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Search results

  1. CraftGeek

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Okay. I'll get it to you as soon as I get it uploaded somewhere. Thanks.
  2. CraftGeek

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Okay, so I think I've got my game done. I've tested and tested and tested some more (I have had a lot of time to work on this). I have worked out the crashing issue and fixed the problems I've found. My only problem is uploading it. Is there a specific place to upload my game?
  3. CraftGeek

    Game Crashes

    I did, but I was able to make a couple of them the same event because they were about the same part of the story.
  4. CraftGeek

    Game Crashes

    All the plugins I'm using are Yanfly's plugins. I haven't tried using one at a time. I have another game that I started a while ago that using all the plugins I'm currently using and have not encountered this problem. It may just be my computer though. Is it possible I had too many events...
  5. CraftGeek

    Game Crashes

    I turned off all my plugins and that seemed to help. It hasn't crashed yet, but I'm still testing. The music and movement are still laggy, but that's probably just my computer. It does that with other games as well.
  6. CraftGeek

    Game Crashes

    Nothing popped up on the console. It did crash while I was looking at the console. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe it might be my laptop. It's fairly new, but has very little memory. Everything is kind of laggy ingame, movement, music, se, etc. Could that be the problem? I'm using some plugins...
  7. CraftGeek

    Game Crashes

    I've completed my game and I am in the process of play testing. I don't get very far when my game crashes. Meaning, it just shuts down. No error messages, nothing. I've play tested each individual map and event, but when I test the game as a whole, it stops working on one map. I don't any events...
  8. CraftGeek

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Thanks. I'lll do that.
  9. CraftGeek

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Okay, so, I'm not sure if I can ask for help with my game for the contest, if not that's fine. Here's my problem, My game is done except for play testing. I don't get too far when my crashes and I've looked and looked and can't find the problem. If you can't help that's okay. I understand that...
  10. CraftGeek

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    I got alot more than I thought I would done. A few characters and maps. Nothing fancy though, just trying to keep it simple.
  11. CraftGeek

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Both. I've only been playing around with rpg maker for a few months. I've made a game in Ace, but it still needs alot of work. I've kind of put aside for now. Started a game in MV, but it's going slow.
  12. CraftGeek

    Game Dev Battle Contest

    Yay! I'm really excited about this. This is the first time I'm attempting something like this. Lots of ideas floating inside my head.
  13. CraftGeek

    First Battler

    I don't know much about photo editing software, so its just trial and error for me, but I guess that's the way it is for everybody.
  14. CraftGeek

    First Battler

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to try to make it look a little better, but as my first attempt, I got a little frustrated with it.
  15. CraftGeek

    First Battler

    AngelAldredge updated First Battler with a new update entry: In Game Pic Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. CraftGeek

    RPG Maker First Battler - In Game Pic

    Here is a pic of what it looks like in the game.
  17. CraftGeek

    First Battler

    AngelAldredge submitted a new resource: First Battler - Rock Monster Read more about this resource...
  18. CraftGeek

    RPG Maker First Battler 2016-04-09

    This is my first attempt at making an enemy. I made this use as part of a mining system. Feel free to use this, it is only RTP edits. Credit appreciated, but not necessary.