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  1. polar_fawkes

    *gives 5 star review of graphical resource, commending the spritesheet format* *isnt actually a...

    *gives 5 star review of graphical resource, commending the spritesheet format* *isnt actually a spritesheet, im being dumb* *ct_bolt releases spritesheet of said resource overnight, ready before my first cup of coffee for the day* you are excellent :D thank you
  2. polar_fawkes

    dude loving the windowpop updates! keep up the great work! looking forward to playing the game...

    dude loving the windowpop updates! keep up the great work! looking forward to playing the game you're developing :D
  3. polar_fawkes

    omfg ive been looking for a vehicle bgm fix for half an hour. google it, find my own goddamn...

    omfg ive been looking for a vehicle bgm fix for half an hour. google it, find my own goddamn post where you already made one for me. *slaps self* testing now
  4. polar_fawkes

    hey dude! always on the lookout for spritesheets of loose random-ass objects. i build my...

    hey dude! always on the lookout for spritesheets of loose random-ass objects. i build my gameplay around available resources, so anything from a boot to a book to a statuette, i'll definitely use it! you're already in the credits for my game so it's just a matter of drag'n'drop. thanks again for...
  5. polar_fawkes

    yeah i was trying to go 11B, then i decided fuck jerry brown and fuck obama. imma finish my game...

    yeah i was trying to go 11B, then i decided fuck jerry brown and fuck obama. imma finish my game and hire my own goddamn ex-special forces militia. create my own military base, then go through basic
  6. polar_fawkes

    oh man. so much happened. visited native american nations. looking into Cali national...

    oh man. so much happened. visited native american nations. looking into Cali national guard/forest service as dayjob. found gold ore. fun!!!
  7. polar_fawkes

    right on :D mind letting me know when you've uploaded? my life is craaaazy right now (in a great...

    right on :D mind letting me know when you've uploaded? my life is craaaazy right now (in a great way!)
  8. polar_fawkes

    hey man how'd that memory fix from pixi work out?

    hey man how'd that memory fix from pixi work out?
  9. polar_fawkes

    Are Educational Games in RPG Maker a good idea?

    dude. crazy game man. that mustve taken so goddamn long to make. but the fact remains, if you're not some thizzed out rave simian w insane skills, ig maker would be easier for action :P
  10. polar_fawkes

    either way im goddamn tired. to do: smoke a 27. eat half a sandwich. watch team dd as i fall asleep

    either way im goddamn tired. to do: smoke a 27. eat half a sandwich. watch team dd as i fall asleep
  11. polar_fawkes

    drove from Sac->LA, then LA->SD... where do i move to though lmao. still thinking austin, but...

    drove from Sac->LA, then LA->SD... where do i move to though lmao. still thinking austin, but i've got a lead on insanely cheap rent in WA
  12. polar_fawkes

    Mod Campaign is under way!

    whaaaaat of COURSE this is the week i'm afk all day. when i get to austin/seattle/wherever the fuck i end up going, i demand satisfaction(in the form of cool-guy status) in all seriousness, right on to the volunteers!
  13. polar_fawkes

    Are Educational Games in RPG Maker a good idea?

    the reader rabbit series was incredible dude. i'm going to play the devil's advocate here re: no such thing as a bad game idea in RPGM: first person games would be a bitch. real-time combat is much better accomplished via IG Maker or one of its competitors. to be completely honest, the OP's game...
  14. polar_fawkes

    Hello, I'm the new guy!

    welcome dude! let us know if you need any help! worth checking out:
  15. polar_fawkes

    Are Educational Games in RPG Maker a good idea?

    absolutely this can be done! you could have each turn of a battle show a message with a simple arithmetic problem, and display 3-6 answers to choose from. you'll have to familiarize yourself with the non-educational aspects to the engine first, but there is and has always been a market for...
  16. polar_fawkes

    LMAO i see whats going on here!! THIS IS SOME EAST WEST SHIT ISNT IT! :D dude this is some...

    LMAO i see whats going on here!! THIS IS SOME EAST WEST SHIT ISNT IT! :D dude this is some interesting stuff. which one of these guys should i look into first? i've pretty much exhausted the death row->NWA chain, down to start my east side education
  17. polar_fawkes

    found an old prototype using Neverwinter Nights 2 engine

    if you're not familiar, NWN2's editor was basically a better 3d version of RPG Maker using Dungeon and Dragons' ruleset. Came w like 90 classes to play with lmao. So good. On GOG if you're interested (but again u can't make money off the work you do, so its a financial dead end. good practice...
  18. polar_fawkes

    found an old prototype using Neverwinter Nights 2 engine

    hey guys! found an old prototype vid, thought i'd share with you! god, i would love to license this engine (would have to make a deal w bioware AND wizards of the coast, not gonna happen, they hate eachother now i think). what i find great is how i was able to direct the player without...
  19. polar_fawkes

    Choice-Oriented RPG Creation

    @BlacksmithMV ok one more, i know this seems unrelated but if you do everything in this tutorial you should be up to speed re: gameloops/functions/procs. super easy to do. chapters on the left because now i see what u did there :P
  20. polar_fawkes

    Choice-Oriented RPG Creation

    lmao @HotfireLegend you're an ass agreed @HotfireLegend re realtime day/night cycles! i in particular am drawin a lot of inspiration from majora's mask regarding time though, so there's mechanics behind it (and camping/sleeping, as a result, becomes important in that case). in general though if...