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Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Hello there! I, the Eternal Lord, have decided to answer the questions you silly little mortals have.

This is my 'ask me anything' thread. This thread is being kept in the dungeons, for now.

Right now I am staring at the wall and I am attempting to brainstorm what I should write here... I am not being very successful at it so I will just leave it as it is.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness

Ok, lets start with an easy one x3 Do you have pets?
Yes. I do have pets. I love dogs.

Current situation > I have two dogs. My brother has a dog. My mom has a dog. So that's four dogs. Then we have three cats too.

Jacki and Pätsu(No worries if you can't pronounce it. I've been amazed enough times by people who can't talk Estonian try and attempt to say ääöö shit) are mine. I do love Jacki. She's my favorite, but I'm sad because I think she has some nerve-damage in her back, or the legs. I need to visit the vet some day :o

One of the cats is actually called Hitler. And that is because she has Hitler's beard.

And, then I have a mammoth-sized hell-hound of extreme proportions with the capabilities of eating 72 silly mortals alive with a single bite.
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Global Moderator
So we know what your mammoth-sized hell-hound eats...But what do YOU like to eat?

And what's your favorite color?

And the weirdest question you might ever get: What's your favorite scent and why? Please describe it like you would color to a blind mortal because I have no sense of smell and wanna learn about scents. xD


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
So we know what your mammoth-sized hell-hound eats...But what do YOU like to eat?

And what's your favorite color?

And the weirdest question you might ever get: What's your favorite scent and why? Please describe it like you would color to a blind mortal because I have no sense of smell and wanna learn about scents. xD
One of my most favorite things to eat is fried potatoes, slightly mashed, mixed with fried eggs and lots'o'spices. And I too so love carrots.

I don't think I really have a favorite color anymore. I used to have one when I was younger, but then I realized that I didn't care much about it, but I would say that I like pink/purple, cyan, and black the most.

Favorite scent...? Oh wow. I don't think I've ever actually said what's my favorite scent to someone. I would have to say coffee, mostly because it gets my senses tingling every time I have it under my nose. I don't think I have the skills to describe it. Fuck. Now I'm sad. Also, I do so love the scent of scented candles and one of my favorites is actually a strawberry scented one. It's even better when I have strawberries growing in the garden. But damn... that scent is heavenly and it brings a different kind of freshness to the house.


Global Moderator
Have you ever worn mismatched socks?
Can you recite the alphabet backwards?
Can you do the can can?
What's the stupidest question you've ever been asked? (Because let's face it, even if there's no dumb question, there are some that are 'dumber' than others).


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Yes I have. Disgustingly enough I once wore black and white socks. That was a weird day at work.

I can't even recite the alphabet. I'm sad.

I'm not sure what you mean by the can can. If it's something can-can dance that I just googled then I will say this that I can't even dance.

Stupidest question... I don't really remember. I tried and concentrated my brainstorming skills to the maximum to remember something, but I can't. Although... I do remember the psychologist asking 'How did I feel when my dog died?'

Honestly. I should've smacked her right there and then. Why does that even matter if I'm fucking skipping lessons?


Global Moderator
You mentioned work. What kind of work does the Lord do? :D

And yes, I was thinking of the can-can dance. Don't feel bad, I can't either. Why can't you dance?

And...I can see a psychologist asking that, but good question, what DOES it have to do with skipping lessons? Also what lessons were you skipping?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Hmm. The Lord does not have a job for he conquers worlds and distant planets full of treasure, but his alternate identity works at a factory/warehouse. I'm not really great at explaining my job because it consists of many things, but one of the main things I do is that I work at the warehouse. It's primarily a food/meat factory and whatever else. I make sure this food goes to this crate, and that one goes to that crate and so on and then we place the crates full of whatever food on the wooden pallets that usually range from 250 - 1250 kg if every crate is on it.

Then I, and others make sure it's all export ready, but usually the boss does that most of the time. Then there's like 3-8 trucks driving through every day where we load all of that shit onto the truck. Of course, before that we empty the truck if it brought us wooden pallets or whatever else that we need.

There's honestly loads more that I do really, but I doubt you want to read an entire page of shit that I do.

Why I can't dance? Never learned and never really bothered too, besides the two-step thing I learned in like second grade.

Alright. I really want to write a rant about how stupid school is. I think I started skipping lessons when I turned 14 or a little earlier. And one of the lessons I skipped most was the music lesson. And I will be honest. I do not give two shits about a dead man who fucking played a piano or whatever the fuck it is that they played!


Global Moderator
Did you finish high school and/or go to college? (If not, don't feel bad- I was kicked out of high school myself for absenteeism. xD)

I can't do a two-step so you're ahead of me. Can you swim?

You used the term 'insanity' in your title, so I'm curious: Have you ever been to a mental hospital of some kind?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Yes. I have finished high-school despite my terrible grades. Although my math teacher was quite nice when she let me pass the exam when I knew I should've failed. After that I went to the industrial school...I think it's called industrial in English. I was there for three months before I left because fuck it. I didn't get the class I wanted and I didn't want to learn how to fix cars.

...I can't swim. I'm quite sad, and I will probably never learn too because I can't be bothered with it when I know I'm not interested in swimming that much.

