Whoa, there; not so fast, m'lad..! I may (or may not..!) have found a 'bug'..! I toggle the Minimap On; fine. A random Encounter ensues; upon my return from Battle, the Minimap is gone..! I toggle, but my Switch is already On, so goes to Off. I toggle again and I get the Minimap back, until the next Encounter.
Why does the Minimap not refresh after a Battle, eh..? Eh..? Answer me that..! Well..? (
The drumming of fingers can be heard, as can the tapping of feet...)
(It's probably obeying the 'false' for 'show on Map start', I suppose, as it can't know of my Switch, piloted by the Hero's Map Item. Can it be fixed, or have I broken this new toy already..?
Edit: Indeed, my guess looks to be correct. I've just tried it; the return from Battle takes the 'Show on Start' state, not the state before the Battle started. Hmm... How could one differentiate between Map start and Map 'Back from Battle', and use the previous 'Show/Hide' State in the latter case..? Hmm...