Indie Dev

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  1. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    @Mysiath If I could be any animal...Maybe a skunk so I can musk people and gigglefit over it? I dunno. Probably one with a good sense of smell to see what I'm missing. I'm iffy with explosions. I don't like the noise, but they're pretty to watch on TV if I mute them. If I met an alien I'd...
  2. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    I forget if I've asked yet- do you have any pets? Why do you see yourself as not sane? Are you left handed or right handed?
  3. Juneberry

    Colors Don't Match Well in Generator...Help Me Fix It?

    So I don't know if this is normally a problem for people...But I have a character face issue right now because of the generator colors for skin tones not matching the colors for facial marks: Even me, who is bad at discerning colors at times and has a bad visual acuity, can tell the purple...
  4. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    I can read backwards and upside down, but for some reason having to spell backwards is hard to me. How do you do it? And I see, a natural redhead. Neato. Why did you not expect a question about male pregnancy when you noted earlier you used to tell bullies you were pregnant when you were...
  5. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Why did you choose an orange haired character? Is it to go with your orange name? Do you believe males will get pregnant in the future, and if so, would you want to? Do you find it difficult to spell world backwards?
  6. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    Do you apologize to inanimate objects when you bump into them? (I can't be the only klutz that does this ;-;) What's your favorite smiley? Have you ever tried designing a smiley?
  7. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    I think that makes sense. Do you often feel you confuse people? Or are you often told you're easily confusing? Also...Do you consider yourself easily confused?
  8. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    Games I like to play vary a lot. Depends on a lot of things, but it can range anywhere from simulation games and jrpgs to clickers and such. Really, it just depends on the mood I'm in. There are only a couple genres of games I despise. *glares at one she owns* I've lived in New Jersey for 99%...
  9. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    I haven't been diagnosed with Asperger's and I can't deal with people in general either. That said, my family often thinks I should be diagnosed...The doctors just refuse to test me at all. I have enough problems anyway. But speaking of being good or bad with people...Do you see yourself as an...
  10. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    Do the characters you draw have a planned personality? What inspires you to draw them? Can you do a split?
  11. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    How did people react when you said you were pregnant? I mean my reaction right now is kind of "ummm what?" o3o Why do you like pushing past your comfort zone? Do you often get told you have an ear for language?
  12. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    My favorite part outside writing...In terms of taking part? I'm really enjoying mapping, even if I don't feel good about my skills. I also really like PLAYING the games. Speaking of, I got a free game from a fellow user (free as in they sell it on steam but I got a free copy) who requested me to...
  13. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    That epic black/white art style looks oddly familiar to some I've been drooling over on DA...Hrm. Probably a fluke. 1. What do you think of Blender? (as an attempted user that can't handle it, I'm curious what you skilled people think of it). 2. What do you want to do with the 3D models you...
  14. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    What were your peers pressuring you about with the drama/theater part? Were you bullied a lot as a child? Or were YOU a bully? Why did you especially like playing characters that were your opposite?
  15. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    What program do you use for 3D modelling? (I actually have an ulterior motive for asking this crud) Do you have long hair or short hair (or medium I guess)? Who is the character in your current icon?
  16. Juneberry

    Ask Amy Anything

    What's your favorite race of dinosaur (don't be biased by yourself- though your species is fine too). How often DO you shower? What are you studying at school?
  17. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Did you get MV on sale like I did? o3o Was VXA your first version of RM too? (we match so much right now then!) Your 3DS is probably still better than mine with the busted battery (maybe I dunno). Mine is literally split in half hanging together by a wire. xD What made you choose to take part...
  18. Juneberry

    Yay technically I did dev (in my head) today xD

    Yay technically I did dev (in my head) today xD
  19. Juneberry

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Why did you take German? Was there a choice involved? (I ask because my high school had us choose between multiple languages when I was there, before I was expelled). If so...What fueled your choice? Do you often spend a lot on games and special edition things? (I'm jealous you did that I have...
  20. Juneberry

    Does it count as dev work if what you're doing is just writing out really basic information like...

    Does it count as dev work if what you're doing is just writing out really basic information like 'how many areas will there be' and stuff?