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Rachdale Cheese Demo

Rachdale Cheese Demo Teaser..!

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Does the Demo end with the obtaining of the Key..? Good gracious no..! That's hardly even the start of the beginning of the saga..! With the Pickaxe, one may pass the mountains and go further, much further, to discover the Maze, The Tower, The Marshes, the town of Zalfira, with its Chicken Run and second Party Member, all the while collecting Items, Armour, Recipes, Tents... Then there's the Road to the Mine to clear, The Mine(s) to be explored, Rune Armour, a second Mini-Boss (the first was in the Tower...), to open the way to Fort Astrakane where a third colleague awaits patiently. This started off as a Demo, but, like Topsy, has 'just grown', and although not finished, is entirely playable. I've posted a Map of the Known World of Rachdale in the spoiler below.
Ohh, okay then. I had no idea about that.
It seems a bit silly to take down a mountain with a pickaxe though, so I had no idea about that.
You should probably mention that somewhere, if you haven't already.
If you have then my apologies for not noticing.

You should probably replace the flower north of the village with something else then.
It seems odd for a single person to take down a mountain but not a tiny flower.

As for Pepin Galbassi, the very first NPC in the street tells us that he's to be found in the house with the Blue Door. There's a screen shot below, too.
What I meant was that after reaching a certain point I got the "Galbassi isn't inside" message, and after that I had no idea where to go.

Though, so far the game is pretty solid! I'll have a look at it the next time I get a chance to.


Praised Adventurer
Ohh, okay then...

Takes down a mountain, but not a flower..? You're forgetting the Pick-Axe, maybe..? None needed for picking flowers. Anyway, flowers grow back, don't they..? He doesn't actually pick it, though; he just finds food or gold there. Coindidence that there's a flower at all; there could have been nothing, or a hole in the ground, or tuft of grass, or... well, anything. And anyway, this is the Overworld, where the bloke is actually taller than any of the trees out there..! A minimum of suspension of belief is required surely..? ;-)
As for the poor old Pepin Galbassi, perhaps a modicum of explanation will help. I've a System in place which rewards persistence and patience. You've already come across the random element of Food distribution, and Gold. Similarly, some Events are down to luck; there's no reason that by simply knocking on a door that the owner is necessarily going to open it. He could be in the shower, or out the back tending his garden or... whatever. Whether he opens or not is down to Luck, and is driven by random chance. "Ah..!" I hear you cry "So I could be standing there, knocking away for ever, if by chance, it's decided he'll never answer the door, eh..? What about that, eh..? Eh..?" Yes indeed; a distinct possibility, for which I have riposte. I have an 'Out-Of-Luck' counter that counts how many times the Hero has been unlucky, and forces the game to advance if the quota is exceeded. As another of my generous gifts, the initial quota, in the Village, is very low indeed, so only a knock or two would suffice. However (there's always a proviso...), it will only be effective if one heeds the messages displayed. At Pepin's door, one gets, arbitrarily, one of the following...

Your neighbour, Pepin Galbassi, seems to be out
for now..
Maybe come back later..?

Where's Mr. Galbassi got to..? He's not answering
the door...
Try again later, maybe..?

Out of luck; maybe Pepin Galbassi's not at home..?
Come back another time...

Maybe Pepin is too scared of monsters to open
the door..?..!
It's quite scary, isn't it..?
Come back in a little while...

Did you 'come back later', or simply keep knocking on the door..? Another of my Systems 'knows' if you've left and come back, or stubbornly hammered on the door without moving way. In that case, the door will never open. Go away, even for a short spell, come back and the door will open.
Things get very slightly tougher once the System is understood, if only by experience. The quota is raised, just a bit, and one has to use persistence in some circumstances to obtain the 'right' answer. It doesn't all fall into one's lap just by clicking one's fingers, you know..!
I hope you try again; there's so much more in there to enjoy.

On the other hand, I'm aware that some may find this to be a bit 'rich' for a simple Demo trial. Could be; it started out much simpler, but has attained a certain sophistication taking it beyond a quick 'run round the houses and back'. It's now almost a playable game, and, as such, takes a bit more time to get into the swing of things. I've already learned much, and these comments and remarks from Testers are part and parcel of this constant improvement and extension of the game. Thanks to all who read this, and especially to you, Cosmette, for your feedback; onward and upward..!


Praised Adventurer
Dad3353 updated Rachdale Cheese Demo with a new update entry:

Rachdale Cheese Demo, Web version (no download needed; justclick and play...)

