Banner By @PandaMaru
Ladies, and Gentlemen of RMMV! I am proud to announce our biggest, best, and most thorough contest yet!
From November 1st through December 20th, you can participate by making a Christmas or holiday-themed game for the community to play and review. Anything winter-related is acceptable, as long as the main plot involves the holidays.
If you're interested, please read below:
- This game MUST be made entirely in RMMV, and be a brand new project. This means no transferring your old Christmas game from Ace to MV.
- If you use any resources that are not yours, you MUST give credit to them in some way, shape, or form (even if it's not required by the creator).
- If you are found with a project that has been started prior to November 1st 2015, you will be disqualified, and banned from any future contests on the site.
- When you submit your game, post it in the resource section with the beginning of the title [CCE], meaning Christmas Contest Event. Please include a list of credits in this post, as well as your actual game.
- You must rate and review at least 5 other games in the resource section, giving honest, helpful, and genuine reviews. The games MUST be in the MV section. As of now, it does not matter if the games are apart of the CCE or not.
- You're allowed multiple entries. If you feel you want to make more than one game, by all means feel free to do so.
At the end of the event, we'll have some awesome prizes! These prizes will be updated and added as time goes on, seeing as there isn't much amazing paid RMMV content out yet.
First place receives:
- The CCE 2015 Gold Badge! (Worth 15 EXP)
- Year of Sponsorship
- A random high tier game donated by: http://www.gamehandout.com
- $10 either Paypal, or a $10 worth of games on steam. Donated by: @MinisterJay
Second Place Receives:
- CCE 2015 Silver Badge (Worth 10 EXP)
- A month of VIP
- A random middle tier game donated by: http://www.gamehandout.com
- $8 either Paypal, or a $8 worth of games on steam. Donated by: @MinisterJay
Third Place Receives:
- CCE 2015 Bronze Badge (Worth 8 EXP)
- A month of of VIP
- A random low tier game donated by: http://www.gamehandout.com
- $7 either Paypal, or a $7 worth of games on steam. Donated by: @MinisterJay
Everyone else who participates will receive:
- Badges for all participants. (Probably 5 XP towards level)
Sadly, there are no paid resources on any RMMV site or on steam, so I cannot offer you anything like that. However, I am contacting the resource team to see if they can get something made for this separate to the RMMV Christmas Package.
This post is simply to inform you all that the contest is here! So what are you waiting for? Start making some games :D
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