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Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I don't want to be stung but I want to them to sting others in my name.

That's... well. I really don't know if it would fuck me over. Like before, it just depends on the situation and if I have some foreknowledge of the situation and what's going on, what will happen and whatever. I find this such a weird question and it stumped me. I've been retyping for the past 4 minutes.

There's nothing to like about them or dislike about them. I don't even really know most of them and all I can remember is something of a wood chuck chucking wood. (I hope this is what you meant about tongue twister:o)

I don't really travel much but one of the more interesting places I've been is visiting the abandoned hospital where I was born. Man... that was trippy... and hell of a weirdness.


Global Moderator
That is what I meant! But also that's an interesting travel destination. Do you like to visit ruins and abandoned buildings?
Did you take pictures? (I must seem weird now)
I know you like blood and stuff- but do you find you bleed often yourself (IE: Are you a clumsy person?)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I don't know really. I mean. I visited that place when I was like sixteen and so and it was with my friends. It wasn't even a visit, it was more like sneaking in and taking a look around. I suppose I do like checking out abandoned buildings and back then I liked to do some free-climbing and the abandoned buildings were somewhat perfect for it.

Yes. You're weird. No. I didn't take pictures. Taking pictures wasn't even a thought back then. And I couldn't have taken one either because I didn't have a camera and my phone didn't have one either and I don't think I would have cared enough to take some.

Blood... sweet delights. No. I don't bleed very often and I'm really not that clumsy. One of my favorite things that I like happening and I'm not sure if its clumsy or not but whatever. I have had this happen several times. Sometimes I cut myself accidentally or something else happens and I find out later that I'm bleeding somewhere. It's quite interesting when I didn't feel any pain or whatsoever signifying that I hurt myself but seeing later that your finger is bleeding makes you really curious. How the fuck did this happen?



Global Moderator
I have that happen a lot- usually more bruises and small cuts than actually bleeding, though.
Have you ever met someone you felt was a celebrity (IE it doesn't have to be an actual celebrity, but someone you admired that much)?
Who is/was your role model?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
No. I think I haven't met someone I thought or felt was a celebrity. I don't admire that much either but I have this friend that I admire a bit. It's because of how well he interacts with others, strangers and how many people he knows. I mean. When two groups are introduced to each other... I'm not a fan of that. There's me and my group of friends and we meet some other group. My friend will be in the thick of it, talking with them and shit. Meanwhile... I'm just thinking. When the hell are these guys leaving? They're distracting us. We had a discussion going.

...role model? That's a tough question to answer and I don't even know. I honestly don't know. I haven't even thought about this in a long time so I really don't know but I would have to say some of the top writers that I know. I don't buy books. But I once read something that was a couple hundred words long and-- I bought the entire series. The writer of that series could be counted as one of the role models.

If game role models would count then I would say that there's several psychopathic world-conquerors and alien-races that would be role models. Mostly because those guys deserve to be my role model when they are killed off in non-spectacular ways.


Global Moderator
I see, so you're inspired by psychopathic characters.
Do you consider yourself psychopathic?
If you had a choice of how to die, what would you choose? (please don't die soon though, kay?)
Do you watch the news? Lots of death there.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
No. I don't consider myself psychopathic. But I do think I have some psychopathic tendencies or whatnot. I just don't consider myself a full psychopath. Is that a thing? To consider myself a full psychopath?

Hmm... impalement. Yes. Impalement. But to be honest I would like to go out and die protecting someone that I really care about. And when I do die in that situation then the mother fucker who killed me should die in response too. And don't worry. I won't die soon. I'll live for really long. Thousands of years. I consider myself everlasting.

I don't watch news, but when something is shared to me that is news then I usually take a look at it and that's news enough. My mother usually informs me of news that are fucked up or just plain interesting because she does read the news or watch it. And yes. Lots of death there. Sometimes when someone dies and I've heard and read lots of fucked up deaths... I just think... can I kill this person?

Seriously?! Who beats his grandmother to death with... baseball bat I think? Because she didn't let him play games?


Global Moderator
That's a good question, actually...Now to think about it xD

I find it admirable your wish would be to die protecting someone you care about. Do you find there are a lot of people you care about that much that you would? Or just a few?
Do you feel you have a strong sense of justice?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
No. There aren't that many. Probably my mother but I don't want to leave her alone. My brother can go fuck off. There's a slim chance that I might consider about dying for but I think that will depend on the situation overall. The wife definitely--in the future because I don't have a wife right now. There might be some random encounters with strangers where I might feel like--Man... I want to kill that man to save that stranger(girl-woman) and I might die because of this.

...strong sense of justice? I'm not really sure what you mean by this. For me; It's just what I see as wrong and what I see as right(My view, my opinion and my law) and if I can deliver the justice by myself because I do not trust others to do it. For example; If my mother were to be killed by someone then I will torture that person in response and kill him after. I do not want him imprisoned because there might be a slight chance that it will be... what? 5y of imprisonment? I...might let him be imprisoned and then when he's out I will kill him then. That is justice.