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Paris Incident


Staff member
Resource Team

I'm unsure if you all are aware of what happened yesterday 13/Nov/15. Paris got hit by a huge isis terrorist attack. With at LEAST 127 people dead, and 180 people enjured.

I just wanted to make this post to bring knowledge to everyone, and if anyone is near the paris area, I hope you all are fine, and I hope your family is safe and well as well. It's a tragic event, and something that should not happen to anyone, or any area.

David FoxFire

Trigger Warnings: Snippiness, Saltiness, and possible microagressions ahead. A spoiler tag is included for your convience.

Snippy Answer: I bet a lot of peaceful Muslims have woken up today thinking..."Oh Sweet Allah, today's going to suck!"

Real Answer: I was too busy smarting over what's going on at Missou (or as I call it, a Real Live reinactment of the second half of Pink Floyd's "The Wall") to have this register yet. But my heart and prayers go out to all those who lost their lives and loved ones in this combined attack by those ISIS ****heads. That goes double to the above-mentioned non-violent Muslims who I can relate with. (Being autistic, I know what's it like to have a bad reputation by the more violent parts of their group) I'd hope that someone wips the middle east with ISIS, but after what happened with Charlie Hebdo, I have my doubts.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I send love to all those who need it but I give no focus on incidents like these considering 60 people die in Paris people freak out. Thousands of children die in Syria and no one lifts a finger, oh the best part star bucks change their cups and people notice that over innocent people dieing in third world countries . I give my attention to solutions not the symptoms.


Hello, all I come to have a break a little. Yesterday it was a horrible evening. We had frights, but I lost nobody fortunately. For the moment, the attack made 128 deaths and more than 300 wounded persons. I hope that nobody of the forum lost a close friend. Thank you for your supports all and particulary (@Xyphien @LTN Games @David FoxFire )


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I find it terrible that something like this had to happen again in Paris, especially after the attack on Charlie Hebdo earlier this year. Terrorism and violence in general is disgusting and I resent anyone making use of such methods to reach their goals. I am especially sorry for all the Muslims out their whose religion is being used to justify such terror. Terrorism does not have a religion! My thoughts are with the French people and the Parisians in particular. Us Europeans have to stick together in times like these.
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I know there are plenty of words to describe how watching the events unfold made me feel, but I'm still at a loss for them.

I'm going to stay optimistic that action will actually be taken because of this event, but I can't say I don't have my doubts after previous attacks all over. My heart is broken right now, but what's left of it goes out to anyone going through this. </3
My heart goes out to them all. It's horrifying and terrifying that we can live in a world where this kind of violence exists, not that it's anything new but to see it unfold with your own eyes is very disturbing. I have nothing against religions, only against the extremism that propels it into such wanton violence and foments war.

Not to sound unsympathetic or uncaring - because I'm anything but; I have a few friends in Paris, one of whom I've not heard from since this happened! - I think this was inevitable. With the influx of refugees, it's highly probably that some of them were disguised terrorists. The thing to remember about the Muslim faith - especially extremism - is that they don't conquer solely by warfare, they conquer by subterfuge and integration. This link is something of an eye-opener and will make sense as to what's going on and why things are escalating into another world war (some would say we've been in WW3 since 9/11).


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
With the influx of refugees, it's highly probably that some of them were disguised terrorists.
While possible, we should not be falling into conjecture. First investigations showed that one suicide bomber apparently was Egyptian and another was Syrian. Witnesses have stated that the terrorists who occupied the concert hall were speaking French. We have a very diverse organization with ISIS and they always find their way, be it among refugees or not.
I'm just afraid that this attack will lead to resentments towards refugees and that's something we don't need or want right now.
Indeed, and the investigation's ongoing. One of the gunmen had a Syrian passport and is most likely to have come through Greece. Cries of "This is for Syria" and "Allahu Akbar" were heard shouted by the gunmen. The Frenchmen involved were father and brother; they've found preliminary evidence of their ties to IS (being confirmed). Some of my Muslim friends are devastated by these latest attacks.

