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Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I still don't understand what Wattpad is. Can you describe it to me like you would a five year old?

How old would you say you are mentally?
I have no idea what UTC +2:00 is. Please tell me what time it is to you when you respond. I'll try to do math.
Speaking of, do you like math?
How do I explain Wattpad... basically... it's a site where you can post your story and where people comment+rate+favorite it and even add it to their reading lists or so. Then there's lots'o'groups that help people with writing and there should be one megalist of resources for different things if you have a problem with writing something. I mean. Thousands of things. And I believe publishers and all sorts of different people are there so... I find the site quite nice and the group chats are fun too. Yeah. I can't explain Wattpad. Just take a look at it :)

...unknown age.

Well... currently the time is 06:07 or 6 am I suppose.

Do you like math? Fuck math. Burn math. Kill it. I have a calculator and I use that for math.


Resident Dragon
What is your natural hair colour?
Do you have any recognised allergies? (allergic to the human populace doesn't count)
How long have you been using RPG Maker?

(Apologies if any of these questions have been answered before)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
What is your natural hair colour?
Do you have any recognised allergies? (allergic to the human populace doesn't count)
How long have you been using RPG Maker?

(Apologies if any of these questions have been answered before)
I have never dyed my hair and never will unless I find that there is a dye that will make my hair flame. I mean... real flame. Yeah. That's fun. And no... I won't burn myself with gasoline and lighters, but it's darker brown.

Recognized allergies. Yes of course. I'm allergic to the human populace and I must burn it with fire. Oh. That doesn't count? Well shit. I don't think I have allergies to be honest. I know I used to have something as a kid towards some juice and I can't even remember what the fuck happened with it.

...I haven't used it for long. Probably a a couple of months and have yet to do something amazing.

You do not apologize for you must hate everyone and flip them off.


Global Moderator
Do you ever feel fully awake?
How is your health overall?
When you write, do you prefer to write in the first or the third person?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Do you ever feel fully awake?
How is your health overall?
When you write, do you prefer to write in the first or the third person?
Only on Saturdays and Sundays and that is only if I have drank 3+ coffee cups. Only then I will be fully awake.

I like to think my health is rather okay. I haven't been properly sick in a year or two now. Just the occasional cold and nothing else. I don't actually get sick that much. I have one to three years of sweet perfect health with the occasional cold and then there's this magical sickness that takes me to a realm of so different than ours for two weeks or so. So yeah. I'm happy.

I definitely prefer the third person. I honestly find it much easier to write in the third person...but I have been trying and attempting to write in first person and I still mess it up with adding third-person thingies.


Global Moderator
What's this magical illness you get every few years? It sounds less magical and more curse-worthy. I worry now.

What is your eye color, since your hair was already mentioned?

Do you play any instruments?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
What's this magical illness you get every few years? It sounds less magical and more curse-worthy. I worry now.

What is your eye color, since your hair was already mentioned?

Do you play any instruments?
It's nothing terrible and dangerous. Just the usual fever, rather annoying and painful throat and coughs. Running nose... is it called running or wet... I don't know. Then just overall weakness and sluggish about everything that I do and don't get me started on the headaches that I have when I'm sick like that. I don't have the headaches always, but when I have them... oh they are worthy of contemplating suicide. (NOT REALLY!)

Eye color is a fucked up business because I've always looked at my eye color and said. Alright. It is this color. A few years later. What is my eye color? Alright. It is this color and then again, but it's somewhat of green/blue. It's weird because I honestly think it changes between green and blue or I'm just being a retard.

No. I'm afraid I don't play any instruments... but funnily enough. The violin has actually caught my attention. My attention. I who is the galactic conqueror. I don't even know why it caught my attention, but I doubt I'll even do anything with one or go to some music school to try and learn.


Global Moderator
I totally get the weird eye color thing, because my eyes do that too! In fact one time, I asked my cousins what my eye color was, and they kept going back and forth arguing- first one said it was blue, the other said it was green, and then the first one freaked out like "wait no it's brown!?". An eye specialist told me that's common with green eyes or something, so I just tell everyone I have green eyes now xD

Do you listen to a lot of violin music then?
Can you read sheet music anyway?
What animal do you most relate to?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Do you listen to a lot of violin music then?
Can you read sheet music anyway?
What animal do you most relate to?
I actually don't really listen to it a lot. Sometimes when I'm in the mood for it then yes I will listen... but because I'm much more of a hardstyle person and the like then I usually listen to much more of remixed violin or dubstep violin(whatever it is.)

Can I read... I'm afraid very little. Very... very little.

This is really effing hard! For one I would have to say sloth mostly because I'm a lazy motherfucker. I honestly don't know really. I'll stick to sloth for now because I would have to think on this for a while mostly because I'm a flipping aggressive a-hole.


