I finished something I started way, way back. Again. I'm still really surprised that I actually finish the drafts I start. Like this one here that uses an Arabian-type scale which, I admit, I'm very fond of~!
[doublepost=1508177220,1506531749][/doublepost]Hoo boy, I finally got around to finishing this. I started this months ago and posted a draft of this way back when and now I got it done. It's not very long or particularly sophisticated but it is my very own Pokémon-style battle theme that I've been wanting to compose for such a long time. Enjoy~! :3
[doublepost=1509400018][/doublepost]I made a Halloween thingy! And I just realised that, because of my name change, I have to go through all the Soundcloud links here and change the URLs. What a pain~
Anyway, let me know what you think about this eerie piece!
[doublepost=1510448477][/doublepost]Whew, I finally got around to updating all the links in here. Name changes online are sure a lot of work. Anyway, some songs will be unavailable regardless since I have removed them from my Soundcloud in an effort to tidy up. Mostly previews and WIPs so don't worry~!
[doublepost=1513569084][/doublepost]Okay, so: I'm not dead, I have been working on stuff. I'm just holding it back because I wanna release a little pack actually. This one here is not gonna be part of it, so I'm gonna showcase it. I made this for one of my favourite LPers/streamers to use for her chillout streams (dunno if she's gonna use it yet, but I made it regardless). This was actually my first attempt at a "genuine" jazzy tune. And by that I mean this is the first time I actually used jazz chords. XD
Anyway, have a listen and maybe a hot beverage to go with it~
[doublepost=1516475700][/doublepost]Alrighty, I haven't been posting something in a long time despite composing like six different songs in the meantime. Some of those need to be kept in the back because Resource Team and the others... well, I have a plan for those. Sorta. Anyways, this post is about my latest diddy - just finished today!
This is somewhat loosely based on them old Persona games' map themes. I say "somewhat loosely" because I didn't intend it to sound like them. That's just the way it came out I think. I just built a song over that beat there~ XD