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  1. UngraguGaming

    Rebranded myself as Tiny Horse Development!

    Though I would like to know how to change my username to match.....
  2. UngraguGaming

    Rebranded myself to Tiny Horse Development!

    Rebranded myself to Tiny Horse Development!
  3. UngraguGaming

    Certain Tiles Not Working- please help

    What platform is this on? Because I saw the xbox logo on one of your screenshots. Also, in the future, put your screenshots in a spoiler box.
  4. UngraguGaming

    Sideview Actor Enemies

    @Photon816 In img/svactors, y'know, where you'd normally put one.
  5. UngraguGaming

    Certain Tiles Not Working- please help

    Do you have any tileset/map-related plugins in use? Show a screenshot of your plugins list--there could be some issues occurring. Also, what is your current RMMV version?
  6. UngraguGaming

    HALP! Can't see resources

    Also are your character images in img/characters?
  7. UngraguGaming

    HALP! Can't see resources

    @Kurusca What version are you using?
  8. UngraguGaming

    Thoughts on Title Image?

    I am currently trying to work on a base image for my title screen. Starting out simple and working my way forward. How does this design currently look? I cranked this out using Piskelapp and Pixlr, but will switch over to using Gimp 2 pretty soon.
  9. UngraguGaming

    Time and Time Again - Recruiting Part-Time! :-)

    I, for one, am curious. What manner of puzzles are you looking to implement?
  10. UngraguGaming

    And so Project Bellmont has been named: I give you....Advent:Eden!

    And so Project Bellmont has been named: I give you....Advent:Eden!
  11. UngraguGaming

    Tileset Scots Pine Project

    @Ronivan Nice--this makes it look pretty simple!
  12. UngraguGaming

    Completely Random event

    He mentioned this in a thread on here, if I recall. You could make it so the common event also deals with changing the sprite, and then just have it play in a parallel blank sprite or something.
  13. UngraguGaming

    I now know the power of Piskel. It is a fearsome beast indeed.

    I now know the power of Piskel. It is a fearsome beast indeed.
  14. UngraguGaming

    Currently figuring out a Casting Delay system for my game, code-named "Bellmont".

    Currently figuring out a Casting Delay system for my game, code-named "Bellmont".
  15. UngraguGaming

    Main Menu on Map

    I might consider seeing if one take this and apply it to Moghunter's Monogatari menu..... (hurt)
  16. UngraguGaming

    Main Menu on Map

    We've all been there. Really? So, I'm assuming that means all of your project's encounters are random rather than evented. For a while I was on the fence as to whether to do events or random for encounters. Landed on random after some struggle with events.
  17. UngraguGaming

    Extra Status Effect Icons!

    UngraguGaming submitted a new resource: Extra Status Effect Icons! - I got sick of using the element icons for Burn or Petrify and such, we are! Read more about this resource...
  18. UngraguGaming

    RPG Maker Extra Status Effect Icons! 2019-04-09

    Here's what I have so far:
  19. UngraguGaming

    Main Menu on Map

    Oof. How did that happen? Also, that's neat--sounds great for if somebody's doing an active battle system, so they can't abuse the pause you get from opening the menu.