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For Grapes and Bow Ties! ~ Kaimen's Champagne

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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
1. Being a moderator, a leadership position for the forum, you have been put in charge of helping raise funds for the forum. What are some of your ideas?

2. A new members submits, in your opinion, a subpar resource. How would you handle this?

3. In the following screenshot, if there are any, name the Rules that are violated. In addition what else may be improper procedurally, but not against the rules.

1. There is honestly not that many possibilities you have for fundraising when running a forum other than special "charity" events, donations or special features for paying members (which we already have). The only thing we could hope for is the generosity of a few members who actually recognize the work and efforts that go into upholding this place. If more members can be made wary of that I'd say that might get them to donate a little something. There's just not a whole lot you can do with our limited possibilities on here.

2. As long as the resource doesn't violate any rules I won't do a whole lot other than providing detailed feedback on how the resource can be improved. I am already exchanging PMs with a member whom I offered advice on composing music as a result of that already happening.

3. Hah, I was wondering what was up with your weird signature earlier. Now I get the picture (pun intended)! Let's see here...
Rules #3/#1 and #7 are definitely violated here. The signature is so massive that it doesn't even fit on the screen and you're essentially begging for money for private purposes by advertising for a dedicated website. So... you're essentially a very loud beggar in that screenshot. If that begging was any more "aggressive" I'd also consider rule #2 to be violated since that could be interpreted as harassing. However it may be, that topic would be removed instantly and you'd get a little message. :)


Staff member
3. Hah, I was wondering what was up with your weird signature earlier. Now I get the picture (pun intended)! Let's see here...
Rules #3/#1 and #7 are definitely violated here. The signature is so massive that it doesn't even fit on the screen and you're essentially begging for money for private purposes by advertising for a dedicated website. So... you're essentially a very loud beggar in that screenshot. If that begging was any more "aggressive" I'd also consider rule #2 to be violated since that could be interpreted as harassing. However it may be, that topic would be removed instantly and you'd get a little message. :)
Awesome job Kaimen. Since you are the first to answer, there is one more...look real careful.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Awesome job Kaimen. Since you are the first to answer, there is one more...look real careful.
You sneaky little criminal, you. It wouldn't matter since this is violating so many rules but posting this in the "Forums Games" section is both wrong and hilarious. But that's not exactly against a rule - is there anything else wrong with it still...? I guess the "missionary duties" could be considered "offensive" since it's a religious matter but you're not really offending anyone here. Well, not me at least. But I could imagine there being people who wouldn't like seeing this. I mean... that is if you mean that with "missionary duties". Less pure minds might interpret that otherwise and then that would violate rule #6. XD

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
With all of these serious questions, time for a... less-serious one.

Do you like pancakes?

Do you like pizza? If so, what are your favorite pizza toppings?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Knowing Forum Posting Rules ...

List the Rules that this post violates:
At first glance I really can't see any violations there. Sure, you're talking about a sensitive topic but not in a rude and offending manner. However, I can't get rid of the feeling that this would look a whole lot better as a blog post rather than a discussion topic since... well, there's no discussion to be had there. You're just giving people insight into your own experiences without having a distinct discussion trigger, i.e. a question. I'd recommend taking that to your blog instead - that's the only thing I can see. *hasn't actually checked the rules thoroughly and goes by experience and feeling*

Do you like pancakes?
I take mine with applesauce, cinnamon and sugar. They are freaking delicious, I tell ya! :)

Do you like pizza? If so, what are your favorite pizza toppings?
Dude, maybe I should make this clear: I like food. Period. Full stop. Dot. End of sentence. And pizza is no exception. However the toppings... that varies. I don't have that one favourite combination. I like to experiment. I think I'm gonna try fish next time... *drools*


