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Paris Incident

Bizarre Monkey

You don't want the rest of the world to join in. It is exactly what they want. Glory isn't what it is about nor should it be a reason to fight.

From America's perspective, it's only a reason because America likes to step in and be the heroes. From a business perspective it's a good thing because war is good for business, it is not good for humanity. America will stand by until I.S.I.S. literally comes over and bombs them, which is the worst idea because America's gun population is larger than most of the non major countries combined.
I'm not one for glorifying war. I never intend to get involved.

But if I.S.I.S. keeps prodding, they will find retaliation greater than they can handle. People will get tired of fearing, eventually.

The fate of the world then? I don't know. America will likely spiral into bankruptcy, the war that emerges from it could have dire ramifications, but it may unite us like never before.

It's not like I.S.I.S has the man power or faculties to launch an all out assault, if ever they posed a large enough threat, they'd be ground to ash. They don't have the numbers or tools to do much against the combined might of every sovereign power in the world.

Making enemies with everyone doesn't work out as well as you may think, Hitler says so! And he had an organized, heavily regimented army under his belt.

I.S.I.S is just a weak reincarnation of Hitler.

Say what you will about Hitler and what he stood for, by god did the Nazi's have a good dress code.
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@Bizarre Monkey I don't think that's the motivation behind it, not even political motivation. From the extremists' point of view, it's about Sharia Law and the installation (by force and/or violence) thereof. People or nations criticising, denying or refusing conversion to Islam are considered as "enemies", for which the punishment is death. The ideal about a Sharia-governed global state has been brewing for a long time, spearheaded by quite literal translations of the Quoran and influenced by strict interpretation of Sharia Law. Sharia Law itself cannot be changed, but imams are given a bit of leeway to interpret it (known as "figh"). ISIS will continue regardless if they're outnumbered, outgunned or outmanoeuvred, as long as THEY (within extremist views) believe they are killing their "enemies" - and the more they do, the better. But, terrorism in and of itself is considered at times as a "front", not just as a means to justify an end, or to do as much damage as possible, integration (with the goal for dominance) is actually much more subtle. The Paris attacks were attrocious, well-orchestrated and did enough "damage" to alert everyone. To me, the ONLY way to stop ISIS is for Sharia law to be reformed or to eradicate it completely.
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Bizarre Monkey

This goes a bit further than I know, we're at the point in this discussion where I would be forced to speculate a lot.

What I can say is that I.S.I.S have been on the America's Code Red since long before the the Paris Bombings, the media reports anything gruesome they do.

I'm interested to see what happens next.
What I can say is that I.S.I.S have been on the America's Code Red since long before the the Paris Bombings
You're right. ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), also known as ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) was formed by a Jordanian extremist in 1999 and formed ties with other Islamic groups, notably al-Qaeda. Before that, it comprised several smaller groups, tribes or extremist idealists.

By early 2014, al-Qaeda disassociated itself with ISIS because they deemed their actions "too extreme" (not referring to the actual acts of terrorism, but the strict adherence to Sharia Law punishments). ISIS follows a very extreme form of Islam known as Salafism (it means something like "pious forefathers"). Basically, promoting violence and bloodshed to establish and maintain a dictatorial government under Sharia Law, with the view that the "Guided One" (Mhadi) will come and redeem them. By the end of last year ISIS/ISIL renamed itself IS ("Islamic State") with this same dude appointing himself as caliphate (permitted under Sharia Law along with landgrabs). And what makes them even more dangerous than al-Qaeda (how can we forget what they did) is that they are driven by their theology.

The rest of the world would be wise to take note of what happened in Paris. It's considered as a "warning shot".

Bizarre Monkey

And they will. The threat I.S.I.S poses to humanity is a strong one, and not one that can be easily ignored.

Divided we'll be taken out one by one, together and united, we could crush them all. But the sooner we act the better, I think.

It's one of those Wars that is difficult to at all support because many innocents of both are going to be harmed along the way. But if I.S.I.S makes it a life or death choice, which they've already made clear to be in their interests, then they'll leave everywhere very little choice.

If there's anything good that comes from America putting 97% of it's budget into the military, it's that they theoretically should be able to easily overpower anything that poses a threat. I may not approve some of the things America has done, but I have to admit they are a good safety-net.

We've not seen war machines they've made in a long time, and evidence suggest they've stopped not much developing weapon beyond the close of the second great war. With the amount of money they've poured into military expansion and growth, I dare not even guess what monstrous machinations they may have now.