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Christmas Contest!

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Dragon Goddess
The prizes have been updated. Note, we might have a cash prize for steam a member might possibly be donating to the winner. So, if we get confirmation that they do in fact wish to still do this, I'll add that to the list.
nice, that's very helpful! thanks a bunch.

hopefully I can come up with something soonish... good luck to everyone :)


Staff member
Resource Team
Updated the prizes! @Wingedwolf said he will be donating $25 in steam credits to the winner of this contest. So, everyone make sure to thank him for being a super generous!
Got about halfway through making my Christmas-y game, but won't be able to complete it. As usual work interferes. Sometimes I wish for a regular 9-5 job, but working nights has the advantage of good pay!

Good luck to all participants! :D


Staff member
Resource Team
Got about halfway through making my Christmas-y game, but won't be able to complete it. As usual work interferes. Sometimes I wish for a regular 9-5 job, but working nights has the advantage of good pay!

Good luck to all participants! :D
Just finish it off early. Take the game you've made thus far and kind of BS the ending. After the contest, you can get back to it eventually and make it better as an 'update' :)

I am going to start my Christmas themed game tonight. It will be heavily Thalzon-ized.
Awesome! Looking forward to playing the game!


As long as you follow the rules i think you are good to go!

  • This game MUST be made entirely in RMMV, and be a brand new project. This means no transferring your old Christmas game from Ace to MV.
  • If you use any resources that are not yours, you MUST give credit to them in some way, shape, or form (even if it's not required by the creator).

  • If you are found with a project that has been started prior to November 1st 2015, you will be disqualified, and banned from any future contests on the site.
  • When you submit your game, post it in the resource section with the beginning of the title [CCE], meaning Christmas Contest Event. Please include a list of credits in this post, as well as your actual game.
  • You must rate and review at least 5 other games in the resource section, giving honest, helpful, and genuine reviews.
  • You're allowed multiple entries. If you feel you want to make more than one game, by all means feel free to do so.
I don't understand the 5th. Can I rate script too? or only game.


Staff member
You must rate and review at least 5 other games in the resource section, giving honest, helpful, and genuine reviews.
It does not matter what 5 other games in the resource section are reviewed? They do not have be part of the CCE?


Staff member
Resource Team
It does not matter what 5 other games in the resource section are reviewed? They do not have be part of the CCE?
I wanted it to be only CCE, but we're tight on games as it is, so as of now it is all MV games in the resource list. I'll go ahead and update that now.


Staff member
Getting close to be done, just need a few more testings, and a title screen. The name is Granny Xaebie's Christmas Pie.


Staff member
@Xyphien . What do you think about the following proposal? Once a contestant receives their first review, they ARE NOT allowed to update their game, with a new upload.


Staff member
Resource Team
@Xyphien . What do you think about the following proposal? Once a contestant receives their first review, they ARE NOT allowed to update their game, with a new upload.
right now we're going to test the waters with as little rules as we can so we can see what rules are the absolute best next time around. We will be hosting lots of events like this in the future, so the earlier we can figure out what works best, the better our events will be sooner :) I hope this all makes since.
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