I have as a matter of fact. As a guest though. Visited the place. And right then and there I decided that I will kill myself before I get my ass thrown inside there.


Global Moderator
1) Well done on getting further ahead than me! Not that it's hard, but still...well done. I don't feel like learning how to fix cars either. That said, I haven't gotten my GED yet either. Oops. That said...What was it you wanted to take there that you didn't get to?

2) I only wanna learn to swim mostly so that if I'm ever on a boat and fall overboard I won't drown. That and it's good exercise and easier on my body than, say, running, which I refuse to do. So, do you exercise? If so...What kind do you like to do?

3) I've been as a patient- maybe you saw me there! But just be careful no one finds out if you think of killing yourself instead of being thrown in. The reason I was thrown in was thinking of killing myself. By the way, did you know there are people who will cry if you did kill yourself? I'm sure you did. But know I'm one of them. Speaking of crying, what makes you cry?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
There weren't that many options because I think the school was like just recently built like... 6 months before I joined it. And I actually wanted to take the option of Chef I think it was because it was the only decent enough option. You won't believe the hype I had for this school when I learned of it. I really wanted to take something like writing related, or computer-related. Perhaps Graphics Design, but no. It didn't have that!

I don't really exercise much. Work is enough exercise kind of with all the heavy lifting that I do there and the constant walking around and everything else, but I do have a habit of doing push-ups every morning.

Maybe I did indeed saw you there. I don't know. Perhaps. I think my mom will cry. My brother won't give a shit. My friends... some of them might cry or two, but I know my relationship with them and I can safely admit that most of them won't give a crap or two and neither will I.

What makes me cry... I don't really cry that much, but I would have to admit that when my favorite character is killed off in a movie or game or whatever then I'm known to shed a tear or two. And don't even get me talking about dogs. If I see a death of a dog then I will drown the world in tears and probably find the fucker who did it and kill him too.


Global Moderator
So you like to write, I see! Well, actually, I was aware already. I mean, it says that's your RM skill. But what kind of writing do you like to do? And as a secondary question...What do you find the easiest thing to write? We all have parts that are easier than others.

Why do you do push ups every morning?

What if the dog wasn't murdered but died of natural causes? Can you kill nature, too? Personally, I'd rather just make them all immortal.

What kind of music do you like?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Hmm... What kind... I don't really know to be honest. I suppose I like writing the more... abnormal and unorthodox situations that involve monsters that we can't see and fight. Anything that involves a monster that is capable of slaughter is fine. BUT! If you didn't know this--then I like writing smut too. Primarily fan-fiction smut and I have written three stories so far and one of them involves 9 chapters! Isn't that amazing? Although I'm looking to create original smut someday... but meh. I haven't written smut in a while... last time I wrote was perhaps 3-5 months ago I thinks? Also--I like overpowered epic battle scenes. I have an idea of two supreme sorcerers Dark and Light battling it out and traveling dimensions and I might make them travel to Harry Potter; Percy Jackson; Lotr; whatever else there is and have the two of them annihilate the worlds they've traveled to by fighting.

I don't really know why I do push ups every morning. I suppose it's because I really don't visit the gym or anything else and I thought I might as well develop something of an habit exercise and do something when I wait for the water to boil.

Nature is alive; therefore I can kill it. Burn it.

I don't know the genre for it except that I call it 'epic' music by the likes of Thomas Bergersen, Audiomachine and whoever else. You can expect me to like hardstyle, trap, dubstep, and whatever the hell beats my ears till they bleed.


Global Moderator
I wrote smut once. It scared the living crap out of my friend, whose comic I'd written it as fanfiction for. She was happy it scared her on the one hand but...Meh. I'm not good with smut, but I should work harder on that. I'm bad with the gore and such too. What's your favorite way to kill a character?

I don't exercise or anything and I can't do a pushup. I think the most exercise I get is like...dishes and pacing around during the day because I pace at random. Do you find yourself one who paces a lot when you're waiting?

I see, so you like making your ears bleed...Does that mean you're a masochist?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Favorite way to kill a depends really. Well... for the villain I would like to do something simple to be honest. Kill him off simple, but killing him off will have consequences or lasting effects that affect something random. Impalement. Yeah. I don't really know of a favorite way to kill a character because it just depends on what I feel like when I'm writing that scene and if I want more gore.

I don't really pace. I much more sit or stand still, but when I'm nervous I tend to bounce my knee when I'm sitting or when I'm standing I keep like... moving my hands every 5 seconds to a different position.

No. I just find that in this confusing life there are some types of pain that are... pleasurable... for fuckin' reason. And I don't mean the sexual type of pain.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Eastern European Time Zone UTC+02:00

I so did not google that. Definitely not.

I actually have thought of participating in it. Two years of thinking and I have yet to accomplish anything. I don't know really. I want to participate, but then I feel like mehh.

But! I have thought of entertaining myself with one of Wattpad's contests there. I feel like... Wattpad is a winner. I haven't of course posted anything there, but the contests seem like fun and I'm looking forwards to entering one of them when I see a genre or whatever that will fit my fancy.


Global Moderator
I still don't understand what Wattpad is. Can you describe it to me like you would a five year old?

How old would you say you are mentally?
I have no idea what UTC +2:00 is. Please tell me what time it is to you when you respond. I'll try to do math.
Speaking of, do you like math?