Bizarre Monkey
- Xy$
- -0.10
I'm not one for glorifying war. I never intend to get involved.You don't want the rest of the world to join in. It is exactly what they want. Glory isn't what it is about nor should it be a reason to fight.
From America's perspective, it's only a reason because America likes to step in and be the heroes. From a business perspective it's a good thing because war is good for business, it is not good for humanity. America will stand by until I.S.I.S. literally comes over and bombs them, which is the worst idea because America's gun population is larger than most of the non major countries combined.
But if I.S.I.S. keeps prodding, they will find retaliation greater than they can handle. People will get tired of fearing, eventually.
The fate of the world then? I don't know. America will likely spiral into bankruptcy, the war that emerges from it could have dire ramifications, but it may unite us like never before.
It's not like I.S.I.S has the man power or faculties to launch an all out assault, if ever they posed a large enough threat, they'd be ground to ash. They don't have the numbers or tools to do much against the combined might of every sovereign power in the world.
Making enemies with everyone doesn't work out as well as you may think, Hitler says so! And he had an organized, heavily regimented army under his belt.
I.S.I.S is just a weak reincarnation of Hitler.
Say what you will about Hitler and what he stood for, by god did the Nazi's have a good dress code.
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