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Zebestian's Music Box


Staff member
Resource Team
I just listened to the Secret Place preview, great work on the little I did hear :) I cannot wait to listen to the full thing :D


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I just listened to the Secret Place preview, great work on the little I did hear :) I cannot wait to listen to the full thing :D
Thank you. :)
Yeah, it's gonna be a while until you'll get to hear the full thing. First, I need to complete my MV Music Pack. I guess you'll get a good preview of the full track once it's on Bandcamp. XD


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I was loving the mysterious feeling for Secret Places , it is a really good dungeon track, keep them coming :D
Fun fact: "Secret Places" is based on my earlier piece "Mysterious Places". At least a little anyway. I only realized it after I was done. Hence the title. :D
It seems like everytime I start making a new track I finish it after only a few hours.
Dude... no. Just... no. :D
This track here took me a week to finish. So long even, that I don't remember what I intended it to be. Did I want to write another dungeon theme after "Secret Places"...? No idea. This is what I got. XD

"Spirit of Mischief" (Preview)

Now that I finally got this one done, I can focus my efforts on the Christmas and winter themes I wanted to write. :D
Now that I finally got this one done, I can focus my efforts on the Christmas and winter themes I wanted to write. :D
Suuuure, dude. You do that. You finished one before getting sidetracked with another MV Music Pack theme! XD
Anyway, yes, another preview for you guyses. It's a town theme this time. Imagine a busy marketplace or a cozy tavern when listening to this. Does that fit?

"Bargain and Barter" (Preview)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
"Spirit of Mischief" (Preview)
I like this one also, feels like a tune you'd here on the way to a boss or epic plot twist lol.

"Bargain and Barter" (Preview)
I really like this one, I can definitely see this being a cozy tavern or a marketplace good stuff :D

Can't wait to hear more, and where is this Christmas tune I been so eager to hear, geez, get on it already lol.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
ICan't wait to hear more, and where is this Christmas tune I been so eager to hear, geez, get on it already lol.
Sorry. That's not gonna be revealed until the Resource Team release. You'll just have to be a little more patient. ;)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
So... I invested some money in some better virtual instruments and had to try them out at once.
... Well, "at once" meaning "as soon as the freaking download finished". 35 GB does take some time. :P
Anyway, I decided to remake one of my "older" songs, "Malicious Heart" to be precise. And I gotta say, the difference and improvement is undeniable. And I didn't even apply some proper mixing. Kontakt 5 is that awesome. *gushes* XD

And here it is!
If you want to compare:
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Alrighty, I overcame my lack of creativity and laziness and finally completed another MV Music Pack song. A dungeon theme this time. I tried to make it Zelda-esque but it seems like I can't defy my style no matter what I'm trying to compose, so... it doesn't sound as "Zelda" as I would've wanted it to but it still sounds good enough I believe. :D

"Sacred Place of the Waters" (Preview)
... and, @Xyphien, can we please get the option to embed the Soundcloud player? This has been bothering me for so long now...
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Damn, how many musics did you create? :O
Counting only my original works, that's a little bit over 60, I believe. However, I started out with making remakes of classic video game music and if I add those, I'm well over 150. :D

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
Daaaaaaamn... as well as gotta catching'em all. They are great, even the original ones as well. Of course there will always be some I'll like less, but your vast variety of your library has different style for almost everyone's tastes. If there were to be commercialized, I wonder how much you'll charge each song :D

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
I understand you, it's never easy to put a price tag. Especially with how people see what's worth or not with so diverged opinions. ^^"


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Pricing-wise, a good way to go is hourly, just to see how much of a time investment each song is for you. Think of what you'd want to be paid for that much work with a different job, and you can get a starting price from there.

I will say, though, if you start that way, you will definitely need to raise your prices rather quickly. Your quality of music is worth more than the average paycheck. ^^


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Pricing-wise, a good way to go is hourly, just to see how much of a time investment each song is for you. Think of what you'd want to be paid for that much work with a different job, and you can get a starting price from there.
I agree with you there. I wouldn't do all this for mere minimum wage, although I'd really love to. But selling my work under value and not recognizing my worth is a bad way to build reputation. "If it's cheap, it can't be good" - this mentality exists. And I don't want to be brushed off as "bad".

Your quality of music is worth more than the average paycheck. ^^
Also: aww, you're so sweet. Thanks for the kind words. I'm too humble to acknowledge those kinds of things though. Personally, I think I still have a long way to go. :D


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I'm really bad about pricing my own work, lol. Always have been.

But yeah, definitely make sure you're getting more than minimum wage for what you're doing. Simply put: if you can't make more than you would with just any old job, then why not have just any old job? ;D

Also: aww, you're so sweet. Thanks for the kind words. I'm too humble to acknowledge those kinds of things though. Personally, I think I still have a long way to go. :D
Ahh, but don't we all? You're doing great for the level you're at, and it'll be great to see how you improve from here. ^^


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
*does an 8-bit update dance*

A few days ago I announced that I would work on some chiptunes and today, right now (actually a few hours ago but who keeps track) I have finished the very first song of this very retro collection. If you're a fan of the sound of the good ol' days then this is for you!
All I can say is: Enjoy! (blush)

The creation process of this chiptune was very similar to how I normally compose. I just start with (or without) a rough concept and just go from there. As a result, most of the time I have no idea what the heck I've actually composed. Same with this tune here. I guess it would work well as character theme for the antagonist(s) or maybe as a dungeon theme? No idea. But I do know that I did quite well on this one. And that's a good sign for further chiptunes to come. (cat)
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