The more countries that stand against it's defilers, the more will the world be allowed to grow.
I.S.I.S aren't good people, and much as I may support anarchy where a government has soured, I.S.I.S are simply the textbook definition of terrorists. They use fear to assert control... kind of like what a lot of governments are doing these days, haha. The difference is our Governments aren't beheading people in the street, they aren't killing innocents to push an agenda. They aren't crucifying those who speak against them. Killing innocents is for pussies, taking out some evil corporate douchebag, that I could respect. But, just kill em, you don't need to go and fucking crucify them or just, wow.
Here's some dark insight into the reason organizations like I.S.I.S exist, years ago, before 9/11, American troops raided Afghanistan/Saudi Arabia to secure oil, it's only natural resource.
The 9/11 bombings are theorized to be fair revenge, even though they killed a minute fraction of what the US did their innocents.
Dick Cheney, yeah, the dude behind the Halliburton Project, authorized and pushed for the theft of that oil, regardless of the cost. Almost a million people were killed, and for Greed, nothing more.
I see 9/11 as a merciful wake-up call. But that is, assuming it wasn't an inside job. Knowing the breadth of the Saudi-arabian oil robbing, what better way to hide the facts than with a travesty committed from the assumed enemies against America's people? And who cares more about what America does than anyone?
America itself. A scapegoat, an inside job, a severely merciful blow to the pride of the people. If that conspiracy is true... it would certainly be better overshadowed by the I.S.I.S epidemic, made big by the American media, used to extort the citizenry into fear yet again. I.S.I.S are cruel, malicious pieces o' shit. Make no mistake, and they go way too far, and make it very easy to sympathize with anyone but them.
They are a small band of infidels, if they wanted, America could easily dispose of them, but they won't. The media profits too greatly from exacerbating on the stories and evils that I.S.I.S does. How quaint, Greed has led the shepherds astray, and now they are complacent to kill their herd.
The world ends with money.