@David Lister, I am truly honored and thankful that you took all that time to plow through what is essentially my last few months worth of work. :D
I think that you can see and hear that I'm having fun doing what I'm doing and I will definitely follow this path for years to come, I'm sure. I've only been composing for about three years anyway and would really love to learn more and improve over the time.
When I hear the work of a professional composer I never envy their abilities - instead, I always say to myself: "I wanna be able to do that sometime". And that's what I'm working for, becoming like my idols, writing my personal "Star Wars Main Theme". ^_^
it's all about simple melody
I can hear those simple melodies in your work and I truly enjoyed listening to many of your pieces. Keep at it. You'll look back on it and be glad you continued the pursuit. Trust me, it's worth it. Oh, and to quote Amysaurus, "...it'll be great to see how you improve from here."
I am always trying to make my music sound intuitive and let it get to people by the way of the melody. Sometimes it works, sometimes not as much. I think that's why my "Great Ruler of the Dark" is so popular. However, it's good to hear that focussing on the melodies was, in fact, the right idea. My intuition told me to go on and compose the music in a style of music that I love. And you'd be surprised to hear how picky I am about what I like and what not. If the intro of a song doesn't appeal to me, I'm out. If the melody isn't convincing, I'm out. Given, that
has changed somewhat but it's essentially still how I judge music personally (not professionally, that's a whole other story). And I tried to apply that to my work - make a good intro and a good melody. I mean, what composer doesn't like their own work? I sure do and I'm happy you do, too.
So thanks again, my friend, for your kind and encouraging words. I must say, I'm equally curious to see how I will "improve from here". :D