Hello and welcome to my wonderful campaign thread where you can bombard me with all the questions your want answered by this me. But who is this "me" I'm talking about? ... Well, let's see if we can't clarify some of the easier questions beforehand. ^_^
Q: "So, who are you now?"
A: "My name is Kaimen and I have been a member of this forum since pretty much its very beginning. I am also a member of this forum's Resource Team creating all the cool songs for you to use in your games. Is... uh... is the short version enough? If people wanna know more, they can ask, right?"
Q: "Sure, they can. Okay, why do you want to become a mod?"
A: "Ah, this is where the important questions start. Ever since I joined this community I have experienced a special sort of kindness and friendliness that I have never experienced in any other community I have joined thus far. This is also the reason why I am as active as I am on here - I love being around here and sharing my views, opinions and advice. I want to become a mod for the same reason I wanted to be part of the Resource Team - I want to give something back, I want to repay the community for all the kindness, the new friends I made, the confidence they gave me and the motivation I received by being a member of this community."
Q: "Quite the story, man. And what are your qualifications?"
Apart from moderating the comments and forum section of the biggest German-speaking Pokémon podcast, of which I am a member of, and the obvious common sense I am equipped with, I am a very creative person and an unconventional thinker. I consider myself to be decent at solving problems and mediating (and that's not because all my friends always come to me for relationship advice... obviously not). I'm friendly, kind, lovable but can also do my duty where it's due. Meaning that if someone or something goes against the rules I won't hesitate and resolve that matter in a civilized manner. What is also a huge advantage is, that you can't tick me off very easily. As a mod you should always keep your cool and I pretty much always keep my cool."
Q: "Now, if that doesn't sound promising I don't know what does."
A: "Maybe you should go and look at the other contestants' threads then. Don't just read through this one. Inform yourself before voting. This also applies in real life."
Q: "Sure, sure. Will do. One last question though: why 'grapes and bow ties'?"
A: "I need to correct you there. The question is not 'why', it's 'why not'? Let's just say it's an easter-egg for certain people. Those people will know what I'm talking about. I just needed a motto for my campaign and couldn't think of anything more stupid. And heck, bow ties are cool."
Q: "Alright, then thank you for your time and good luck with your campaign."
A: "Thank you for asking all these questions. And I can't wait for all the questions the users are gonna ask me. Let's get this going!"
Q: "So, who are you now?"
A: "My name is Kaimen and I have been a member of this forum since pretty much its very beginning. I am also a member of this forum's Resource Team creating all the cool songs for you to use in your games. Is... uh... is the short version enough? If people wanna know more, they can ask, right?"
Q: "Sure, they can. Okay, why do you want to become a mod?"
A: "Ah, this is where the important questions start. Ever since I joined this community I have experienced a special sort of kindness and friendliness that I have never experienced in any other community I have joined thus far. This is also the reason why I am as active as I am on here - I love being around here and sharing my views, opinions and advice. I want to become a mod for the same reason I wanted to be part of the Resource Team - I want to give something back, I want to repay the community for all the kindness, the new friends I made, the confidence they gave me and the motivation I received by being a member of this community."
Q: "Quite the story, man. And what are your qualifications?"
Apart from moderating the comments and forum section of the biggest German-speaking Pokémon podcast, of which I am a member of, and the obvious common sense I am equipped with, I am a very creative person and an unconventional thinker. I consider myself to be decent at solving problems and mediating (and that's not because all my friends always come to me for relationship advice... obviously not). I'm friendly, kind, lovable but can also do my duty where it's due. Meaning that if someone or something goes against the rules I won't hesitate and resolve that matter in a civilized manner. What is also a huge advantage is, that you can't tick me off very easily. As a mod you should always keep your cool and I pretty much always keep my cool."
Q: "Now, if that doesn't sound promising I don't know what does."
A: "Maybe you should go and look at the other contestants' threads then. Don't just read through this one. Inform yourself before voting. This also applies in real life."
Q: "Sure, sure. Will do. One last question though: why 'grapes and bow ties'?"
A: "I need to correct you there. The question is not 'why', it's 'why not'? Let's just say it's an easter-egg for certain people. Those people will know what I'm talking about. I just needed a motto for my campaign and couldn't think of anything more stupid. And heck, bow ties are cool."
Q: "Alright, then thank you for your time and good luck with your campaign."
A: "Thank you for asking all these questions. And I can't wait for all the questions the users are gonna ask me. Let's get this going!"