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Christmas Contest!

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Dragon Goddess
maybe u shouldnt post yer steam account names on here, and take to PM's otherwise u get unwanted requests
doesn't matter to me. I like everyone from here so I don't mind friend requests :)

that said, I hope I can think of some ideas for this soon. . .havent been in a contest in ages!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Stay on topic, you're not adding anything valuable to this discussion and it's against the forum rules. There is private messaging for this kind of talk. If you need a re-cap on the rules check out my signature.


So if I posted my game as incomplete ( meaning only a level or two,and what would be uploaded at first would still be playable , it would just be not very challenging nor very long) then added the other levels as i get them done , would that be in violation of the rules ?

Bizarre Monkey

Sadly, I will have to pass. I've just found the plugins I need for PFC and now I'm all psyched, rubbing my hands together greedily like some unwarranted corporate piggu saying "excellent" oh so wickedly like my Byrnes surname allows.

I wish who ever does compete the best of luck, though!


I may try making a game for this contest soon, but at the moment I'm working on a project that will likely keep my attention for a while. I'll probably work on something for this in my spare time, though x3

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
How are these christmas contest games coming along? I'm curious if anyone has started. Any screenshots or story ideas available yet?


I don’t have any screenshots, but the basis for my game is Santa has been arrested, and because he was arrested “breaking” into a house(he was just trying to get an early start , I mean come on millions of kids and only one of him) all the people in town have upgraded there alarm systems and all the elves have to do Santa’s job, or Christmas is over for everyone . There is no combat, and you only have 4 skills in total but can only have one active at any given time, and you choose which skill it is, by entering a sequence of Tokens(the semi mystical tokens that only elves can get and use, which allow them to mimic Santa’s abilities) that allow you to use that skill. Pretty much its Tim Allen’s Santa Clause mixed with Rudolph the red nose reindeer smashed together with the metal gear solid games. Around 10 different house/levels plus a 3 floor apartment building, to which you have to deliver presents without tripping an alarm or getting seen, cause if you do its game over.

I should have it finished by Monday or Tuesday, depends on how the weekend goes for me, lol
I'm trying my hand at it, but not sure if I'll be able to finish it in time because of my work schedule, especially with the actual run-up to Christmas. Hectic at work as well as in life! Haha!


promo.png I've been working on it off and on at the moment with life taking up a lot of time :) but I based mine around the reason you can't open your presents before Christmas as it brings bad luck such as the toy breaking or not working or maybe you become part of the toys world :)
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Here is a gif of my title screen , i was going for a Bewitched look with a Christmas Slant ( its still technically a work in progress but that is what i have fora title screen so far )



Staff member
Resource Team
Nice WIPs, guys! any word on prizes @Xyphien? I checked the first thread but didnt see. im really curious :D
The prizes have been updated. Note, we might have a cash prize for steam a member might possibly be donating to the winner. So, if we get confirmation that they do in fact wish to still do this, I'll add that to the list.
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