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RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin

RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin 2.3.2

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Great job! I'm very impressed with this plugin and the fact you are only just learning, shows people Javascript really ain't so bad to learn. You're a good example for those wanting to dive into plugin making, keep up the good work. I'll leave this as a review as well, cheers (cheeky)


Praised Adventurer
As I've previously mentioned, I started out creating a Game specifically without resorting to plus-ins. Not that I've anything against them; simply as an exercise to see what I could do with MV 'vanilla', out of the box. This, and another gem of HUD, have changed my outlook. It's so easy, so effective, it would be criminal to not use it..! I'm very pleased with ver. 1; having seen the improvements demonstrated here, I can't wait for you to release this version. Great stuff, lad, you're a credit to the community.
(But hurry up; now that we know what it can do we need it last week..!


Staff member
Resource Team
thanks :D
xD I'll hopefully finish this version up tomorrow, I keep saying that in my head but turns out I always have something else to either improve or add lol


This plugin really looks awesome, and I'd love to use it.
However, I'm using parallaxed maps in my game, as well as QuasiMovement (pixel-based movement and collision maps of my own making). Do you think it'd be possible to have this plugin work with Quasi's at some point in the future? I'm in no hurry (my game isn't even half done yet), I'm just asking if it'd be a possibility for the future.

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
After having to see the progress I must say I wanna use this on my roguelike small game. The beacon thing and the feat of the mini map is perfect on what I am doing. Suggestion, maybe a way to make the map relocate where I want it to be shown and its overall transparency?


Staff member
Resource Team
Hey soul :) Glad you're interested in it!
That feature already exists, you can control its X/Y position and the transparency of prettymuch everything xD


Staff member
Resource Team
TheUnproPro updated RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin with a new update entry:

Minimap Version 1.1! - Tons of new features!

Hey everyone! Thanks for watching this plugin. I'f finally released an amazing update! Here's the new features.

  1. Events can now be displayed on the minimap
  2. Aspect ratio and stretching issues have been fixed
  3. Option to use the default Collision Mapping, so no region drawing is required.
  4. Beacons can now be added to an event, making the event create a circle that expands on the minimap, see this video for more....
Read the rest of this update entry...


Praised Adventurer
Here's one of my Maps; the Mini-Map was added to it in a matter of seconds. It works perfectly...
Brilliant stuff. Can you see the red dot..? That's an invisible Rogue, about to pounce. He'll appear, then chase the Hero for ten seconds. The Events update in real time, so the red dot moves, as well as the Hero. The setting-up of the Mini-Map is easy and coherent, whilst remaining very flexible. A Top Job, Sir; many thanks.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Congratulations on a very nice update, you've really done a great job on this plugin and it will only get better as you get feedback and learn to code in unique ways. Cheers, I hope to see more plugins by you in the future.


Praised Adventurer
Thanks =D And I'm thinking about starting one tonight lol O:
Whoa, there; not so fast, m'lad..! I may (or may not..!) have found a 'bug'..! I toggle the Minimap On; fine. A random Encounter ensues; upon my return from Battle, the Minimap is gone..! I toggle, but my Switch is already On, so goes to Off. I toggle again and I get the Minimap back, until the next Encounter.
Why does the Minimap not refresh after a Battle, eh..? Eh..? Answer me that..! Well..? (The drumming of fingers can be heard, as can the tapping of feet...)
(It's probably obeying the 'false' for 'show on Map start', I suppose, as it can't know of my Switch, piloted by the Hero's Map Item. Can it be fixed, or have I broken this new toy already..?

Edit: Indeed, my guess looks to be correct. I've just tried it; the return from Battle takes the 'Show on Start' state, not the state before the Battle started. Hmm... How could one differentiate between Map start and Map 'Back from Battle', and use the previous 'Show/Hide' State in the latter case..? Hmm...
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Staff member
Resource Team
Whoa, there; not so fast, m'lad..! I may (or may not..!) have found a 'bug'..! I toggle the Minimap On; fine. A random Encounter ensues; upon my return from Battle, the Minimap is gone..! I toggle, but my Switch is already On, so goes to Off. I toggle again and I get the Minimap back, until the next Encounter.
Why does the Minimap not refresh after a Battle, eh..? Eh..? Answer me that..! Well..? (The drumming of fingers can be heard, as can the tapping of feet...)
(It's probably obeying the 'false' for 'show on Map start', I suppose, as it can't know of my Switch, piloted by the Hero's Map Item. Can it be fixed, or have I broken this new toy already..?

Edit: Indeed, my guess looks to be correct. I've just tried it; the return from Battle takes the 'Show on Start' state, not the state before the Battle started. Hmm... How could one differentiate between Map start and Map 'Back from Battle', and use the previous 'Show/Hide' State in the latter case..? Hmm...
dude I don't even know where to begin on that xD but no worries, I'm making a upp_core and am thinking of making a mini-map update. Sorry for the bug lol dunno wtf is causing it O:


Praised Adventurer
dude I don't even know where to begin on that ...
Carry on with your Core; I'll work around this for now. It's not a show-stopper; just a slight pain in the rear, a minor blip. I'll sort out a clumsy work-around (Store start-up state in a Variable, I already have an On/Off State Switch, Put these into place at Battle 'Turn 0' so that, upon return, the plug-in 'thinks' it has the right State to use...) A kerfuffle (technical term...), but OK for now. Don't lose sleep over this, please.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Yea @Dad3353 is correct with the "Show On Map" taking priority over the current state. What is happening is you're re-creating the window each time you exit the "Scene_Map" and re-enter it, so you're the best bet would be to perform a check of the current "visible" state before hiding it, but you may run into issues because of the way it was scripted. You could alternatively remove that parameter and offer a simple show/hide plugin command that the user can use on their own and avoid the Show On Start completely.


Staff member
Resource Team
I'll look into it and try to fix it =D Thanks for the bug report!
[doublepost=1470579352,1470579050][/doublepost]I just tried to replicate the glitch, I ran into a battle and won, the minimap was fine, did it again using the zoomed-in mode and it was still fine. I'm unable to replicate the glitch

It seems to only happen on larger maps... hmm... I'll start working on a new minimap plugin, one that will use my upp_core =D And have faster rendering...


Praised Adventurer

This would work (just add the option 'Ignore' to the present 'Show on Start' parameter..?), with the downside that each Map will need an Initialisation for its own start-up (I already have 'em for other factors, so it's no big deal...). It could be a simple, intermediate solution..?

I'll look into it and try to fix it =D Thanks for the bug report!
[doublepost=1470579352,1470579050][/doublepost]I just tried to replicate the glitch, I ran into a battle and won, the minimap was fine, did it again using the zoomed-in mode and it was still fine. I'm unable to replicate the glitch
Make your Game 'Show on start false'. Have the Actor operation a Switch to turn Minimap On. Provoke a Battle. Is the Minimap still present on return..? That, in resumé, is how I see it. I've no other plug-ins or the like; just 'vanilla' MV.