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Berry's Question Bushel


Global Moderator
I don't see that many actual AMAs in this forum right now (or they're really well hidden) but..It seems like a neat idea, so...Yep, this is my AMA. I stink at intros for these things. -.-


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I have a question and the question is the following > Do you feel sad that nobody has asked you a question in this thread yet? DO YOU?

Do you have pets. If yes - then why did you get one? If no - then why did you kill it?

What's your most favorite thing to do when you surf the awesomeness that is the internets?


Global Moderator
1. I can't be sad about it since now I've been asked a question! Your question has nullified the answer! :O

2. I don't have any pets. I didn't kill any either though. I just don't have any...Because my apartment complex makes it ridiculously expensive to even think about it. *gets charged a fee for thinking about it xD*

3. Hrm...hard to choose my favorite thing to do on the web. Probably lurk awesome art and games. :D


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Alright! More questions! The Eternal Lord is forever curious about the silly little mortals for they are so soft and fleshy.

I just woke up. I've already drank 3 cups of delightful coffee. What is it that you do in the morning to get your day started?

...brainstorming questions...

How did the name Juneberry come to be?

The sadness has been destroyed. Acknowledged.


Global Moderator
I don't have an exact ritual for my mornings, particularly because I have no real schedule overall, and half the time my 'morning' starts anywhere from 11AM to 2PM (the latter being today's sample). I often spend a while stuck in bed in the morning from pain before I finally get up to take my medication...and then it varies from there based on any appointments I have and whatnot. I'm not a coffee person though, surprisingly.

Juneberry is actually the name of a type of fruit I like. My original username on the net was a problem therapeutically, so my therapist made me change it. While I was brainstorming on a forum with friends, someone said to use my favorite berry. Thus, I went for Juneberry- a wild berry I found out about in my area on a nature walk I went on with a friend. They're really tasty and can be compared to blueberries somewhat. :D


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
More questions because the Eternal lord is seeking knowledge across the realms.

I'm actually curious. I don't know if I've simply forgotten it or that I've never read it, but I do know that you've posted something regarding your health issue thingy. Why are you in pain in the morning and whatnot? You don't have to explain it at all. Like I said, I'm just curious.

Your name was a problem therapeutically? I'm curious about this too.

I'm still brainstorming questions.

What's your favorite genre to write? Or just what do you like to write the most?

Do you think I should begin my own AMA thread?


Global Moderator
1. I have a number of health issues that can cause pain, including moderate nerve damage in two thirds of my spine, chronic migraines and fibromyalgia. I'm not shy about it- which may or may not be a bad thing.

2. My original online handle had me nicknamed "Little". When you have a height complex and bad self esteem, that's not really the best thing to be being called regularly.

3. I seem to write a lot of sci-fi- even things I don't plan to be sci-fi end up with sci-fi elements. I also like general fantasy, comedy and action at times. I like a whole mess of things basically. I'm still failing with things like horror and gore though (but tried working on a murder mystery, which I'll eventually get back to). I do a lot of generalized poetry, too.

4. Yes, make an AMA so I can ask you half the questions you've asked me and then some xD


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I think it's rather a good thing that you're not shy about it, but man... that sucks? I never really know what to say when I receive information about others health difficulties or problems whatever. I've heard the term 'I'm sorry' occasionally somewhere and that just leaves me wondering about what the hell are they sorry about?

I want more GORE!

Hmm... more questions need brainstorming.

What do you like to draw the most? Characters? Or something entirely different of gore status.

How is your job so far?

What's your favorite movie? And I do mean all-time favorite.

Let us say that there are monsters outside, far outside in space. What do you think they are?


Global Moderator
1. I stink at drawing but I mostly draw characters when I do. I also like drawing flowers and labyrinths (not mazes, but a one-road thing that's hard to describe xD I find it therapeutic)

2. My job is mild so far. I've had to edit two stories- the first one was torture because it was just so awkward and badly done honestly (it was a good story, just...Well, I'm assuming they just learned English and how it works. I hate to say it but I am), but the second one was simple and easy. I also make comics for the magazine and I've made two so far- my boss loves them. Looooves them. I feel proud. My boss is also just really nice.

3. Favorite movie of all time? That's actually beyond difficult. But what usually comes to my mind first is Miyazaki films- a tie between Laputa and Spirited Away. Another really good one was Extraordinary Measures. It made me cry though. Both happy and sad tears at different times.

4. I believe in aliens because I believe I secretly am one (not so secret, really). I'm certain they're not 'monsters' though. Well, most of them. I want to believe in Rabbids.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness

What is your favorite animal?

What animal would be the best...uhh... be the best description of you?


Global Moderator
Oooh, fun questions again! Well, my favorite animal is the cow. Don't ask why because I'm not sure, but I've always loved them.

As for the animal that suits me best...That could vary. Some have told me I'm like a deer- generally gentle, easily startled, etc. Others would say i'm a sloth. They're probably more accurate.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
What is your favorite game? And if you have the skills, team, and whatever else to develop something like your favorite game. Would you do it?

Do you have a favorite TV-show? (Curious because I really don't watch TV-shows that much)

Have you done something stupid that left you thinking > What the fuck am I doing and why the hell am I so stupid? Or something like that.


