPod Shuffle (I was 14), went on my bike, and couldn't find it for my life- to the point I ENDED UP OUT OF MY COUNTY. God dangit. They need to sign it better.

I'd politely deny, because I don't have five dollars for anyone. Not even me. xD

My hair color naturally or colored? Naturally it's a somewhat lightish-brown with a barely notable red tint. I often color it darker with more red to it because I like that. Plus if my hair is darker, it makes the redness of my face less notable. :D


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I don't watch anime really. So no. I don't know what you're talking about but I get what ya mean. Use confusion on dad.

What do you say when you stub your toe? 100 points if you can guess what I say. Involves curses.

Do you still use your bike?

I'm curious. How is your work going?

What was one of the first things you googled/searched when you visited the wilderness that is the web for the first time?


Global Moderator
When I stub my toe, I say a lot of things- like an even in RPGmaker, it uses variables on the pain level. Most of the time I curse, then randomly apologize to what I hit myself on. xD Also for the 100 points: The f bomb? :P

I haven't ridden my bike since I was 14 and got hit by a car on it because of insane anxiety. Oops.

My work is going well. I got a date for when my comic for the magazine I work at is going to start being published (will be weekly) so I'm pretty pumped! :D

I have no clue because I started using the net 1.5 decades ago. Probably name meanings or my own name for fun. Who knows anymore? xD