Global Moderator
I'm a sloth too, don't feel bad. We can be sloth buddies. Deciding takes too much work anyway. xD

Do you consider yourself a decisive person?
Why do you think you're an a-hole?
If you have to write something down IRL, what do you use?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I'm a sloth too, don't feel bad. We can be sloth buddies. Deciding takes too much work anyway. xD

Do you consider yourself a decisive person?
Why do you think you're an a-hole?
If you have to write something down IRL, what do you use?
I... I don't really know. I suppose I could consider myself 'decisive' I think. I honestly decide and probably not act on it if it's not that important, but I know that I make some quick decisions on the spot and get them done.

...I don't think I'm a-hole. I know I'm an a-hole. Mostly it's because of what I say, what I do, how I act and also having people call you an a-hole helps too. Nowadays I don't find it insulting if someone calls me an a-hole. It just means that I'm doing my job as a-hole correctly. It's also called feeding. Feeding the a-hole.

I don't really write something down IRL much. I only write things that I know that I won't remember and if its something long and I usually just use a pen that I have.


Global Moderator
Is it strange that I don't see you as an a-hole? (Then again, I'm known for being dense...)
What's one bad habit you're trying to change?
What's one habit you're proud of?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Is it strange that I don't see you as an a-hole? (Then again, I'm known for being dense...)
What's one bad habit you're trying to change?
What's one habit you're proud of?
I rather think its very strange. I've met some people who don't see me as an a-hole, but there few. They're mostly kept in the 'rare' section of the museum.

I don't think I really have bad habits that I'm trying to change. Well... I'm trying to stop my habit of biting my nails... ergh... and I suppose I'm trying to clean my room more often because I don't really clean much. And if that works too then I'm trying to destroy my habit of procrastination.

A habit that I'm proud of? I don't really have habits to be proud of. I suppose I do like my habit of showing up to work 10-15 minutes earlier and a habit of writing 200-400 words a day and that is battling my procrastination really strong.


Global Moderator
I can relate to those habits quite well (well, the lacking in cleaning and prone to procrastination ones). Your 200-400 words is a smart one! :D

What do you write about for your 200-400 word habit? (Do posts count?)
What are you drinking right now? (if nothing, why are you not drinking enough liquid, my lord?)
How's the weather for you?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I can relate to those habits quite well (well, the lacking in cleaning and prone to procrastination ones). Your 200-400 words is a smart one! :D

What do you write about for your 200-400 word habit? (Do posts count?)
What are you drinking right now? (if nothing, why are you not drinking enough liquid, my lord?)
How's the weather for you?
Posts and anything else doesn't count. What counts is what will be in the word document. And I write anything really and I write mostly about the idea that I have in my mind when I do write and sometimes I write something more useful that I'll use somewhere or so.

Right now I'm drinking nothing and eating sandwiches but fifteen minutes ago I drank coffee and I will drink coffee again later on. Fuck water. :)

Well... it's 4am right now and looking outside it seems... nothing spectacular. Fucking dark and it looks windy too and it's probably cold af. I want a car.


Global Moderator
How do you like your coffee?
What kind of car would you want?
Can you drive in general?
Why don't you have a car right now?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
How do you like your coffee?
What kind of car would you want?
Can you drive in general?
Why don't you have a car right now?
Just black, steaming hot and add a 2-4 spoons of sugary delish.

Well... now that's a hard question. What I want is impossible for... indefinite time because what I would want would probably cost something like 15+ mil. I don't really care what kind of car it would be to be honest. As long as it's in working condition, decent looking and in my... range of pay? Then that would be fine. But... to be honest... I've looked more at motorcycles and I'm leaning towards them too.

No. I can't drive in general. I can walk and I can pedal away though.

Because I don't have the money available right now to buy a car and I have yet to achieve my driving license. I don't really need a car right now either because my workplace is 10 minutes away from where I live and the market and whatever else places are approximately 20-30 minutes away. I just want to drive man... I want to crash. I want to experience it.


Global Moderator
I've been in car crashes. It's overrated, in my book.

What would you want to crash into?
Do you see yourself as an honest person?
Would you like to pet a stingray?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
A rapist! That's who I choose! That's not a crash to be honest. Or is it if I deliberately drive at him, back up and over him again... several times. That's hit and run somewhat is it not?

Me, an honest person? That's laughable. I'm honest only if the truth won't fuck me over in some bizarre way. Truly, my honesty is... 100% dependent on what the situation is and what is happening and if I will benefit it from it somewhat and generally shit like that.

...I don't really know stingrays, but I googled the images of them and I will say yes. Mostly because I can say that I did it and then preferably I would want a couple hundred of them as pets and have someone else take care of them.


Global Moderator
I've pet them. They're kinda slick, but that's not odd for a sea creature. You have to be careful how or you'll get stung though.

How do you know if/when your honesty would fuck you over?
Do you like tongue twisters?
Where is the most interesting place you've been?