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Rachdale Cheese Demo

RPG Maker Rachdale Cheese Demo Teaser..!

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Following on from feedback requested on this forum, I've come up with a new way of presenting my Game, so that one may have a look through several different pageants, without having to go through all the intermediate stages (which would take several hours, at least...). Now in the form of a graphical Menu screen, in which one may 'walk' the Hero over a Map and choose which spot to try out. There is an indication of the initial sequence, but the Maps may be visited in any order, really. Each has been primed with an appropriate party, at a reasonable Level expected at this stage, and all the Items, Weapons etc that would normally be present. Much is missed in the unfolding of the Story, of course (but that can be rectified by embarking on the full adventure with the Demo, still posted and active...)
The link above is to the Web version, hosted on my Google Drive (not ideal, but it's all I have...); there are also identical 'zipped' versions for both Windows and Mac to be downloaded and run locally.
Here's some screen shots of the new Map Menu and a couple of Maps, to whet your appetite (well, it's a Teaser, after all..!)
The Menu Map (shame you can't see its sparkling animation..!)...
The Maze is proposed...
The Maze starts here...
... and here is the start of one of the Lava Caves...
Even presented in this fashion, there are nearly 50 Maps to explore, some of them huge..! Now, though you may dip in and out at your leisure.
As usual, comments and suggestions are very welcome.
This version is very unlikely to be updated, although the complete Game continues to develop, unless any major errors crop up (improbable, as I've tested it extensively, but one never knows..!)
Thanks for reading this; meanwhile... Enjoy...
A milestone, with the new, 0.5.0 version. Does this mean it's halfway to completion..? Or even closer..? We'll see...
Still more improvements, many suggested by previous Testers, such as an Item Shop in the opening Village, so that one may compose one's own preferred Items before setting out into the wider OverWorld. Still more Maps, with adventures taking us East, then South, now North, with puzzles, challenges and, of course, Mini-Bosses to overcome. Hours of fun, with not a little head-scratching, and maybe even a sly chuckle or two. Who will be the first to claim the Rachdale Cheese, eh..? (... and that's only half of the story..!).
Thanks to those having tested this so far. If anyone would like to comment (good or bad...) on my modest offering, they, too, will be added to the Credits at next update. Try your luck, test your skills, embark on a classic hunt for...
The Rachdale Cheese..!
More Maps added (now well over sixty..!), even better functionality when in the Overworld and other Maps with a HUD Health Bar added. For the really brave, there's even a Rachdale Chees now to be discovered..!
As usual, any comments welcomed...
Yes, extended still further, with a singular of boars to contend with in the South Forest, which leads to the Lost Forest South, then a Forest of Decay, a Lost Forest North and finally a North Forest culminating in the Northern Plains. Still ongoing, but nearing completion more each passing day. Try it; you may be pleasantly surprised. As usual, any comments will be credited, just as the help given and resources made available are credited. Want to join in and be put on the list..? Just click and play; it's on t'web..!
Windows and Mac versions are available for download, too, of course, here...

Rachdale Cheese Demo, 'zipped' files for Windows and Mac ...

The latest version, extended even further, with a 3rd and 4th Party Member to enroll, a Dragon to combat between the Lava Caves, burning Ropes and heat-proof Mithril Tress... The list of improvements goes on and on...
It says 'Demo', but it's evolved into a fully playable game, with hours of puzzles, Items to find, folks to talk to (the conversations alone have many hundreds of permutations, and give pertinent clues...).
Windows and Mac versions are available in 'zip' files on the Google Drive hosting this; the link is here...

Rachdale Cheese Demo 'zipped' files for Windows and Mac ...

I'd still like to read criticism (or, indeed, praise..! (joking) ); any feedback will be acknowledged in the Game Credits (can be read on the Hero's Home table...).
Thanks for reading this, and 'Enjoy..!'
A few minor detail corrections and a major overhaul of the Food and Recipe system, adding a new Item, Seasoning, which, when used with a Recipe, gives a permanent boost to Max HP. New Spells can be found with the Mystics, who are also able to repair Rune Items.
There is now a third Party member to be discovered in the Fort canteen. Things are hotting up..! Progress continues...
This Web version can be found at the same Google Drive address. As before, any comments and suggestions are welcome, and will be acknowledged by a mention in the Credits screen (can be triggered by the document on the table in the Hero's Home...
Thanks in advance for trying out the Demo. (Well, I still call it a Demo, as it's not yet completed, but it's entirely playable, and will take more than a few hours to complete, even as it stands. You have been warned..! ;-) )
Well, I asked for feedback, and feedback I did get. It seems that the general consensus favours having text boxes that go when the Player clicks, rather than my auto-boxes, so I've gone through the lot (nearly 2500 of 'em...) and changed 'em to 'sticky' boxes, as per normal. I'll get used to it, I suppose, and there were several mentioning this, so I've bowed to public pressure. Keep 'em coming; that's how these games get improved..!
Other small changes, but nothing to perturb, I don't think. I'm not sure if past 'Save's are recognised; I lost mine, but was doing quite a lot 'behind the scenes', so may have trodden where I shouldn't have.
The 'zipped', downloadables will be updated shortly, when I get a few hours of bandwidth free to dedicate to that; meanwhile...
Stay safe, have fun, enjoy..!

Edit: Just to add that the downloadable versions for each platform have now, in their turn, been updated to v0.4.4, still at the same Google Drive link, of course.
Minor update, not compatible with existing 'Save's ...

1 - Chicken Run improved
2 - World Map extended; now has volcanic zone, with Damage Floor
3 - Rune items completed and distributed on Map
4 - 'Save' now available only at rest points (Home, or Inns...) or Tents
5 - RV Stripper used to optimise download time

Next step..? 3rd Mini-Boss and travelling North..!

The external download link is the same as the previous Windows , Mac OSX and Web versions. Android version being worked on (more complex than foreseen...). Web version works on local PC, but problems subsist when hosted. 'RV 'Help Request' ongoing to find a solution. A Test Web version is hosted on the same Google Drive as the downloads, if anyone wants to try it out.
Minor update, doesn't affect compatibility with existing 'Save's ...

1 - New Magic weapons and armour available
2 - New Mystic character, able to handle Magic items
3 - Original music added for Mystic's home
4 - Clues and Player information updated to include new Magic items
5 - New Runes added, needed to obtain Magic items

The external download link is the same as the previous Windows and Mac OSX versions. Android version almost ready (music files yet to be converted to M4a...).

Edit: Not a new version; simply yannouncing the upload of this same version deployed for both Android and Web browser. I've not the material for testing the Android version; any feedback concerning either its success or failure to run would be welcome, thanks in advance.
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Minor update, doesn't affect compatibility with existing 'Save's ...

1 - Small Copy/Paste error in an Event sent the Hero to unexpected places..!
2 - A Door Event had a mis-fitting graphic.
3 - Revision of two maps, adding conditional Back Ground Music, and much improved Sound Effects (SE...).
4 - Improved, extended conversations with NPC's with even more variations upon receiving gifts.
5 - Improved SE for some doors.

The external download link is the same as the previous version.