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Search results

  1. CraftGeek

    Dreamstone Destiny

    After completely forgetting that I saved most of my files to my drive, I found them the other day and will most likely be picking this back up and slowly working on it. I'm not sure how much I have gotten done and what files were actually saved. I might have to redo some of the resources in the...
  2. CraftGeek

    [One Word Game] A story

  3. CraftGeek

    RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

    Hey CraftGeek here, I'll give it a go, been wanting to get back into game making. BTW, love the new look of the site.
  4. CraftGeek

    Dream Tilesets

    Glad you you could use this. Your game sounds really interesting.
  5. CraftGeek

    Happy Easter. Have a great day!!!!

    Happy Easter. Have a great day!!!!
  6. CraftGeek

    Farming Icons [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  7. CraftGeek


    Yanfly has a plugin that makes this possible. Here is the link: She also has a quest system plugin:
  8. CraftGeek

    RNG of a Game Theme???

    That would be interesting game to play :-)
  9. CraftGeek

    Zebestian's Music Box

    Such a happy song. Makes me want to take a walk through that forest!!!!!
  10. CraftGeek

    Got moved and the internet back. Now here's hoping everything unpacks itself :-)

    Got moved and the internet back. Now here's hoping everything unpacks itself :-)
  11. CraftGeek

    Moving stinks!!!! I'll be without internet for about a day and a half :-(

    Moving stinks!!!! I'll be without internet for about a day and a half :-(
  12. CraftGeek

    Zebestian's Music Box

    That's really good. It does remind me Zelda (which is a series I absolutely love!!!!).
  13. CraftGeek

    Zebestian's Music Box

    These are very nice. I don't usually mess with the sound in my game til the very end, but a few of these will work nicely with what I'm working on at the moment.
  14. CraftGeek

    Random battles or Not?

    I prefer on map encounters, but random encounters are fine as long it I can take 5 steps without having to fight :-)
  15. CraftGeek

    My Introduction

    Welcome, there are a lot of good resources here, both free and paid.
  16. CraftGeek

    Graphics Amy's MV Resources

    Got em updated and will be using them in a future project.
  17. CraftGeek

    Graphics Amy's MV Resources

    You did a great job with these. I love the characters from Ace.
  18. CraftGeek

    Clean Sweep: Tutorial Town

    You could have a part of the town blocked off so the player couldn't get to it until they reach a certain point in the game.
  19. CraftGeek

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    That sounds really interesting.
  20. CraftGeek

    T E M

    This looks interesting. I really like the artwork.