I'm just afraid that this attack will lead to resentments towards refugees and that's something we don't need or want right now.
You're right. Those resentments are already there globally, leading to hate, paranoia and isolationism. This is a "precursor" attack. Call me crazy, but I foresee some of these attacks, including dates. (I saw 9/11 two weeks before it happened, and again the recent Paris attacks.) But, honestly, WHOM do you tell? At least without having some inference of involvement. So when it happens, it makes it much harder (emotionally) to cope with.

David FoxFire

I know that all too well, @Companion Wulf . I'm just reduced myself to just leaning back in Goggle+ and watch the world burn as I quote Pink Floyd's "The Wall". In fact, I'm designing a Tabletop Campaign Setting called Æthercoil that is set 300 years after society's collapse. Of course, some people would cry out and say "Why didn't you say something if you knew?" and I'd just shrug. "You didn't want to hear it. Go find some other White Male to punish over this."
@David FoxFire, ironically I was listening to Dies Irae (translates as "Day of Wrath") when it went down. It gets to the point where you kinda become inured to it after the initial emotional response. What makes it worse (for me) is I've not heard from my French friends since. Your tabletop campaign sounds quite intriguing btw.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
My best friend made a six months long exchange to Paris and she was there. I hoped so bad that she's okay and texted her, luckily she texted back and told me that she's ok. She told me that the things happened where her friends live. I hope they're okay too...


Towns Guard
not big deal same as in 9.11 stuff just happens ;p
but more coming now more rapid ..... heh
more attacks ofc coming but it should be faster coming ..... it makes sense

David FoxFire

Sure thing, @Companion Wulf , I'll continue developing Æthercoil for you. But in a nutshell, it's basically a Old School Renisance world where they experience the dawn of invention, where the earliest of inventions such as the Printing Press, Electricity, Steam Power, and the like were discovered. As flavor, I have it set in a post-apocalyptic world where the downfall--and dark aging of--of the modern world regressed society back to midevial settings. A group of benevolent kingdoms banded together to encorage exploration to rediscover the lost technology of the modern day.

I'll move this topic to it's own thread for further discussion; we now return you to the much needed prayers to those in Paris.

Bizarre Monkey

The more countries that stand against it's defilers, the more will the world be allowed to grow.

I.S.I.S aren't good people, and much as I may support anarchy where a government has soured, I.S.I.S are simply the textbook definition of terrorists. They use fear to assert control... kind of like what a lot of governments are doing these days, haha. The difference is our Governments aren't beheading people in the street, they aren't killing innocents to push an agenda. They aren't crucifying those who speak against them. Killing innocents is for pussies, taking out some evil corporate douchebag, that I could respect. But, just kill em, you don't need to go and fucking crucify them or just, wow.

Here's some dark insight into the reason organizations like I.S.I.S exist, years ago, before 9/11, American troops raided Afghanistan/Saudi Arabia to secure oil, it's only natural resource.

The 9/11 bombings are theorized to be fair revenge, even though they killed a minute fraction of what the US did their innocents.

Dick Cheney, yeah, the dude behind the Halliburton Project, authorized and pushed for the theft of that oil, regardless of the cost. Almost a million people were killed, and for Greed, nothing more.

I see 9/11 as a merciful wake-up call. But that is, assuming it wasn't an inside job. Knowing the breadth of the Saudi-arabian oil robbing, what better way to hide the facts than with a travesty committed from the assumed enemies against America's people? And who cares more about what America does than anyone?

America itself. A scapegoat, an inside job, a severely merciful blow to the pride of the people. If that conspiracy is true... it would certainly be better overshadowed by the I.S.I.S epidemic, made big by the American media, used to extort the citizenry into fear yet again. I.S.I.S are cruel, malicious pieces o' shit. Make no mistake, and they go way too far, and make it very easy to sympathize with anyone but them.

They are a small band of infidels, if they wanted, America could easily dispose of them, but they won't. The media profits too greatly from exacerbating on the stories and evils that I.S.I.S does. How quaint, Greed has led the shepherds astray, and now they are complacent to kill their herd.

The world ends with money.