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  1. Cosmette

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    Am I allowed to go the Nyan Neko Sugar Girls route and do poor recordings of copyrighted music?
  2. Cosmette

    What's the animation speed of an autotile?

    Dunno where this belongs but; say I wanted to make an event tile that mimics an autotile. How many frames do I have to set between each image for it to blend in?
  3. Cosmette

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Haven't had much time to work on things recently. But here's some maps I finished for the time being.
  4. Cosmette

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Haven't had much time to do a whole lot recently. So far I've started work on a tileset for sweet-themed dungeon, finished some running animations for the player characters, and FINALLY got the SFont plugin working. I need to see if I can move the cursor to the corner or something because it...
  5. Cosmette

    Bitmap fonts are driving me crazy omg

    Bitmap fonts are driving me crazy omg
  6. Cosmette

    Rachdale Cheese Demo

    Ohh, okay then. I had no idea about that. It seems a bit silly to take down a mountain with a pickaxe though, so I had no idea about that. You should probably mention that somewhere, if you haven't already. If you have then my apologies for not noticing. You should probably replace the flower...
  7. Cosmette

    "Francelette's Story" (First Demo)

    This game seriously needs a ton of work on it. The spritesheet is made incorrectly, so character sprites wobble back and forth when walking. In the opening you can see a quarter of Francelette's sprite right next to her. Events are broken. For example, in the intro the Francelette sprite in the...
  8. Cosmette


    Hiya! Plenty of people are into worldbuilding here too. Hopefully you can get ideas here!
  9. Cosmette

    Rachdale Cheese Demo

    Alright, tried it again. The game runs far smoother now, but I still experienced some lag right after exiting Sigefroy's house. It fixed itself after opening and closing the menu. Are item spots supposed to reappear? I mean I horde all the cheese I can find, but it seems a little broken to...
  10. Cosmette

    Is it possible to have an overhead tile that is also impassable?

    Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
  11. Cosmette

    Is it possible to have an overhead tile that is also impassable?

    Hi there. I'm trying to make a fence tile like this. I want it so that when the player approaches it from the north, the tile shows up in front of the player, but when approached from the south, it cannot be passed through. Making it an overhead tile makes you pass through in all directions...
  12. Cosmette


  13. Cosmette

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Finally figured out how to make autotiles! Made some water tiles, and tweaked them a little to suit different environments.
  14. Cosmette

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Finally got the tileset for a desert town working. It's pretty bare, but I'll add some decorations and things later.
  15. Cosmette

    Too scared to even attempt making an auto tile.

    Too scared to even attempt making an auto tile.
  16. Cosmette

    My first snow

    Not too bad! Maybe try rounding the edges a little? They look way too straight
  17. Cosmette

    Hello!!! Please to meet you all!

    Hey there! I'm sure plenty of people here are learning the ropes too, so you'll find plenty of help here.
  18. Cosmette

    Hi there! Hope you enjoy your stay here! You'll find plenty of help and stuff here.

    Hi there! Hope you enjoy your stay here! You'll find plenty of help and stuff here.
  19. Cosmette

    Hello from Nighthawk Studios

    Hi there! Plenty of people here also want to be professional devs too, so you're not alone. Hopefully you can get the skills and resources you need to start your career!
  20. Cosmette

    Dunno if I wanna make all my NPCs by hand or just make a bunch of parts to churn out NPC sprites...

    Dunno if I wanna make all my NPCs by hand or just make a bunch of parts to churn out NPC sprites in the character generator.