The latest version, extended even further, with a 3rd and 4th Party Member to enroll, a Dragon to combat between the Lava Caves, burning Ropes and heat-proof Mithril Tress... The list of improvements goes on and on...
It says 'Demo', but it's evolved into a fully playable game, with hours of puzzles, Items to find, folks to talk to (the conversations alone have many hundreds of permutations, and give pertinent clues...).
Windows and Mac versions are available in 'zip' files on the Google...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Praised Adventurer
Dad3353 updated Rachdale Cheese Demo with a new update entry:

Rachdale Cheese Demo

Yes, extended still further, with a singular of boars to contend with in the South Forest, which leads to the Lost Forest South, then a Forest of Decay, a Lost Forest North and finally a North Forest culminating in the Northern Plains. Still ongoing, but nearing completion more each passing day. Try it; you may be pleasantly surprised. As usual, any comments will be credited, just as the help given and resources made available are credited. Want to join in and be put on the list..? Just...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Hello Sir,
I am totally new to this forum, and can also be considered as a noob in terms of RPG experience, so my analysis may not be detailed but I hope that it will help you. I only recently started to use RMMV as well.

Firstly, for the pros, I really enjoyed the music and the atmosphere. Like another user said, the dialogues are very nice and I enjoyed the little french imput with the twins (i'm french). I like the fact that you can get bitten by the jackanapes when you loot. It adds to the game dynamics. You really motivated me to make a game knowing that you did all of that without scripting or coding.

For the cons, well, I don't know if I did something wrong so please forgive me if I did. However, I spend litteraly an hour looking everywhere for irons but I takes a really long time to get the amount required. I guess that the chests and whatsnot give you random items, but randomeness, especially quest related, can be tricky sometimes. It took me like 40 minutes to find the first 5 irons for the bent key and then I almost gave up when He said I need ten more for the broken pickaxe. I ultimately gave up after about 10 more unsuccessful minutes. Maybe this is just me who have experienced this, so once again forgive me if I did something wrong, I hope you could explain it to me.

Thank you for this wonderful, inspirational experience.


Praised Adventurer
Hello Sir...
...if I did something wrong, I hope you could explain it to me...
@FabArt ...

Firstly, we'll have less of the 'Sir', if you please..! 'Douglas', to you; no formalities here, thank goodness. ;-) Thanks enormously for your comments, which are highly appreciated, pros and cons alike. I'm far too close to have such a vision of the playability, which is why a Demo is so important.
To address your issue: did you do anything wrong..? Not at all, you were just unlucky. By complete coincidence, I started the Game anew last night, and found easily enough Iron in the first few minutes. In fact, it's only lately that Iron has been required for these repairs, as I needed to incorporate the use of the minerals early on in the Game.
I fully understand the potential problems in the use of Random; in fact there is a great deal of it in my Game, from attribution of Gold to choice of 'conversation from NPCs, the opening of doors etc... I have a 'Luck' counter in there, which adjusts the limits of Random to prevent having (a rare possibility...) no Luck at all in some circumstances. I'll have a look at that, and probably 'tweak' the distribution of minerals to ensure that, whilst remaining Random at heart, there is enough supplied at first to make the Game more playable. Thanks for the feedback on that, then; I should be able to arrange things to avoid future frustration. I would say, in my defence, that there are so many sources of 'gifts' all around the village that it doesn't take long (once one knows where to look, of course..!) to accumulate a real fortune. Speaking to NPCs is also a sure-fire way of getting (Random...) gifts, too, with no risk of robbery from any Jackanapes..!
I'll thank you, too, for the kind words regarding the music and general ambience. The music is al my own and,without having been composed originally specifically for this use, I found to be a perfect fit. There is a certain continuity in the Village, at least, as all comes from the same orchestral piece I had composed. As the Game expanded, with more Maps and atmospheres, I've had fun composing further pieces, this time with a particular Map in mind. Of course, you'd have to continue playing to hear 'em all..!
As for the French Twins, they came about purely by accident. I'm British, but have been living and working (now retired...) in France for over forty years now. These NPCs and their dialogues just came out spontaneously as I typed away unconsciously; it was only later that I realised my error, but decided to keep the text in French just the same. That's what comes of carrying on when tired..! They play a very important role in the Game, later on.
Enough for now. I'll look at the distribution, but you may like to carry on just the same; there's much, much more to be discovered. I'll update as soon as I've found how to improve things and let you know. You'll be added to the Credits as a Tester, bien sûr..! Meanwhile...
Have a nice day

Now then, how to go about this, eh..? Let me see...

