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Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

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Towns Guard
@Superkoopa Huh. I'm quite a fan of that! I can only wonder how long that must've taken you. D:

The latest batch of lightmaps I got done over the day. Hopefully they're less obnoxious and foggy now.
Warning for another f-bomb in the second screenshot. //thumbs up



Staff member
@Superkoopa The Ball People slide. On screen they do kinda rock back and forth to show the slide movement to correlate similarly to how humanfolk walk. They do not roll though. :) Also, awesome screenshot above.
Testing out a world map (this image does not constitute a world map, but is the basic idea!) for how the main character of my new upcoming game will travel around between zones.

There's a mouse system with a custom cursor and everything. I still need to make it so the player can't move (passabilities haven't been set) and that the map is large enough for the game window despite using the Ace-sized tiles.

I really do like what is possible to do in MV. In Ace, this would've been a huge pain, but in MV, it's just a couple of clicks away!
Wow, thanks guys, appreciate it!

Made a few revisions to my previous post, though more work needs to be done.
Also been working on a new part of the town.

Does the background on the second picture look out of place? I'm 50/50 about it. Though I suppose with more detail added to the scene, it would take the focus off it.
[doublepost=1449590753,1449450328][/doublepost]Some simple character concepts.


Staff member
Here is a screenshot of Ballden hiding in the grass while two Studded Krinkles 'ram' each other.

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Bizarre Monkey

Sorry, I sorta dropped out of forums and still am sort of out of the game, but i figured I'd take a look here, holy damn you guys have made some good stuff.

@MinisterJay: I think the problem is more how close he is to the player group than his size.

@Koopa: I absolutely love the noir style your game is taking, pure black and pure white can look so good!

This one's gotta be my favorite so far!

So many different and awesome looking maps around here, gosh golly I'm gonna look so generic in comparison!

Well, Pep and Tristy got redesigns, and now Tristy's angel form does too!

Pep actually got an updated sprite too courtesy of some new meat in the CCC, but i haven't updated the game files with it yet.

Also a couple boss screens.

Here's a now, quite out of date, but still awesome trailer for those who fail to realize the Intelligence progress thread is a thing.
E: Oops, I actually did embed this two pages ago! I just forgot. :0
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Towns Guard
A map we did for the starting scene. Mountains to the North, Swamp/Forest to the East, Volcanic area to the West (main area for 1st game) and the South will hold a surprise. No parallax here...not quite there yet so it is all RTP.

Bizarre Monkey

Not bad, Pac. I think it might be best to use the shadow tool and erase all those autoshadows through, Also consider making the stairs going up the center elevation one or two tiles taller so it doesn't appear they are painted on the side of the cliff.

I really like how you've used the bushy-grass tiles to convey swamp land, clever stuff!

What have I been doing? Well, mostly getting an indev build of 314th Clash stable and ready for some members of my team. Updated the big pictures used in The Messenger's Descent and Planetary Rush to comprehend the new tilesets. Also updating old images, like Tristy getting shot.

Been updating a couple cutscenes, only slightly, but just to be less annoying and more involving. Also credit sequences are gone until the game in cleared entirely now, no more of this credits sequence each act thing.

There's also gonna be a short ending after the credits, speaking of 'the' credits, they are going to be host to an interactive mini-game, not sure what yet, but I'll work something out. Whether it's just a never ending battle where enemies keep spawning and enemies are credited persons, or if it'll be a walk around or game while credits flick over the screen via picture commands.

Well, here's a screen shot anywho!

Been having fun with polish updates.
[doublepost=1450435050,1450264599][/doublepost]Music for this is a placeholder, but I wanted to show deez credits.


Staff member
Hiya I made my first world map island, I am bad at it. Want to see what you guys think of it?
Do not be so hard on your self. You skills at mapping will get better. Your geological placement looks proper. A primary mountainous isle that has river source flowing from the mountains. It transitions to hills than forests. The beaches are sandy. The shallows make sense. I actually like you have one area of deep right upon the beach. Good ob on first map. :)

Bizarre Monkey

Hiya I made my first world map island, I am bad at it. Want to see what you guys think of it?
That's actually pretty good. Went a bit overboard with the trees and stuff but for a first world map it's very believable.

What I like about it is it isn't huge and overscaled. It's one island and looks like it could be from a real world, just need to cut down some of the trees near things like the pool, etc.
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