Indie Dev

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Hopefully here for the long haul. :D


Hello, This is rpgnocisxv making my introduction. I am thankful to be part of the community and hope to one day further the cause of rpg making madness! :D Currently working on a project with lots of passion and ideas, but i have little to no experience in this and any helpful links regarding knowledge of switches, events and the real meat and potatoes of game making is definitely welcomed. I will also share my newfound knowledge on this thread. Without further ado, let the programing mayhem begin! ( the attached file is a screen shot of the first overworld in my game. Comments and advice are welcome. )20160930165115_1.jpg 20160930165021_1.jpg 20160930165042_1.jpg


Praised Adventurer
Good evening, @rpgnoctisxv , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. You'll find a host of information in the MV Tutorial section of the Forum...

MV Tutorials ...

... and ask away if there are further questions.
A quick glance at those Maps frightens me. They are HUGE, especially for beginning..! Good exercise for getting your Mapping hand in, but it'll take months, years, or maybe never to sew all of that together into a working Game. My advice would be to put it to one side (yes, all of it..!) and do a very modest Game using only a few, ordinary Maps, maybe using the 'standard' Maps at first. As you develop your competence, you'll get to realise the sheer scale of what you're doing. When you're a bit more 'up to speed', bring out that mega-Project again. Let us know how things progress, whatever tack you decide on, please..?


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the sheer insanity that is the forums! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, for we are all here to help. :)

Further to what @Dad3353 said, I started out the same way. I agree with him too - put the maps aside and maybe work on something a little smaller (to cut your teeth on, so to speak). That said, those maps look awesome. :)

I will also share my newfound knowledge on this thread.
I would actually suggest you us the Project Development forum or your blog (which is a feature here) rather than here for your game updates. The Project Development forums are monitored by a greater range of people than what this forum is, so you'll likely get better advice and support! :)

Once again, welcome to the forums! :)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Those maps demand the attention of Eternal Lord. I will give that attention and put sunglasses on sunglasses 'YEAHHHHHH'

Hello there and welcome to these wild forums! I do so hope you enjoy your stay here and I wish you the best of luck with your project!


Hello @rpgnoctisxv it's really nice to see your work! I love the scale of your Dreams, my suggestion would be to create super micro projects just to figure out mechanics. By working along side both frame works you can develop both types of skills and then ultimately you may find yourself in the position everyone else in the thread has described making something sized in-between.

If you need any help with switches and events I'm happy to help. Peace


Global Moderator
Hi there Noctis (is it okay if I call you that?). I can definitely see lots of passion in your work, and I'm super impressed with the maps (especially the grassier areas- the desert/mountainous places are kind of...bland. But that might also just be me.)

How did you change the colorscheme of MV? it's pretty amazing. Mine is a bright gray. You're teaching me stuff already just by posting images of your hard work! I can't wait to see more though, too. Let's get even better together!


Hey, Noct here. :) Thank you guys for your modest opinions. I was somewhat second guessing my mapping and do agree that these may be a bit large for anyone to fathom. Some aspects look more focused than others too, which is why I have come to a choice to keep this project but massively revise it. The original idea was to make a rather large game with hundreds of towns and quests, storylines involving villains separate from the one at hand in the main plot. Also wanted to go pretty deep into resource gathering, in depth crafting and enchanting that could sway or assist the tide of battle. The story is aimed to head in a rather evil direction. Can't help it. :P My knowledge of eventing is pretty piss poor too. haha So not saying my work is pitch perfect, but I'm aiming to get it out someday, even if it does take 5 or so years. :D Juneberry, Noct will do. And thank you for your liking in some of the work. :) Um, I'm unsure how I set that. As far as I know it was like that ever since I started the project. If you are referring to the different variations of tilesets used in the map then you can set how many types of tilesets you would like to use on your maps using the database tab on the top right then go to tilesets and you should be able to mix and match using your own personal preferences. Honestly, most of my work was aimless but as it grew I gained an insatiable taste for game development. Always learning, never perfecting. :P