Edit : OK, I've 'tweaked' the Random distribution such that, if one has already been unlucky (bitten by Jackanapes, knocked on a closed door, had bad luck in a conversation etc...), the distribution changes to give a 2/1 chance of Gold and a 1 in 3 chance of a mineral. This should ensure (although still Random, so never guaranteed...) that, early on, enough Gold and minerals are found. As luck increases, more food will be offered, but the Jackanapes will also become an option, as will finding nothing at all. Each of these last will tilt the balance towards finding Gold or a mineral, however, so even being unlucky becomes, in a certain sense, lucky..!
I've updated the Web version (I only had to upload the Common Events file; a matter of seconds...), which also contains the Credits, so they're up to date, too (can be found on the Table in the Hero's Home...). If you'd care to try it out again, is there an improvement..?
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Hey Dad3353, I seem to be having the lag issue same as Cossmete, I was running it in the browser though. I tried to keep playing but the game kept locking up for several seconds between each step. I closed it down after a while and I'm currently downloading the zip file which I'm hoping wont have the browser related lag issues. From what I managed to play though I found it very interesting! The jackanapes? grr haha keep stealing all my gold and biting me. Pretty cool concept in contrast to the multiple loot points hidden around the game world. I read a few of the posts above and the random conversation sets you have in place is a really cool idea thats works pretty well, but I did find myself being rewarded for getting rid of monsters when I had yet to be in a fight, which seemed strange to me. I will play some more once I have the exe and let you know if the lag is still there and hopefully be able to find that pickaxe! :p
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Praised Adventurer
@casper ...

I thank you for your continued enthusiasm; that alone justifies my having posted the Demo in the first place..!
Yes, the downloaded, local version is far superior in performance; Google Drive, for all of its convenience, is not the ideal, stable platform for hosting games if this sort. It enables one to have a quick peek without any fuss or bother, but it's much smoother on a local machine, PC or Mac.
With my modified Random, as you'd suggested, I think you'll find that, if bitten, the very next 'find' will be systematically worthwhile, so, even if unlucky in coming across these creatures often, there is still an overall reward. The Pickaxe..? There's a reason why the Key is for the Tool Shed..! It's not hard to find at all; it's in the only already-open crate in there..! Other crates need a Pickaxe to open them; it would be churlish to hide the Pickaxe in such a crate..! As for the conversation, maybe the NPC was confusing you with someone else..? It often happens in real life, no..? ;-) Anyway, you should at least try out a stroll in the forest around the Village; maybe you'll be able to defeat a Monster (although, to be fair, these are rather tame ones, just for training at first. In the Outer Overworld, things can get tough, so better equipment will be more than useful...)
I'll prepare and post a Map of Lakeshore Village, showing exactly where all of the freebies are to be found; it may surprise to see just how richly endowed the Village really is..! I'll add it to this post later on today; watch this space..!

Edit: Maps of Lakeshore ...


... and Treasures and NPC's...

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I did find the Pickaxe haha, I am currently looking for iron to repair the pickaxe and go through the mountains. I got the rusty dagger, the hardhat and the shield from crates with the pickaxe so I should be set to head out into the wild now. Also thanks for the map pictures, it seems there was 4 random nodes I missed, the zip file version runs smoothly, at least I know to use that version on any future releases. :)


Praised Adventurer
I did find the Pickaxe haha...

There's Cloth Armour there too, somewhere. How about Recipes..? Or a Heal Spell..? The difficult one is going to be the Brooch; most folks overlook that one (top-left on the 'Treasures' Map...).
The Pickaxe will enable Mining once out of the Village, which will generate all sorts of benefits, including Spells, and eventually you'll figure out how to open a passage to the rest of the Overworld. It's a long journey ahead, with surprises at every turn..! Ask away if you get stuck any where...


Hey again, just an idea but maybe you could add a shop in game that sells iron, ect, that way if your money starts piling up from searching loot nodes you can spend it on the resources that you want and speed up the process, though that would mean you have less gold for the repairs later but it would be an extra incentive to the loot node grind that even if you aren't finding the resource you want you can always spend the gold you will be making as a last resort or just to speed up a process that's taking some time.
I am currently a little stuck, I figure I must need to mine more mountains as thats one of the few things I've done the least, but I went back to Peppin Galbassi's and he mentioned a diary that I need to read before hel explain further about the friend hes trying to reach. one piece of paper gives me nothing, gold or cheese and another one gave me the heal spell! yas! but Im unsure how to progress without trial and error mining the mountains which means I need to find a lot of iron to keep repairing my pickaxe.
[doublepost=1469229287,1469228336][/doublepost]Found the manuscript and the rest of the Armour its all good :p
[doublepost=1469229986][/doublepost]I've found a bug, Peppin refuses to read me chapter 2 saying he hasn't finished reading the preceding chapters but I have read chapter one.


