That's what toaster ovens and hot plates are for. If your appliance runs on gas, just buy electric alternatives. =)I hate to do this, but you get the buzzer noise. I'm a pyrophobe, and can't even be near a gas stove without panicking. I did try learning but...At this stage, I'm terrified too much to try. Wish me luck making ramen. -.-
Hrm...Being chubby isn't all that surprising to me, I am too- it's especially hard not to be if you're surrounded by tasty food. Having an older sibling isn't uncommon but neither is drinking tons of soda. That said, I'm still gonna go with the third being the least likely. Especially with your blood pressure, having soda can be hard on the body. Not that it /has/ to be caffeinated but...that's just how my brain works.
I'm going to say you don't have a guitar. Pets are incredibly common, and laptops tend to be more common than guitars, in my experience.For me...
1. I have no guitar
2. I have no lap top
3. I have no pet.
I'm afraid that two was true. I'm ambidextrous. Though I do love that you used the wing theory! It's funny for a lot of reasons to me.Hmmm.... I'm gonna say 2 is the lie! I see you flapping those wings over there....
Let's see...
1. I love to sew.
2. I've never been outside of the US.
3. I can't snap my fingers. are wrong. I do have a guitar. However, this way you still pointed at the statement which was a lie.I'm going to say you don't have a guitar. Pets are incredibly common, and laptops tend to be more common than guitars, in my experience.
Well, I think EVERYONE does productive things SOMETIMES. ;) Also i never heard of a n aerosol-sensitivity so I say 2 is a lie...1. I've been to an opera.
2. I'm sensitive to aerosol products
3. I actually do productive things sometimes.
Sadly, aerosol-sensitivity is a thing, and I have it. I can't be too close to it or I choke badly. are wrong. I do have a guitar. However, this way you still pointed at the statement which was a lie.
Well, I think EVERYONE does productive things SOMETIMES. ;) Also i never heard of a n aerosol-sensitivity so I say 2 is a lie...
New statements:
1. There are some spiders which can actually glide and almost fly with winglike chiting plates on their backs
2. There is a crustacean parasite that destroys the tongue of its host and afterward takes the place of the tongue
3. There are snail species which are predators and hunt for pray
I'm guessing 2 to be the lie, even though 9 seems like an exact number.I'm guessing #3 is a lie? Since it seems the most... idk.. Boring? XD
1. I'm a great cook.
2. I own 9 pet rats.
3. I used to be a voice actor.
3 is correct Jiriki9! Sadly I've never been on a plane, but I've been on a road trip.You're right Nessa.
GrantDaGreat68...tough. I take 3, because that would, to me, be the most surprising if it IS the lie. ;)
Oho, we got a smartass over here!Sushi? Nay, 2 is a lie.
Well, now that I know that 2 is true...1. I'm a chainsmoker.
2. I'm a bit of a smartass.
3. I'm a big procrastrinator.