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  1. polar_fawkes

    I exported my overland maps as images and stitched together a world map. Open-ended world design.

    link to image: Figured I’d post this a couple places. I see a lot of work-in-progress maps for linear JRPG-type games, but not a lot for open world game design. I’m a little over 2 and a half years in development, and this...
  2. polar_fawkes

    Fantasy Realm: A Land Torn Asunder

    Fantasy Realm: A Land Torn Asunder Greetings, wayfarer! I have been developing an open world rpg for the past few years, and I am happy to announce that the early access is now available on Steam! It's about 20-30 hours of content as of now, and I'd like to get feedback on late-game...
  3. polar_fawkes

    hey bud! realized WindowPop was causing major lag in 1.5, hopped over to your site, and saw...

    hey bud! realized WindowPop was causing major lag in 1.5, hopped over to your site, and saw you're rewriting it! awesome! any eta on that? super critical plugin to my game :D hope all's well!
  4. polar_fawkes

    Suuup! So I absolutely LOVE your event labels. I'm using them on my enemies. However, upon...

    Suuup! So I absolutely LOVE your event labels. I'm using them on my enemies. However, upon 'Erase Event,' the label is retained. Ie it can't be used on enemies :( I would prefer to use yours over Yanfly's, as it adds a level of polish Yanfly's lacks, and allows for certain enemies to be...
  5. polar_fawkes

    Trouble giving Weapon/Armor/Item[<Variable X>]

    Nice! Bookmarked. Thank you!
  6. polar_fawkes

    Trouble giving Weapon/Armor/Item[<Variable X>]

    Hey all, I've got a pretty simple question, scanned a few forums and couldn't find the answer. I've set up a system where an item/weapon/armor is stored in variable 101, and it's then passed back to a local event, which then uses that variable to know which item/weapon/armor to give the...
  7. polar_fawkes

    my mechDRUID deck is pretty brutal lmao. cant believe it worked.

    my mechDRUID deck is pretty brutal lmao. cant believe it worked.
  8. polar_fawkes

    WAT -_- thats bullshit dude... good luck w the new version!

    WAT -_- thats bullshit dude... good luck w the new version!
  9. polar_fawkes

    i... how are you here then? netPidgeons?

    i... how are you here then? netPidgeons?
  10. polar_fawkes

    Do games inspire you to make/work on your project?

    absolutely, but if it's too close to my game i'll get disheartened. booted up witcher 3 the other day, a bunch of shit i thought i invented was in that game. but that just makes me work harder as well, so i guess the answer is 'yes' across-the-board.
  11. polar_fawkes

    A different direction.

    holy fuuuuuck the composition of that shot is gorgeous! welcome to the forums, new friend. let us know if you get stuck on an issue!
  12. polar_fawkes


    suuuup! welcome :D film vet here myself, designing open world rpg while studio takes it's goddamn time shooting the 2 shorts i sold them lol (shooting on Alexa, so timeline makes sense haha). keep us posted on your storytelling!
  13. polar_fawkes

    Mad Pumpkin Infestation

    holy christ... i read like 2 sentences. but click the 'resources' button at the top lol. also, hi.
  14. polar_fawkes

    What domain name should I get

    keep it short. 'tmcollective' might be best. 'toxic' and 'monkeys' are words that people will react to. by having it be {acronym}{professionals} they'll be visiting without preconception
  15. polar_fawkes

    RPG turn based system(core) dieing?!

    it's actually gotten wayyyy better. when real time combat became viable, everyone was developing in that format. lately there's been a relatively huge resurgence. (ie past 6 years or so). from 2000-2010, everything was realtime. even final fantasy switched to real time at that point. the...
  16. polar_fawkes

    What are you listening to right now?

    an alchemical trifecta atm. wake up early, watch an ep or 2 of ranma, then i throw this bad boy on. ice cube's "raw footage".: now i'm immune to any doubt, so i throw on the work-groove, 'vexillology' by the mau5: by now i've likely hit up any new film gigs within a 500-mile radius, so...
  17. polar_fawkes

    Posting Contest!

    Username: mistFAWKES Current Post Count: 88 Form of Payment:[/b] Steam What an amazing idea! Love it!
  18. polar_fawkes

    *raises executioner's axe. cuts nearly 300sq mi of overworld. dawn of 150th day of production...

    *raises executioner's axe. cuts nearly 300sq mi of overworld. dawn of 150th day of production, 120sq mi remain*
  19. polar_fawkes

    dude! sorry to hear that :/ we each have the opportunity to carry our wonderful relatives...

    dude! sorry to hear that :/ we each have the opportunity to carry our wonderful relatives spirits with us in our lives. let her impact on you shine through your perspective, attitude, and actions. hope all's well :)
  20. polar_fawkes

    Day and Night Cycle & Calendar

    you should just have a parallel common within your primary game loop that runs your time engine. that's what i've got going. you need to be able to plug into the system in a million places. keep track of days/weeks/months. and unlike base 10 numbers, you have to teach rpgm how many seconds in an...