Staff member
Kaimen, according to the current rules, and scroll over description of that particular forum, you are correct. There have been no rules violated. Our friendly moderator has shown that it also would be desirable to see it in a blog or as a profile post, but it will be allowed. It will be allowed as long as it does not become a heated argument. So far it has allowed people to see that we can work together with different belief systems. I did not mention it in the post, but the people I was talking about were all working on the same RPG Maker Game. I intentionally left that out, so I would not be defending it on a game related technicality.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
What can a banana cheerleader do that no other can do?
Uhm... She can "a peel"...?
Hmm, I feel like there are more puns that can be made here but it seems that for some raisin the time isn't ripe yet. But don't worry, I will get my puns to fruit-ition eventually. Orange you glad you are spared from that horror? XD


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I'm sorry - I only have so many things to do while I'm sick! Seriously, hit me up. I'll draw you an apology dino. D:

> To what extent do you think moderators influence a community (i.e. what kind of an impact do they have)?

> What (in your opinion) is the best part about this community? Do you think it makes our community unique?

> What (in your opinion) is the worst part about this community? How do you think we can resolve that?

> What do you think is the most challenging part of being a moderator?

> You start to feel overwhelmed with work in the community - do you ask someone for assistance, or do you work through it yourself?

> An emergency strikes (maybe a huge argument, maybe someone spamming all over the forum), but you’re the only staff member on. Do you keep an eye on the situation until you have help, or do try and fix the situation yourself?

> Do you plan to start (or continue?) trying to advertise this community? If yes, on what platforms and how? If no, do you think that’s something a moderator should be expected to do?

> If at any point you had to pick a position to give up, would it be your spot on the Resource Team, or your spot as a moderator?

Perhaps the most difficult question…..
What is love?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
¿ʎɥʍ puɐ ɐǝʇ ɹo/puɐ ǝǝɟɟoɔ ɥʇᴉʍ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ʇɹǝssǝp ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ ɹnoʎ sᴉ ʇɐɥM


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I'm sorry - I only have so many things to do while I'm sick! Seriously, hit me up. I'll draw you an apology dino. D:
I'm torn on this... you're sick so you should rest so I shouldn't ask anything of you. On the other hand I'd really like that apology dino. What to do? What to do...? I need some time to think about this. :D

> To what extent do you think moderators influence a community (i.e. what kind of an impact do they have)?
Leaving all the obvious impact (aka the moderating) aside, I think that all staff members are being looked up to and are generally seen as "special" members. I don't think they're special but I think they're role models to the other members to some extent and they should behave accordingly. :)

> What (in your opinion) is the best part about this community? Do you think it makes our community unique?
I'd go a step further and say that the community itself is the best part of the community. All the interactions between the members, the kindness I've experienced here and the fun we have. Not to get touchy but there is a reason I'm as active as I am on here. ^_^

> What (in your opinion) is the worst part about this community? How do you think we can resolve that?
That would be the unbelievable unfortunate unavailability of our admins that has been going on for quite some time. It has become better as of recent but there's still potential there. Yes, I did it! I criticized the admins! There, I said it! ... Kidding, I just did it for that alliteration at the beginning of this answer. XD

> What do you think is the most challenging part of being a moderator?
I'd say judging about uncertain or "difficult"/complicated cases. Just look at all the questions we're being asked with all the hypothetical scenarios à la "they didn't break a rule but..." - that. That and keeping the balance between being a serious mod and a fun member. :)

> You start to feel overwhelmed with work in the community - do you ask someone for assistance, or do you work through it yourself?
I'm not too proud to ask for help. Most of the time when I don't ask for help I do it to not bother people with my problems. However, if I do feel overwhelmed I would definitely ask for assistance. There's a reason that there's a whole team of staff members, right?

> An emergency strikes (maybe a huge argument, maybe someone spamming all over the forum), but you’re the only staff member on. Do you keep an eye on the situation until you have help, or do try and fix the situation yourself?
"Emergency" usually means an urgent situation. If I think I can handle it I would definitely try. As a mod, that's what I would be there for. If things get out of hand I'd inform the other staff members and ask them if they have the time to come and help out.

