Hey, Noct here. :) Thank you guys for your modest opinions. I was somewhat second guessing my mapping and do agree that these may be a bit large for anyone to fathom. Some aspects look more focused than others too, which is why I have come to a choice to keep this project but massively revise it. The original idea was to make a rather large game with hundreds of towns and quests, storylines involving villains separate from the one at hand in the main plot. Also wanted to go pretty deep into resource gathering, in depth crafting and enchanting that could sway or assist the tide of battle. The story is aimed to head in a rather evil direction. Can't help it. :P My knowledge of eventing is pretty piss poor too. haha So not saying my work is pitch perfect, but I'm aiming to get it out someday, even if it does take 5 or so years. :D Juneberry, Noct will do. And thank you for your liking in some of the work. :) Um, I'm unsure how I set that. As far as I know it was like that ever since I started the project. If you are referring to the different variations of tilesets used in the map then you can set how many types of tilesets you would like to use on your maps using the database tab on the top right then go to tilesets and you should be able to mix and match using your own personal preferences. Honestly, most of my work was aimless but as it grew I gained an insatiable taste for game development. Always learning, never perfecting. :P