Global Moderator
1) I have a ton of games I love. First to come to mind right now is Harvest Moon. I probably would/will.

2) I like a lot of TV shows, but I'm especially fond of crime dramas. for example, I watched 3 hours or so worth of NCIS today. xD

3) Better question would be when have I not done something totally stupid that I feel beyond stupid for. :'D You don't end up in special ed for doing smart stuff constantly, my dear. Okay maybe some people do. Who knows?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Is procrastination something that you do? Or do you defeat procrastination with such skill that it leaves your immediate vicinity with such hurry that it broke the sound-barrier.

I too am fond of crime dramas. NCIS is my favorite, and I love Criminal Minds too. Who's your favorite in NCIS? Character/Actor I mean >.>

Have you ever forgotten something that you then remembered, but forgot it again just a minute later?


Global Moderator
1) Procrastination is both my mortal enemy and my bff. Basically refuses to leave, but doesn't eat all my food. xD So that's not so bad...sorta. I am working on being less of a procrastinator, but ironically procrastinating on that. That letter I need to send out WILL GET SENT TOMORROW. Or maybe Friday. I dunno.

2) I figured that was what you meant. In terms of a favorite character...I adore Abby times a million. Abby is the best. But I like characters in all of the NCIS realms. And even in the original more than just Abby. Just...Mostly Abbs.

3) I do that constantly. I have the attention span and memory of a goldfish I like to say- because seriously, I remember a medicine i need, go to the medicine cabinet....and forget why I went to it within two seconds. Sometimes it ends up a loop!


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I've been trying to write my new short story. So far I've written 300-400 words and that's it. I've been putting it off for a week now and keep saying that I'll do some later...then again. AND AGAIN! Fuck you procrastination!

Abby is indeed awesome. And Ziva too. Although the moment when Gibbs smacks Tony. Now that's a moment. Even better is when Tony smacks himself if Gibbs isn't there or wasn't going to do it and just stares at Tony until Tony does it himself.

Do you have a favorite book?

What software do you use for your writing purposes and what software do you use for your drawing purposes? Or do you scan your drawings from a paper to the computer.

I once thought I forgot to turn my laptop off and left it plugged in. So I walk half the way to work, and then I suddenly wonder... did I turn my laptop off? Did I do it? Fuck if I know > runs back home > discovers that I did indeed turn it off > ...

Do you like lightning?
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Global Moderator
I procrastinate on all sorts of things, writing included. But if you ever finish that short story and feel like publishing it....*shifty eyes* I know a guy. And by that I mean send it to my literary mag so I can be the editor. *shot and buried in a corner*

Ahem. Back to answering questions. Also Gibbs Slaps are so awesome. My dad actually asks me to give him a Gibbs Slap if he takes more of his meds than he's allowing himself since he's trying to get off his pain meds. Fun fact. Also I have a tank top that has all his rules on it.

1) I have two favorite books that tie. Because I'm bad at choosing favorites sometimes. They're Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See and Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier.

2) I use a LOT of art software in general. A bit of a lot of things basically. For writing....I used to use LibreOffice ALL THE TIME. But it recently began eating my work so now I don't. Other programs I've used include yWriter and a few online sources, such as Hiveword (currently in use at times) and google docs. For art...Depends on the type of art. I've used Photoshop (badly), Sai, MSPaint, trying to learn also do draw offline better actually, at times. Just...No scanner right now. I mostly use ComiPo though, which isn't really for drawing. But like, that's what I used for my icon? xD

3) I'm mixed with lightning. See, I find it super pretty....But I'm never quite 'happy' to see it, because it always comes with thunder 99% of the time. And I HATE thunder. With a passion.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
It depends if you like a short story that involves the thought of slavery, rock-based monster capable of shifting itself however it desires and infecting other people with its blood and making them rock-like monsters that involve impaling slavers and overseers with impaling rocks. And much more.

It's great that you can slap your dad. I want a shirt like that though.

I don't think I've read those books.

What is your opinion on hospitals? Right now... I'm getting ready to go to the hospital for a check-up that will last for the whole day probably because there will be guys my age too waiting for their turn so... great. #TIMEWASTE.

LibreOffice > Awesome; Photoshop > Awesome; Hiveword > Yet to be determined, but looking at it.

Jeans or shorts? I want to wear shorts right now, but it's starting to get colder. Sad life is sad.


Global Moderator
1) My opinion on hospitals depends on the hospital. For example, this one near me in the city next door is fancy inside and whatnot, but they keep lying to me. I don't trust them. First they gave me wrong directions to where they were, then they told me that I'd get free parking and they wanted like TEN BUCKS. Seriously. But the hospital I see one of my doctors in regularly isn't much better. Basically...Hospitals are necessary evils.

2) I like both equally depending on the weather and where I am. I tend to wear jeans more often when I go out if it's cool, but at home or during heated weather I tend to wear shorts anytime. Like right now...My PJs actually are a t-shirt I stole from my dad and a pair of shorts I got from a hospital visit years ago xD


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Is there some place that you would like to visit, and I do mean right now? The high mountains? The deep sea? The fuckin' sky? Or just some other country.

Have you ever smoked, and if so, did you cough and hate that shit?

Are you satisfied with your life currently or is there something that you would like to change, but can't change it for some reasons?