> Do you plan to start (or continue?) trying to advertise this community? If yes, on what platforms and how? If no, do you think that’s something a moderator should be expected to do?
Being part of RT, I (will) always link to the resource packs from my respective songs on my Soundcloud. If the songs are in that pack, might as well tell people about it. A tweet here and there can't hurt either - but I'm only talking about RT here. "Aggressively" advertising a forum for the sake of drawing in new members is not something a mod is there for, in my opinion. Mods are here to keep things in order, not possibly causing more work for themselves. ;)

> If at any point you had to pick a position to give up, would it be your spot on the Resource Team, or your spot as a moderator?
Oooh, I would have to think about that for a long time if I actually ever had to face this situation. From my momentary standpoint I'd say give up the position as moderator since RT needs the musicians and there would be more than enough other qualified members who could do the job as mod just as well. However, now is not the future and my decision would surely be a different one. What it ultimately would be I can't say. Don't know what the future holds. :)

Perhaps the most difficult question…..
What is love?
*answers carefully*
Amy don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.

¿ʎɥʍ puɐ ɐǝʇ ɹo/puɐ ǝǝɟɟoɔ ɥʇᴉʍ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ʇɹǝssǝp ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ ɹnoʎ sᴉ ʇɐɥM
That would be, uh... cheesecake! My grandma makes the most amazing cheesecake. Back in the day, when I was little, we would always have that cheesecake when we went to our Sunday family dinner at my grandparents'. ... Damn, I want a cheesecake now! XD

... Also, my eyes hurt. (glee)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
What do you do if a member says they don't like dinosaurs?
I'll call upon the Great Lord Amysaurus and have her... "convince" the member to change their mind. 'Cause that's good for your health, having the same opinion as someone as dangerous powerful fiendish nice as you. :3


Staff member
Resource Team
This question goes past a mod a little bit. However, it is still a question that shows a lot about your character.

A member of your forum, or a forum you're an admin on applies to become a staff member. He has broken a few rules months ago, and the warnings are off, as well as you absolutely despise this person greatly. How would you handle his/her staff application?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
This question goes past a mod a little bit. However, it is still a question that shows a lot about your character.

A member of your forum, or a forum you're an admin on applies to become a staff member. He has broken a few rules months ago, and the warnings are off, as well as you absolutely despise this person greatly. How would you handle his/her staff application?
First off, I should maybe clarify that I am not one to have strong feelings against certain persons. "Despise" is such a hard emotion and is, for me, only reserved for the most horrible members of society. I am a general nice guy and a yes-man, maybe a little naïve and emotions such as hate and despise are not very common with me. That said, let's get to your question. XD
What we're talking about here is basically the same as someone like an ex-convict or someone on parole applying for a job as civil servant or official. This analogy might sound a little extreme, but that's essentially what it is. However, a forum is not a country, the staff is no government and the forum rules aren't law.
I would shove my personal feelings aside and counsel with the other staff members about how to fare with such a situation since this is nothing that can and should be decided lightly, especially when emotions are involved. If that member in question has been behaving these last few months and has the necessary qualifications then giving them at least the opportunity to prove themselves would be something I'd consider. If it comes to them joining staff and I would have to work together with them, I could do that on a strictly professional level. In life, you're always gonna be forced to work together with people you don't like and you have to be able to separate private and personal matters from professional ones - and that's what I'd do.

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
Sorry if all of my questions are joke questions, I really just can't think of any serious ones that are good enough. XD

Someone stole your pot of gold. You are now a poor and homeless leprechaun. All you have is a few grapes, and a box which is not large enough to use as shelter. What will you do?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Sorry if all of my questions are joke questions, I really just can't think of any serious ones that are good enough. XD

Someone stole your pot of gold. You are now a poor and homeless leprechaun. All you have is a few grapes, and a box which is not large enough to use as shelter. What will you do?
I would use what I have left and set off on a mad quest to reclaim my stolen gold! My grapes will serve as weapon - I throw them at my enemies until they beg for mercy. My box will make a fine shield - I use it to protect me from anyone who dares get in my way. I am determined. And I won't rest until I have successfully hunted down the thief and reclaimed my precious treasure.

... Oh, and of course I'd also jump around angrily, cursing viciously but that's not important. XD
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