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Berry's Question Bushel


Global Moderator
1) I'd like to visit the UK, because my boyfriend lives there. Simple question, simple answer. There's lots of other places I want to go though. Just...Not exactly right now xD

2) If we're talking cigarettes and such, nope. Never smoked. Yes, it's shocking. But...I've hated them since I was a little girl because I blamed them at one point for my mom abandoning me (she left saying she was going to rehab for her smoking habit). I've tried marijuana though

3) There are things I want to change but can't for reasons. But I don't hate my life either- it could be sooo much worse. I know that well.


I understand how you fell with the cigarette's I am that way with alcohol. My real dad died by a drunk and my step dad saw his son die. then he went to drinking that ended up killing him of cancer. I can't tough the stuff because of what it did to my family.


Global Moderator
There's no question to answer but in reaction: My dad was attacked by a drunk neighbor right in front of me once, but that's not why I don't drink. I don't drink because I'm a lightweight that gets instant migraines. I don't like being around drunk people at all though because of it, and I'm always nervous around my alcoholic uncle. He's a happy-go-lucky drunk, but also overly friendly in general and I get nervous when he hugs me while drunk >>


I would not worry to much unless he starts getting mean. I have not had problems with happy drunks just the mean ones.


Global Moderator
He just accidentally touches weird spots when he hugs me and such so I get uncomfortable. I'm already half androphobic from other issues.
Did I mention I have a lot of phobias yet? *waits for more questions about that too xD*


Now that accidentally.... Don't be left alown with him hun. now u got me concerned. PM me anytime on this subject hun.


Resident Dragon
What is your favourite part of game development, outside of writing?
If you could have your dream job, what would it be?
What is your favourite part of MV? Is there a particular feature that you like?


Global Moderator
My favorite part outside writing...In terms of taking part? I'm really enjoying mapping, even if I don't feel good about my skills. I also really like PLAYING the games. Speaking of, I got a free game from a fellow user (free as in they sell it on steam but I got a free copy) who requested me to playtest basically. I still haven't opened it...Oops.

My dream job is/was to be a special education teacher. I'd like focusing on English, but just in general, I want to help special needs students. Sadly not likely to happen, but I can dream! My current job makes me happy.

In terms of what I like about MV at this stage... The fact I can make maps smaller than VXAce which literally would throw a fit if I tried to make one under say 17 x 13 (I forget the exacts). I can make smaller ones now. It makes me happy.


Resident Dragon
What type of games do you like to play?
Have you always lived in the state you live in, or did you move there?
If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?


Global Moderator
Games I like to play vary a lot. Depends on a lot of things, but it can range anywhere from simulation games and jrpgs to clickers and such. Really, it just depends on the mood I'm in. There are only a couple genres of games I despise. *glares at one she owns*

I've lived in New Jersey for 99% of my life. I was born and mostly raised here, but did leave the state for six months to live in California with an aunt. Then moved back.

If I won a million dollars I'd be happy to spend it on my and my dad's health care costs. And, y'know, try to save a ton and stuff. Too many things I'd really want to do though. xD


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
If I won a million dollars I would buy all the chickens because chickens explode with gore.

Random Mysiath is random.

If you were given the chance to transform into an animal of your choosing. What animal would you choose?

Do you like explosions?

I like explosions.

If you were to meet an alien or alien civilization right on this planet. Would you let everyone else on this world know or would you keep it to yourself and even help hide them from our knowledge? These aliens are peaceful of course.


If I won a million dollars I would buy all the chickens because chickens explode with gore.

Random Mysiath is random.

If you were given the chance to transform into an animal of your choosing. What animal would you choose?

Do you like explosions?

I like explosions.

If you were to meet an alien or alien civilization right on this planet. Would you let everyone else on this world know or would you keep it to yourself and even help hide them from our knowledge? These aliens are peaceful of course.
Dude love your video seen it a lot but finally had to say something. It even makes my hubby laugh.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness

I'm confused. If you mean the circumcised video I posted in discord then that video is not mine. Something that was shared to me and I decided to share it there. If you're talking about anything else then I'm absolutely confused.

Sorry about hijacking this thread.


Global Moderator
If I could be any animal...Maybe a skunk so I can musk people and gigglefit over it? I dunno. Probably one with a good sense of smell to see what I'm missing.

I'm iffy with explosions. I don't like the noise, but they're pretty to watch on TV if I mute them.

If I met an alien I'd steer them away because I'd feel bad if they were tainted by the human race.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness

How long have you been up for without napping? Just straight out awake and doing shit before you realize that you need sleep or a powernap.

What mouse do you have?

What's your favorite key to press on the keyboard?


Global Moderator
1. I vary a lot. When I was young, I could go without sleep for a couple days without a nap, or just 3 hours a night. Now I can barely handle being awake ten hours. I'm just always tired.

2. My mouse is a mousepad on my laptop?

3. I love the tilde key. That's the one right next to the number 1 key, that makes this: ~ (I also love the shift and spacebar). My keyboard is five years old as it's attached to my laptop...And it's so old half the keys or more are smudged and you can't read what letter they're supposed to be. It drives my dad batty, but I'm a touch typist and could care less xD


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Yeah. Me too. When I was younger I really liked to stay up long and even occasionally stayed awake for 36h+ and now everything's changed.

What book or movie would you choose if you could be in that book or movie and what character would you choose to be or would you very much like to be yourself? You will of course have the knowledge of that world.

Do you like cookies?

What would you like to accomplish in the next five years?