This version was completely re-coded and will require upp_core which you can get by clicking
- Minimap name location automatically adjusts its self based on the location of the minimap.
- Automatic outline for passable tiles!
- Much faster rendering
- Maps are hidden by default, and unlockable via plugin command and will stay unlocked on that save file.
- Icon Drawing! You're able to draw icons on the minimap now, as well as make them float..
- Region data is now set via notetags in map properties.
How to use:
There are several things you can do with this minimap plugin.
Edge Bump - Edge bumping will happen if the minimap goes off screen. It'll fix its location so that its not off screen, plus push its self a bit further based on what you set edge bump to be. Use this if you want to have your minimap anywhere but the top left.
Map Properties Notetags:
<addMinimap: size> where size is how large you want the minimap to be. this command is important to getting your minimap to display.
<mmLocName:Area Name> will display the area name.
<region*id*Color:color> where *id* is the region id you want to have as a specific color displayed on the minimap. Leave blank for none. Colors: rgb(r, g, b), rgba(r, g, b, a), or hex colors will work.
<unlockMap:true> will force unlock the map upon load. By default, the minimap is hidden.
Event Notetags:
<mmIcon:iconName> - iconName should be replaced with the name of a picture in your pictures folder. It'll display that picture in the location of the event.
<mmShow:true> - this is needed to actually show the event on the minimap.
<floatSpeed:0.02> - replace 0.02 with how fast you want the icon to float on the minimap.
<floatPower:2> - Replace 2 with how far you want the icon to float.
<mmColor:Color> - replace Color with rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a), or a hex color. Example: <mColor:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)>
hideMinimap true/false will show or hide the minimap (rather its unlocked or not.)
changeIcon eventId pictureFile where eventId is the event icon you want to change, and pictureFile is the file in the pictures folder you want to use. Example: changeIcon 1 testIcon Note: I can't seem to save this information to the games save file, because it says stack too deep. I'll try to find a way around this later O:
unlockMap true/false will unlock the map for that area. This gets saved to the games save file so you only have to do it once.
hideMinimapName true/false will determine if the minimap name is hidden or not.
--Free icons (put in picture folder)
Available for free use, both commercially and non-commercially. Donations are appreciated <3
Credit goes to William Ramsey (or William TheUnproPro)