Indie Dev

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Christmas Contest!

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So, I've heard there is a plugin that will allow one to use Ace resources in question is: if I had started edits for a christmas game I had planned on making, but not actually started (outside of resource edits) can I use those?
Basically, i can't recall if I started editing my character sheet before Nov. 1 or after but I would like to enter with them if possible. I still have a lot of work to do on the sheets. @Xyphien can I email you what I have so far and you could tell me if its acceptable to use? I probably won't get started making a game until after Dec 8 anyways, since I am making a holiday project in Ace for another contest. Pepper Pot day, ever heard of it?


Staff member
There is ONE WEEK left. I personally would like to see more [CCE] games show up. If a lot wait until the 20th to put in their submission, it would make it a challenge for contestants to review the games. Remember that some people have PC and others have Mac. I recommend making both versions, as separate listings. The votes and reviews of both will be combined. Also reminds us that their are less than two weeks before Christmas. :)

David FoxFire

I don't think I can make a Christmas themed game this year, just when I'm still learning the program. The next competitions in the future I'll be able to. Sorry aobut this.


Staff member
Three days left...need more games to review. :)

UPDATE: Thanks to @Amy Lance for notifying me that the game started at wrong place. With previous update fixing an event, I had forgot to put main character back at start. So if your game starts at the Bakery, please download last version. :)
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Why did I receive an invite to this contest so late in it & be required to review & rate 5 games before starting to even make a game?! That barely gives me enough time to make a game let alone review 5 games & I don't even have internet at home so that makes it even harder to jump though all the hoops just to participate?! Like seriously, WTH?!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Why did I receive an invite to this contest so late in it & be required to review & rate 5 games before starting to even make a game?! That barely gives me enough time to make a game let alone review 5 games & I don't even have internet at home so that makes it even harder to jump though all the hoops just to participate?! Like seriously, WTH?!
Yea this contest started on November 1st, you've never signed up to the community until December 11th. There will be future contests so you're not out of luck, if you don't mind waiting that is.


Staff member
What may be upsetting some of the new members is that I think everybody was sent an automatic email on December 16th, titled Christmas Contest. I received it, and I am one of the contestants, that has already submitted a game. This is the content:

Hello MinisterJay I'm unsure if you're aware but there is a contest going on to see who can design the best RMMV Christmas/Holiday game if you would like to check it out, the contest ends at the end of this month, and has some cash prizes. It would be something worth looking into.

UPDATE: I think there is enough time to make a short game. I might challenge myself to make a Ball People Winter game in less than a day.


Dragon Goddess
Sorry I haven't participated. don't think I will have time :( I really wanted to join, but my mind has been focused on trying to get a better position at my workplace, or a new job entirely.

maybe I'll be a part of the next one! ^_^ good luck to participants!

David FoxFire

Yea this contest started on November 1st, you've never signed up to the community until December 11th. There will be future contests so you're not out of luck, if you don't mind waiting that is.
Not at all. I'll make some submissions once I get some XP in RMMV, that's all I'll ask.


Staff member
Resource Team
The contest is now closed! Thank you all who have participated and good luck to everyone!
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