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Berry's Question Bushel


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Yes. You win but only 20 points because there's lots more involved besides the f bomb.

Ouch. I've never gotten hit by a car. I've had some incidents where there was a close-call and could have gotten my face destroyed because of a messed up parking of a truck. How bad was it when you got hit by a car back then?

What do yo do yo when you're having trouble coming up with questions for AMA?

How are you right now?


Global Moderator
Well, I've been in a lot of car accidents, so that one honestly wasn't that bad to me. At first, I didn't even know I had a minor injury (I was cut up pretty bad on my knuckles and my bad knee. My knees have bad luck xD). I was able to get up on my bike with some help and got to where I was headed. But to be honest, I became paranoid of riding my bike after that, and have shaking fits whenever I try again...Trauma tendencies are high for me. We're not sure, but my dad has a bad feeling that (as that was the last accident I'd ever had, though it was years ago) the likelihood is that accident did more damage than I'd realized, because out of nowhere my spine has a ton of damage. We don't know how else I got it, since I'd been monitored before that. (I thought I was after too though...)

Ahem, rant over. What I do when I'm stuck on questions? I lurk things they're talking about and jump off it. Or y'know, use writing prompts for inspiration. Because what are questions besides character development writing?

I'm okay. A little achy and anxiety driven, but learning stuff and feeling silly and otherwise happy and excited.
Wait, that's a lot of stuff I'm feeling. Woah.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Too many feels. You need help.

Would you choose the red pill, the blue pill or the black pill? The choice nothing and something else does not exist and you do not know what these pills do!

Do you always feel silly?

I have a cup. This cup... I use it for drinking coffee. But it's a cup that has the word Lipton on it and that is apparently tea. Tea that I've drank before but I do not use this cup to drink tea of lipton. How do you feel about this?


Global Moderator
Wow, it only took me half a dozen years to remember to look here. I'm so sorry! As to answer the above questions...

I will pick red. Mostly because I'd probably assume it's tylenol or something. xD
I do feel silly a majority of the time, yes. Because I am.