Praised Adventurer
No bug; Chapter 2 is available only once the first Mini-Boss has been defeated. You'll have to forgive ol' Pepin; he's a bit old and shaky.
If you at least inspect the mountains around Lakeshore, you should be able to pick out a candidate for opening a Passage to the rest of Rachdale. A bit more careful inspection still should enable picking out which of the surrounding mountains are rich in promise, and which are barren. There is even a mountain to the immediate South of Lakeshore with even greater Treasure..! Every time you leave a Map, then return, all of the Freebie stuff is there again to be had for the asking. Surely there's at least some Iron in there, no..? Again, this is really the training ground, just to get used to the feel of the Game; there are adventures much richer awaiting your departure. You can always come back; in fact it's almost mandatory as the story unfolds to re-visit old haunts, and speak again to old friends and neighbours. Their conversations can evolve as you progress. I'd advise, if you're now decently equipped, to venture out into the wider world. It's tough out there too, though; this is not an easy Game or stroll in the park. Try your luck out there, and see if there's not another region to be accessed and explored. The next major task, once out of the Lakeshore enclave, is opening a Passage to a cave to confront The Maze...
It certainly looks as if you're enjoying it for now, though; I congratulate you on your perseverance. Carry on, lad; you'll win through..!
I'll look into a way of getting Items and Food other than by scrounging. There are various shops in the Towns further on, but not right at the start. I'll see what I can come up with; the notion is far from ridiculous...
Let me know if you get stuck again, but you're doing a bit better than I would have expected, so I'm already pleased. Good work, lad..!


No bug; Chapter 2 is available only once the first Mini-Boss has been defeated. You'll have to forgive ol' Pepin; he's a bit old and shaky.
Ahh I see, thanks for the heads up, I will continue on then. :) I thought he would read me his whole journal from the getgo and thought I couldnt progress. I will let you know how I get on once Ive made some real progress.


Praised Adventurer
@casper ...

But you are making real progress, and so am I, thanks to your feedback..! I've installed an Item Shop in the only available building in the Village, so it's rather cramped, but still is able to supply a fine array of goods and chattels. I can't update as yet, as I've another evolution ongoing which needs a bit more thorough testing, but it's probably only a matter of this week-end or so. Version 0.5.0..! A milestone, coming soon...


@casper ...

But you are making real progress, and so am I, thanks to your feedback..! I've installed an Item Shop in the only available building in the Village, so it's rather cramped, but still is able to supply a fine array of goods and chattels. I can't update as yet, as I've another evolution ongoing which needs a bit more thorough testing, but it's probably only a matter of this week-end or so. Version 0.5.0..! A milestone, coming soon...
Yaay I'm glad to hear it! I actually made it to the top of the tower! was really starting to get into it but just as I was finishing up looting the chests I used a tent and I got this error.
[doublepost=1469240231,1469240161][/doublepost]Will suck that I need to replay all the cave and tower to get back to the point I was but its a good thing this was found. Maybe some more checkpoints/save points could be added? Until/if any bugs like this get found.


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Praised Adventurer
...I used a tent and I got this error...
Oh dear..! Catastrophe..! That's what comes of 'rationalising. I recognise the problem, and its solution; I'd changed the file names of a few pieces of music, to render them more informative, and had overlooked this one..! Fixed, of course, but, as you say, a darned shame. Humble apologies, and thanks for pointing it out. Well done, too, on reaching the Top of the Tower. You rifled the Chests; did you have enough Keys..? How about the Flames..? The tension mounts..!
I'll accelerate the next deployment; probably this afternoon, with the latest version...


It's cool, I've seen this issue before when my friend sent me his project to try out his intro. Straight of the bat on launch I had an error of a missing weather image and he had to send me the image before it ran. Once you update is it just a case of downloading again?


Praised Adventurer
@Dad3353 it just a case of downloading again?
@casper ...
Yes, indeed, but it takes a couple of hours to upload, so I don't usually do that too often. I'll see about sending it off in a few minute's time...

Edit: there, that's done. All is up-to-date with version 0.5.0, including missing (or rather, wrongly-named...) files.

I had a sudden flash, though, that you have no yet been added to the Credits..! Scandal..! To avoid uploading the whole lot again, here's the 'Common Event' file to replace the other in the 'data' folder once downloaded...

Common Event file ...

Unpardonable, but corrected now. Sorry (blush)

Don't forget, if downloading this new version, to firstly copy to a safe place your current 'save' folder, as putting in place the contents of the 'zip' file can overwrite the present 'Rachdale Cheese' game folder, losing all of its contents. It would be a shame to have to start again (although with the new Item Shop and other improvements, it's not such a big deal. I'm certain there's more yet to be found in Lakeshare..!).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the progression from here; I'm still working on ahead on more phases for later.
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Praised Adventurer
Dad3353 updated Rachdale Cheese Demo with a new update entry:

Rachdale Cheese Demo, Web version + Downloadable 'zip' files for Windows & Mac

A milestone, with the new, 0.5.0 version. Does this mean it's halfway to completion..? Or even closer..? We'll see...
Still more improvements, many suggested by previous Testers, such as an Item Shop in the opening Village, so that one may compose one's own preferred Items before setting out into the wider OverWorld. Still more Maps, with adventures taking us East, then South, now North, with puzzles, challenges and, of course, Mini-Bosses to overcome. Hours of fun, with not a little...
Read the rest of this update entry...