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Search results

  1. CraftGeek

    Golden Temple

    Wow, this looks really good. Do you have any other temples that you've done this kind of thing with. I would definitely be using this in one of my game projects.
  2. CraftGeek

    Visual or Non-Visual Encounters

    Thanks for the advice, I'll be working on my monster database this week.
  3. CraftGeek

    Visual or Non-Visual Encounters

    Thanks, I'm leaning toward visible, but testing both to see which one will work for my game. I'll have to check out Yanfly's Clasdms Based Enemies. I usually have a pretty hard time getting everything balanced with the monsters.
  4. CraftGeek

    Visual or Non-Visual Encounters

    I'm going to be working on the monsters and encounters in my game and wanted to see what everyone thought. Do you prefer visual encounters (where you can see the enemy and fight if you want to) or non-visual encounters (default, where you're walking and you encounter monsters)? Let me know what...
  5. CraftGeek

    Looking for Beta Testers - Plugins & Game

    Sounds good, just let me know what I need to do.
  6. CraftGeek

    Looking for Beta Testers - Plugins & Game

    I'd be interested in beta-testing this for you.
  7. CraftGeek

    That moment when you realize that you got a little ambitious with your project :-( Now to redo...

    That moment when you realize that you got a little ambitious with your project :-( Now to redo quite a bit of my database.
  8. CraftGeek

    Happy Father's Day!!!!!!

    Happy Father's Day!!!!!!
  9. CraftGeek

    The feeling you get when you've finished setting up your new computer :-)

    The feeling you get when you've finished setting up your new computer :-)
  10. CraftGeek

    Final Chaos: Saving Chevallia (early developement)

    This looks great. I'm looking forward to playing the demo.
  11. CraftGeek

    In Need of A Mapper

    I'll see what I can do about putting it back. I'll work on that and get back to you, if you'd like. Here's another one that I did, it has the river going through it.
  12. CraftGeek

    Dreamstone Destiny

    Redoing all of the icons for Dreamstone Destiny. I was wanting to incorporate some crafting and mining, but couldn't get it figured out in Ace, so I'm going to attempt it in MV. I'll also have some harvesting. I'll be posting some screenshots of some maps I'm adding to the game, a new city and a...
  13. CraftGeek


    AngelAldredge submitted a new resource: Statues-n-Stones - Recolor of RTP Dungeon Tiles Read more about this resource...
  14. CraftGeek

    RPG Maker Statues-n-Stones 2017-05-20

    This is just a recolor of some of the statues and columns and rocks in the Dungeon tileset. Here is a map showing a little of what I've done. Hope you enjoy it!!!
  15. CraftGeek

    Happy Mother's Day!!!!

    Happy Mother's Day!!!!
  16. CraftGeek

    Dreamstone Destiny

    Redid one of the maps, Castle Zafer. Originally I made it look like a demon Lord's Castle, but wanted to do something different since Zafer is a Dark Elf Lord, not a demon. So here is a before and after shot. What do you think? Any feedback is appreciated.
  17. CraftGeek

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    Here is the link to my entry: Dreamstone Destiny
  18. CraftGeek

    In Need of A Mapper

    Here is a map edit of the sample maps I did. I took the Forest Town map and completely redid it with the RTP tiles and made it look like a desert town.I also moved a few building around to make it bit different from the original. I did use Cyanide's desert tiles for the foliage and things. I...
  19. CraftGeek

    Dreamstone Destiny

    MinisterJay helped me get the pics posted. Yes, I did resize a lot of things, but not everything. I don't find it that hard to resize for MV, just takes a couple of minutes to resize in Photoshop.
  20. CraftGeek

    Dreamstone Destiny

    Join Rhaena as she travels the world of Elysia to find allies in her quest to defeat Lord Zafer. Rhaena,a seemingly ordinary elf tasked to save the Prince and stop Lord Zafer Prince Taemeron, abducted by Lord Zafer. Caito, a thief from the mountain village of Sylvarspel. Pandora, a...