I don’t have any screenshots, but the basis for my game is Santa has been arrested, and because he was arrested “breaking” into a house(he was just trying to get an early start , I mean come on millions of kids and only one of him) all the people in town have upgraded there alarm systems and all the elves have to do Santa’s job, or Christmas is over for everyone . There is no combat, and you only have 4 skills in total but can only have one active at any given time, and you choose which skill it is, by entering a sequence of Tokens(the semi mystical tokens that only elves can get and use, which allow them to mimic Santa’s abilities) that allow you to use that skill. Pretty much its Tim Allen’s Santa Clause mixed with Rudolph the red nose reindeer smashed together with the metal gear solid games. Around 10 different house/levels plus a 3 floor apartment building, to which you have to deliver presents without tripping an alarm or getting seen, cause if you do its game over.
I should have it finished by Monday or Tuesday, depends on how the weekend goes for me, lol