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  1. A13XIS

    Hey, you've studied music theory, right? Could you give me some suggestions on my compositions...

    Hey, you've studied music theory, right? Could you give me some suggestions on my compositions when you have some spare time? We're following each other on soundcloud, but you can find the links to my tracks in this post if you don't want to search for them yourself...
  2. A13XIS

    Yay, I have something to do AFTER my exams! @[1:@Xyphien] Always glad to help and stuffffffffff

    Yay, I have something to do AFTER my exams! @[1:@Xyphien] Always glad to help and stuffffffffff
  3. A13XIS

    No it's not ^^

    No it's not ^^
  4. A13XIS

    Alexises's stuff

    ... World! I made a lot of "things" lately and I think it would be nice to show it to a small but hearty community. Since this is the Art-Forum I'll post only the following two things in here MUSIC There's a soundcloud full of that! To my "old style" compositions To my "new style"...
  5. A13XIS

    How to a make a Poke-style game?

    We kind of stopped active development 3 Moths ago, because nobody had time for this (including myself). I plan to restart the process in march, but at the moment we just have a bunch of design documents.
  6. A13XIS

    Two truths, One lie.

    Oho, we got a smartass over here! That's totally right. Well, now that I know that 2 is true... 1?
  7. A13XIS

    Two truths, One lie.

    Oh, everybody's lies have been already uncovered. Okay, My turn! :D 1. I'm studying linguistics as a "second course" 2. I <3 Sushi 3. For some reason, my brain has a feminine structure @DireDimes Of course Jiriki guessed it wrong, your mood is set on strarving. How mean!
  8. A13XIS

    Clicking on Banner Ads

    If you mean accidentally, then no. But this should never happen anyway. Otherwise you can do that by clicking on the ad with the mouse wheel.
  9. A13XIS

    Plugin +GUI: MVLing, translating your games

    Oh Hai, I'm doing a program to translating an RPGMMV project. How it works GUI replaces certain strings with a key. The Plugin turns this keys back to a string in the specified language at Runtime Simple right? The problem is, that after the modification, the MV can't open it anymore. You...
  10. A13XIS

    Greeting, mortals

    Well then. Hi! Nice to meet you (smile). Welcome to the community! You know what? Neither am I (tongue)
  11. A13XIS

    Also I can recommend you the General User GS Soundfont. It just sounds great. It even has a real...

    Also I can recommend you the General User GS Soundfont. It just sounds great. It even has a real Choir
  12. A13XIS

    I'm afraid the best solution is gaining more experience and or knowledge how music works...

    I'm afraid the best solution is gaining more experience and or knowledge how music works. Though It might help to use the real instruments (or their samples). Unless, of course, you want to make electronic music. Then you need some wellformed electronic instruments.
  13. A13XIS

    Free Game/Program Keys

    Hello once again! I've bought a lot of Game bundles lately and more often than not they got games in them I know I don't want to play. Since none of my friends want them I'll just post them here. If you can't or don't want to find a more fitting platform for giving away keys, you can do it here...
  14. A13XIS

    I need a favor

    Oops. I kinda overlook your answer, sorry ^^ I think we should do this via PM. Did someone already helped you on the creative side?
  15. A13XIS

    I need a favor

    *Hit* Btw. Which errors do you get when installing photoshop? Maybe it's better fix your copy instead?
  16. A13XIS

    Legend of Zelda resources

    Well it's legal to use LoZ-style sprites (ones, which aren't ripped from the games), aka use the copyrighted characters for a fangame, because Fan games are transformative, but this would require someone to make "accidentally similar" spritesets and I never saw one of those.
  17. A13XIS

    Next Project: MVLinguist. A GUI for translating Your games and stuff...

    Next Project: MVLinguist. A GUI for translating Your games and stuff...
  18. A13XIS

    Okay, You've convinced me. I do the poll

    Okay, You've convinced me. I do the poll
  19. A13XIS

    Yay. Someone took my poll (or however you call it) <3

    Yay. Someone took my poll (or however you call it) <3
  20. A13XIS

    Oh yeah. Or maybe I just shouldn't call it a Pokeclone game... Because it's not... I know. I...

    Oh yeah. Or maybe I just shouldn't call it a Pokeclone game... Because it's not... I know. I make a poll to see if people like polls!